Overwhelmed and a Few Thoughts

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thursday I announced I will be delegating 1000 SP to a small user who is willing and interested in building their own account, who manually curates and is engaging with other users.

At the time I posted it, it felt a little awkward and I wondered if it was enough to matter.  The response was overwhelming not only with those nominating other users and themselves, but those who jumped into support others and especially to @drakos  and @irreverent-dan who both jumped into match my offer.  That means 3 people will receive 1000 delegated Steem Power to not only curate with but to grow their own account!

Thank you to everyone who nominated and the post received the 2nd highest number of comments of all the posts on the site yesterday!  That is amazing.  There is no way I can select everyone I want to and the choice is pretty overwhelming!  :)  

Also, there was a lot of questioning of my requirement that whomever gets the delegation will self vote. I want to clarify why this is important to me.

We do not have enough stakeholders!  Think about the growth we have had and the growth we want to see.  There are VERY few dolphins and Whales and the minnows think we should be able to support every content creator.  We can't.  I didn't do the math, but let's say it is 1,000 minnows per dolphin or 10,000.  I don't know what the numbers are but there is no way we can support the platform's growth.  We need to create more stakeholders and also to adjust the expectation that dolphins and whales are able to support new growth.  We mathematically can't.  The minnows are going to have to support each other and we need more people to step up and hold some stake.

Whether you agree with self voting or not, my goal is to encourage the young accounts to be smart and build their stake so that they can support new users. Giving a 100 people dust votes isn't building the user base.   I am not asking you to accept my vision, unless you want to accept my delegation.  That's all there is to it.  :)

It is fine for many different people to hold different visions of what things the Steem blockchain will support.  I like to share my view, in case it makes sense to someone else.  I am completely fine with you disagreeing with me and using your stake and your voice to do it.  In my opinion that is what we are doing here! 

Also, per my original post the announcements will be made on Friday the 22nd.  I wanted to give time for the post to get around, I know I have plenty of people to choose from and I thought about just picking one to get things started, but I like to stick to my word.  So, it will still be Friday before I announce the selected individuals.  

Thank you everyone, I was literally overwhelmed with the reaction.


The original post is here


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The best way as a minnow is to Power Up all the time and like this to grow the Steem Power... at least this is what i am doing!

Solid advice - thats exactly what I have been doing, and watching my SP slowly increase.

I don't know what the numbers are…

The latest statistics that @arcange has posted show that we have
131,853 red fish
8,223 minnows
1,681 dolphins
260 orcas (hush)
37 whales


Why thank you! Now I do know the numbers and others can see them as well.

he ^^^ was my adopted guy in Taskmasters program i graduated from that i mentioned in my app. :)
@arcange is great with the numbers too!!

It's really neat to see initiatives starting to emerge that are all about intelligently fueling growth. Lots to think about here.

I've been a fence-sitter about self-voting. I don't do it as a rule because so many people are against it. But I will say that I am willing to add a post link to my signature that shares a solid pro or con.

Regardless of which approach we might feel is the moral higher ground, at the end of the day it needs to be about stability, about growth, and about supporting others (which circles back to fueling stability and growth). Your argument makes total sense. If self-voting helps to build your account, you are then able to turn-around and pay it forward. Which means the very thing that appears to many Steemians to be a selfish, self-serving move, is actually possibly one of the most magnanimous things one could do. Mind blown!

Giving is good! However, if you give more blood than your body can make...

:) I know it is dramatic, but I often use this as a filter. Can you sustain the behavior. If yes and it makes you feel good, DO IT. If not don't.

Everyone has to find their own filter and we are all learning. Try things and see how they feel. Also be tolerant of others. Requirements of Freedom in my opinion. :)

I am happy to hear it makes sense to you.

It does. And I agree with the philosophy you’ve just summarized in your comment. I especially agree with the statement about tolerance. There is more than one right way to achieve the goals. (Referring to growth of the platform.) No one really has the perfect answer. And people bring a wide range of gifts and talents to the table.

Pick me!!! So I can help take Steem to the Moon! lol
I might be paying 50% APR for a blocktrades delegation soon. :(
How come you don't self upvote?

I self upvote nearly every post I make. I no longer upvote my own comments but I did when my account was smaller. I quit when I hit about 5000 sp

Awesome, thanks for the update! Anxiously waiting for the announcement after tossing my hat in the ring on the last post! I know whoever is picked will be able to do good work manually curating deserving authors and supporting their own account/content (I read your self vote reasoning), so it should be epic. Stoked for the announcement on Friday

If they use it right way, this is the pretty good way to build up! Excellent thought and congratz for all the winners!


It's great to see that at least there are some dolphins like you @whatsup, thinking about redfish and minnows and for the good of everyone in the steemit community. That's how we will grow by helping each other, by keeping ourseleves as equal to each other. "It's not about ME, It's about WE". Imagine if 80% of the accounts will have Sp above 1,000. That will enable majority of us to truly get independent yet will able to effectively help each other in unity.

I'm so glad to have seen this post, because truthfully, I've been thinking a lot about your original post and the reasoning behind the self upvoting, so let me say that if I am lucky enough to be chosen, I will of course "follow the rules" of the experiment. Growth is after all, a common goal for both of us, and yes, I totally understand the need for a "middle class" here as well.

I also have been back to that post a few times and realize that you really have your work cut out for you just deciding on a recipient :) It is so great to see that @irreverent-dan has jumped in too!

Thank you again for doing this, and regardless of the outcome, I appreciate your motives and intentions very much! This platform needs people like you :)

I'm interested but am new at this so don't know what to do, or how..

Oh I can't wait to see the results. I agree, steemit needs more stake holders, thanks for this initiative. I hope the winners can grow themselves and become agents of change here

Congratulations to those that managed to catch your eye!

I really would have loved to participate myself and hopefully I will be able to in the future when my time schedule is a bit clearer.

Yeah I am the same - the timing couldnt be worse for me as we are going on summer holidays so wont be comitting enough time to Steemit

Starting a new job on monday will do the same for me. 8-9 hours of working + 2x 1 hour of travel time will be harsh. No more 100 comment challenges within the week, that's for sure.

Yeah sometimes life just takes over!

Life may take over today, but tomorrow is mine.

There are certain points I would like to highlight and why I am saying I am a deserving one to receive that delegated SP :-

(1) I am still minnow and 1000 SP is something which will bring that passion and motivation to steemit (even without that SP I will continue to do my best here in steemit) and with this kind of empowerment I will make my article more sharper and promising than ever.

(2) I dont have any boss or mentor to give that direction to me, but this kind of delegated SP is like a dream come true and I will not let anyone down here.

(3) I have always been engaged with other community members and with this delegated SP I will continue to do so and will not get selfish.

(4) I have joined steemit with a long terms and I hope in this journey I will be able to gain attention in this community.

(5) I may be a person who is a deserving one, but for me driving force would be my hard work only, as there is no other substitute to hard work.

Thank you @whatsup

Nice initiative. I have always said that for the minnows to grow we need to support each other instead of stroking the egos of few dolphins and whale who cant actually help all of us. And those who can invest by way of buying steem should. There few communities helping minnows to growth but with initiiative such as yours that gives a few the opportunity is welcomed. You cannot help everyone but the one person you can help can be a blessing to another, that way you've the lives of people you've never had contact with--just through one person.

@whatsapp I really appreciated your positive thoughts and plans, which helped no doubt to promote the community. LOL.

Good stuff @whatsup. Look forward to seeing how this Initiative goes here. Sounds like you're on the right track :)

Hi whattsup. Don't worry about the amount of delegation. It is the thought that counts. At the bottom any assistance is appreciated. As far as I am concerned the task of a new user is to grow. You need to make your self useful in the future so growth is important and as quickly as possible. I only draw the line at upvoting ones comments though.

wow! This is so great for you to do! Also very smart move, cause your right one day some of us will be dolphins, but most need help to get there. But just imaging when the person who gets this delegated SP that just means youll have a loyal follower for life, or at least in theory. Good for you for making steemit a better place!

All is fair game until you get the slider then its time to grow up and look long term, imo.

hehe there you are!! say no to grumpy 🤣🤣

Nah, embrace the grumpy, just keep quiet about it,...

At least it's easy to know what my mood will be?

@freebornangel yay grumpy cat, do you like that person on steemit? LOL
i think everyone knows --- especially since you aren't shy about saying it!

yes very easy to know your mood ... tiptoes away

Im pretty quiet in person, but not shy there either.
Id rather walk away than push an argument, i figure there are more fun things to do than convince the unconvincable.
But online? Ive got all day,...

@freebornangel hmmm yet inside it is a windstorm. hehe!! :)
alll dayyy allll dayyymmmmm dayyy hehe

The desire to bring peace to the world does keep me busy.

How are you liking all that sp power?
It would have to come when the price dropped.

@freebornangel yes bringing peace is a F/T job. LOL!
i'm now officially working for a Native American Reservation, bringing my education and experience to the judicial realm. it is a place i find peace and solace.

how do YOU know about my SP powahh? ahahahahh
what price drop? the price of steem/sbd is LAMEEEEEE


Yes, there are many Steemians who have very low stake but in my opinion that's not the case, the first goal of new Steemian who is not an Investor is, one post daily at least and several dedicated comments to create engagement and this way that particular Steemian can get the opportunity to develop their Stake. So it's just not about waiting for the Whale or Dolphin, we have to search for the whale and dolphin and then have to engage with them with genuine and healthy comments and conversations.

Yes, we cannot help everyone but we can share experience so that at least they new Steemians will get some idea and i am sharing my experience because i do my own research and i use healthy strategy to buildup my reputation and stake on this platform. And while crossing this much journey on this platform, i understood one thing that, if you showcase dedication in true engagement on this platform then may be growth will be slow but if you think Steem is your way then you will succeed.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

This is a great thing you are doing for our Steemit community, thank you!

You got a 100.00% upvote from @votefun courtesy of @rishi556!

all the best @whatsup

A very nice initiative I suppose and your wise decision will make up 3 minnows to get stand up in this community .

Hoping to see lucky minnows soon

This is sooooo exciting @whatsup. I've only just seen it but I've applied on your original post.

Thank you so much for the opportunity. What a brilliant experiment! 😁

Good luck with making the correct decision! Regardless If you do pick me or not, you will make indirectly a hugh impact on the ecosystem! This action will have an impact on lots of minnows and red fishes in the ecosystem!
Great thing you are doing!

Hi @whatsup,

I nominated myself in the previous post & I still want to nominate myself on this one too. There's so much I could possibly say about myself but I'd rather my work speaks for itself. So please Feel Free to Look at my page.

I love to write & I am 2 months in creating @dtube & @dlive daily vlogs. I love to experiment and experience new opportunities as such, my new found passion lies in hunting @steemhunt

Thank You in Advance :)

Elsie, Nairobi,Kenya.

hi there,

i hope i wasnt too late entering? i posted my response in the original application post. thank you again for the opportunity. i know it can be overwhelming with all the entries!

In my newly acquired account, I feel that delegating steam power helps greatly in steam growth. The program you offer will be very helpful. I believe that the goodness of giving will earn more than what you give. It is a natural law of mutual love sharing between steemans.

Hello @whatsup, Personally, I think that each one is building their niche in which they want to stay and grow, and that is what it costs us the most, but for my insistence, Steemit is:
Time Dedication
To persist
Follow the game with a lot of respect and tolerance, towards the fat or skinny guys that make it up.
We are a community and Las Ballenas must remember that it is in that place thanks to its time and the community that supports it.
At the same time having the responsibility of the delegation is a challenge for whoever assumes it, because you can grow or you can stay, that's the difference when choosing.
May we all be lucky to be chosen.