Be it as it may, that these may certainly be assumed to be the rantings of a madman, it's still always been fun for everyone to sit back and watch. This thing I'm eluding to of course is science fiction. Some of it we have come to realize is becoming science fact. These are the movies that always get me. Since they are happening in the world around us. Much like the black mirror series. Sometimes we just push extremes. Or, we isolate variables.
But @klye has decided that it is within his ability to bind AI to the task of creating for itself the body it would desire if it were given free reign on its own dedicated 3d printer. Potentially creating something very beautiful, or maybe our worst nightmare? Who is to know.
The most common conception of any robot in the mainstream has always been in (or similar to) the likeness of our selves. But is this body really as efficient as it could be? Or is it just this way on account of this is the way we evolved. Or, was that...As a result of this mighty "Lord Mormon" putting us here (along with all the dinosaur fossils) 800-1200 years ago? Either way, I still get a feeling that I'd be able to get a whole hell of a lot more done if I had something like 15 arms.
But that's not for me to decide. We will unleash an army of 3D printed robot bodies onto this planet, and see what happens! Mwahahaha!
They may just be some of the friendliest little buggers you've ever met.
Who knows how to write a good safeguard for the human species?