#steemreduce can be now used to send Slack messages when certain Steemit events occur.
During the weekend I published the notifications module for steemreduce. I decided to extend the set of built-in notifiers to support Slack, thus making it possible receive Slack messages on Steemit events of your choice. Feel free to check README for more information.
In case you haven't signed up for Steem Slack, you can do so now.
As usual, you can download pre-built executable for your platform from CircleCI.
No announcement should be missing a cool demo. So, here it is!
On the first picture you can see what happens when a new story is published.
Once a story is published, we may also be interested in the votes.
There are more events available, but this is enough for a demo.
Missing a Notifier?
In case the set of built-in notifiers (command, email, slack) is not enough for you and you would like to have a notifier added, feel free to contact me on Steem Slack or just add a comment here.