Keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you are getting.

in steem •  6 years ago 

Do you like what you are getting?  If so, keep doing what you are doing.

Do you dislike what you are getting?  Do something different.

You control your experience, if you don't like it..  Look in the mirror and then change it.

We are not just growing a blogging site we are growing an economy.

Change your own expectations:  In a decentralised, stake based system, stake matters. If you want more influence build your stake.   If you hate that, I am confused by why you are here.  The entire economy is based on stake.

There is an opportunity to earn here, not a right.  Others have an opportunity to grow their stake, invest, etc.  You don't get to tell others how to handle their investment.   If you see abuse, flag it, join a flagging group, delegate some Steem power, buy a vote, but please, for crying out loud, stop crying!  I'm not saying everything is perfect, but what you focus on grows.  Make your case, take an action, and then get back to doing what you do. 

Take control of your own SteemIt experience and quit yelling at everyone else to fix it.  It's messy - deal with it.  

Frankly I am stunned that so many of you are upset that minnows and dolphins finally have a chance at the reward pool via bots.  In my opinion distribution is our biggest problem.  Not enough people have influence.  We need more people with more stake using the site, curating, reading and engaging.

There are not that many terrible posts getting to the trending page and most of you aren't flagging them.  I don't think it is perfect by any means, but I think you are getting really ridiculous over how bad you think it is.    I don't care that you hate memes, or photos or whatever, break out your flag and handle it.  Decentralised means nobody is going to come and "fix it".  

This is what the trending page would like like without the bots according to TrufflePig.  

I don't think it is better.

Supply and Demand

  • People with money who want to pay you for what you write are in high demand and there aren't many of them.
  • There are tons of people here who create reasonable  content, the supply is high.  

Some of you are thinking ... "My content is GREAT."  Really?  Where is the demand for it then?

There is demand for people with programming skills, there is demand for people who have enough stake to upvote creators.  That is why there is a market for so many bots.  Many of those bot owners are not whales and they have found a way to earn and when they sell their votes it puts Steem in more hands, working on our distribution problem, slowly but surely. We have a very low number of people with a lot of stake.  For instance my account is 877 ranked by "Own SteemPower".   Those who hold large amounts of stake and leave it in SteemPower are creating the value.  If they all sell...  Gosh you may get to the top of the trending page, but what will it be worth?

There is hope!

When there are more projects that need end users the tide will change and the demand will go back to content creators.

The Steem economy isn't broken it is a work in progress.  

What unique content are you bringing?  Are you paying attention to the tides and figuring out how you can increase your value?  Are you improving your skills?  Networking?  Buying in or at least Holding?  Relentlessly grinding?  Commenting?  Building Tools?  If you are just posting your work and waiting to be discovered, you better hope your work is incredible.

There are a lot of people who dream of writing/creating for a living.  Many of them are attracted to this space.  The competition is strong, the tools are imperfect.  What are you doing to stand out?

This is more than a blogging page, it is an economy in development.  The front-ends are coming, the first communities have already developed in Discord and on they are just waiting for their homes on the blockchain.

If you don't like the experience you are having, change it!


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The trick is wanting what you get. When you argue with reality, you suffer. Don't focus on what you don't want. Instead be open to everything and embrace it with deep gratitude and humility. That doesn't mean you must drift in space, though. use your senses and awareness to change what you can, accept what you can't and bless it all as it comes to you. It's great to use your imagination and dream about what you want - vision yourself getting it and yet holding it lightly - that's the paradox of life.

I like it

In my opinion distribution is our biggest problem. Not enough people have influence. We need more people with more stake using the site, curating, reading and engaging.

I totally agree with you on this.

I have had a good experience on Steemit here in my first month, I will continue acummulating SP so I can help and reach others and at the same time promote my own posts.

Finally I will keep investing part of my earnings from trading in SBD or STEEM as I have been doing.

That is exactly how I earned my stake. I posted and accumulated if I was having a bad day, I posted. If I was having a good day, I posted.

I didn't sell what I earned. I've never considered myself an outstanding content creator, I just say some reasonable things and I just didn't quit. My success ebbs and flows, but my constant attention to building my stake doesn't.

You won't make that upvote count? :(

haha. Nah, I upvote my post, I will let a penny get wiped to dust.

I had a boss that said, don't gather pennies while quarters fall out of your pocket.

When my account was smaller I would have.

FYI I think your solo 1% upvotes are worthless. I'd recommend 2%. Obviously your 1% vote does work for me but it looks like you've done some for others that would be worthless.

You might be costing @santiagolaw a curation award. Right now I think you are losing quarters and pennies.

Yeah, I hope to be like you, I also think that I should try making shorter posts some day.

At the moment I'm uploading over 30 16MP photos for my next recipe at 30kB/s, and that won't stop me from posting!

Thank you for your words.

Ha, sounds like a lot of pictures. Some say you should brand yourself and talk about one topic. I think it is good to do a variety of things!

Keep on posting!

Best post eva!


Love this Meme!

People actually do need to stop crying. Iam at 270 SP but I worked hard for it and my target of 10K is very far away but I don't sit around crying about it instead i build many smaller goals, next being 300 SP.

Oh man I wrote a ranty post that said the same exact thing a couple of weeks ago! haha did you read it for inspiration for yours? I was trying to help someone that I love more than anything see that they're holding themselves back, but to no avail.

I said the same thing pretty much "If you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done."

Crazy to scroll through steemit and see you saying basically the same thing! 👏

Interesting. No I didn't see you post. I just reacted to about the first three posts I read this morning and I had a rant. :)

I will check it out though.

You're like a mini Yoda.

Hack writers back in the fifties cranked out content for the pulps at a penny a word.

Adjusting for inflation, I’m not quite a hack writer. Yay?

Haha. Hmm. A penny a word. I wonder if my account would be doing better or worse at a penny a word. In my early days, I pumped out a lot of posts that didn't make a penny.

These are all the hurdles the site has to go through since, correct me if I'm wrong, we are on steemit or busy or whatever you use, but we are on the bleeding edge of a new era of decentralisation and this community is one of the first to run on such open way.

Of course there will be challenges, issues, fights but at the end of the day, if you truly believe in this, you will stay and continue to push forward the ideals. Our brighter days are still ahead, this is just the beginning of the beginning.

Yeah, in decentralised land I guess we have to fight about things to work it out. We just need a new drama or debate. I'm tired of the current topics.


While I agree there could be improvements, I have seen some really good people complain and feel they should up and leave because it is what it is. We are not entitled to have someone fix anything for us, We have to be the change we seek.

STEEMit isn't what it was a year ago or even a few months ago. It will look totally different in 6 months. How different? Lets work on it and see.

I just WISH I had the know-how to create tools......

It will be totally different in 6 months and it has always been hard to find visibility. I expect that will continue.

Agreed. With t advent of things like SMTs (haha hot topic) and groups and stuff, plus the new strategies and bots and blockchain technology, it will be constantly changing. Big doods like you will be in the best spot to take advantage of it because of the dedication and influence you have shown to the platform.

I am curious as to how we can develop ways to help the new folks without having fake accounts scoop up their food. Like Adopt a White Belt at the BJJ academy.

What unique content are you bringing? Are you paying attention to the tides and figuring out how you can increase your value? Are you improving your skills? Networking? Buying in or at least Holding? Relentlessly grinding? Commenting? Building Tools? If you are just posting your work and waiting to be discovered, you better hope your work is incredible.

I truly agree with you. The system is competitive it's all about the survival of the fittest. The question we should be asking ourselves is how fit are we to survive?
We should try to devise a means to earn and get to the top.
Lovely write up.

Survival of the fittest is a good way to put it. It is hard and it takes effort. Nothing of value comes easily.

This is how steemit is working these days. The one who have high sp or a reputed account can get 50 + reward in a shit post but the one who is trying hard to create valuable content and have lower sp, not able to earn $1 many times and then they have to depend on the bots to get attention, which works but sometime.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Great motivation I’ve learned that it’s better to depend on yourself for change than others . Change comes from within

I will keep trying to be the best, falling is a common thing, I am deeply inspired by your words here. while I will keep fighting. slowly but surely there is the best way of completion.

i can't never change it was good idea

Yes, you said absolutely right, it's just not an blogging space and in turn it's an whole economy which is developing and still work in progress. And we should act with an plan and efforts and we have to adapt because with adaption you can come with ideas particular to that environment, then you can execute it to produce that particular unique activity. This is not an place of question, it's an place of action, so if you don't like something then act on that subject or act to change your experience. Thanks for sharing this valuable post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

This post has received a 13.08 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @whatsup.

I mostly agree with what you are saying but I have to say that pointing out harming activities is not really "crying".It's part of curating.We need to condemn bad behaviour.Interesting article.Thanks for sharing.

Yep, that's why we need articles like yours which can totally slap people in the face and get them to put hustle mode on. Decentralized platform while it means more freedom comes with responsibility. We just got to find new innovative ways to make it work for ourselves. Thank You for sharing You. @whatsup