The beast lives - pt.2

in steem •  7 years ago 

Once I was posting regularily on steemit, I hodl'd up nearly 30 steem dollars. When our rates spiked up to $17USD/steem I knew that we were onto something.

Either that, or someone was looking for a good Christmas present at that time of year.

Not sure what it was, but I cashed in for my Christmas gift. Awoken by text messages at 3 in the morning. Later beckoned to @klye 's place a week later to be greeted by a new laptop waiting for me from the use of those crypto dollars, and a nice christmas gift from my friend.

That was really where things picked up for me.

to be contd.

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Steem mining it's never easy easy but we'll become whales and also get to the top some time to come @vigilantrespawn

not without the support of our community! Thanks for your understanding though!