in steem •  7 years ago 


This is a grandiose experiment.

Each One of us is the participant and the researcher. We are the experiment and we are a part of the experiment. The sum total of each one here creating the expanded total value here.

You Know What Grinds My Gears?

The one's mostly lurking in the background. I'm talking about the silent observers. The one's here but mostly not here if you know what I mean. In some ways - I see this as the poison/virus - the lurkers. Let me explain:

It's easy to bitch. In fact bitching can become a real virus and poison. I think we can all agree that there's too much of it throughout the world. Perhaps a copy cat example from our parenting political policing states of mind. The right versus wrong polarity judgement is extensive. The "either or" divide and conquer. The basis of why we've had a "war machine" economy for so long.

From my participations with bringing many people to the platform thus far - and I continue to push that point. What I've witnessed is that most of the bitching and or really questioning of what is going on here is from the people who are not really taking/making anytime to investigate things and or participate. There's this ominous attitude that all people are evil and that people are out to get you and nobody cares really.

There's this staggeringly appalling point of apathy and self-defeatism. Without really doing much of anything.

It's ironic because we see what we are. And there's this tendency to see others as merely our shit. The worst of ourselves. This limiting bullshit way of existing - is preventing the self growth and well as the creative collaborations from emerging. It's a simple tit for tat. It's funny that I call it a tit for tat...because it's this tit for tat is often regarded only as a shock for a shock....self-defeatism mentality. ( will write a blog specifically on self-defeatism)

In a way - the non development from those who resist participating in the ecosystem are not developing their potential here. There's many ways in which our potential can develop here. It's a life process.

I've noticed a tendency for people to want to speak as authorities on points of regard without first taking the time to regard the details and the specificity of what is here.

This reminds me of myself and my initial beginning's of a process of self-regard. Where I first began to recognize that all is not great in this world. That the systems are corrupted in their very nature. We have a dog eat dog world here. It's a real travesty. Yes.

Within the realization and awareness of the above. I accessed much sadness. Though I was suppressing this sadness within myself to such an extent that it came out as a defense coping mechanism as anger. The consequence of this was my inability to really optimize my effectiveness in articulating things here. Creating movement and momentum as a teacher...a creator here....someone who is capable and able to self-direct from problem into solution.

I am the Example

I am writing here - speaking from the heart sharing my thought processing as I work through my feeling and emotion to share the depth of myself. This is an individual therapy session. Every time I write. I access and open up new neural pathways that expand my world. It's in and as my self-honesty. It's an incredible thing. I feel like me/you/we are just in the very infancy here of what is possible to open up and emerge.

My Responsibility - Share the Gold

It's an individual responsibility to share our gold. That's it. It's a sharing process. This is kind of ironic because the basis of the win/win economic model is called the "Sharing Economy".

It's a real process in creating this because the reality is we have much existing structure and infrastructure here in which we've all become dependent upon and created various ways in which we have all sorts of rules and laws and organizations.

There's layers and layers here to work through. Steemit is a case point example of people who've ultimately ended up popping the red pill in the matrix and there's no going back per se. (ok maybe my view is a bit extreme - but essentially that is what happens as someone begins into cryptocurrency and actually participating within it and then looking at "OK - what are the best system solutions here - how do we create them - how do we organize them?" A whole myriad of mind blowing potentials open up that were previously dormant.

I've been a bit of a Lurker - Silent Observer:

Recognizing my own weakeness in others. The point that has grinded my gears has been my point. The point where I lacked self-regard. This "self" regard is in how I exist.

What I realized is that I've resisted in some ways to taking the time to explain things - to share things that I see - mostly not doing this from the starting point of: "It's an inconvenience"..."It's a bother"....."I shouldn't have to repeat myself"..."everyone should just automatically know what I know".

Steem Blockchain is a Communication Network.

The future well being of the network is in our communications. It's possible that the network will succeed either way. Network will succeed as a win/lose or a win/win.

Thus far my experience with the platform is a win/win - as it's opening up ways in which I never thought possible. It's an ongoing thing to structure a better world for not only myself but for everyone. I think the real starting point here is to start with ourselves and expand the question into the big picture - how do we create the world that's best for everyone.

The very question: How do we create the world that is best for everyone?

This question is a real paradigm shift.

The most practical way to work with anything - is to work with what is here - is to work with what is available. Sometimes I have to remind myself and question myself If I am being practical with my questions/analysis/investigations. There's this tendency to go to the moon sometimes without keeping my feat rooted in the earth.

The Universe is always a:





Steem Ecosystem continues to grow in numbers. As people and as Money. This process of development is a continued push and movement into a new Paradigm. It's starting point is peer to peer networking communications.

This is a shift in how we organize the distribution of goods and resources. Any and all kinds of data really.

This process movement started as an online type of thing - but it moves offline and begins to expand it's reach and hold as influencing the betterment of the physical world.

The Old system is eroding and a new way of existing is emerging. Everyone here reading in 2018 is a Pioneer on the Journey to Life - of what it means to create a new World Economy based upon Social Media.

New Meaning is brought to "Social Media".

"Social Insurance" continues to spread like wild fire as the active players/pioneers here are extraordinary planters/creators/innovators/visionaries.

The Science of Awesome becomes more clear and is ready for mass adoption.


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Indeed we have an extraordinary opportunity here @worldclassplayer...
Thing is, Everyone knows Something that some other people Don't know.... And, Each one has their own perspective on Everything.... No two people will or can see Anything alike, as we can only see with our Own eyes, and interpret What we see based on Our experiences, education, environment and programming we got from our parents... The fact that people even agree sometimes does not, and cannot, mean that they think the Exact same thing about Anything...
That's not hard to undetstand if one really Looks at it...

The Golden Rule makes more sense Here than on any social media site ever created....
Treat Others the way You want to be Treated. It's really that simple....That Includes, btw - Putting Yourself in Their Shoes - in the shoes of the other person... That means, trying to see things from Their perspective...

Effective communication and colaboration can then commence...

Thanks for the great post, dude...
Steem On...

Seems to me that what we have here is really an extraordinary opportunity, and with the exception of a few problematic pockets here and there, the self-governing system here works pretty well.

Perhaps the important thing for most of us-- including the many newcomers-- is to check in with ourselves and have a look at our expectations. Seriously? We were not offered a "job" here so nobody "owes" anyone an income. This is not a "job," it's an opportunity.

I love the fact that most of what we do here is really rooted in the greater idea of a "Gift Economy" and what we do is basically live by a system of paying it forward to others.

Perhaps the important thing for most of us-- including the many newcomers-- is to check in with ourselves and have a look at our expectations. Seriously? We were not offered a "job" here so nobody "owes" anyone an income. This is not a "job," it's an opportunity.

Thanks @denmarkguy

Great post, especially for a new member like me. I am still learning my ways and trying to make the right decisions day in and day out.

As I am still working to create good contact, I look to others for examples. I ask, “What are they doing to garner so much attention”? The answer is often right in front of just takes time and dedication to understand the Steemit economy.

I try not to be a silent lurker. After all, this while platform is built on communication and interaction.

Thanks for sharing, it was a good read!

"Everyone here reading in 2018 is a Pioneer on the Journey to Life - of what it means to create a new World Economy based upon Social Media."

@cassidyandfranks is PRESENT!

Ah yes the immediate judge characters... tough cookies to swallow. I am learning not to return the favor and understand what's behind their strong resistance, what's the underlying dis-ease preventing them from doing at least some basic research and communicating in a bit more solution oriented way rather than constant fault finding. It's a big point and i am probably still doing this myself in some areas of life.

Interesting perspective , We will see how many fall into many different categories as time moves on . Platform will need many of all the categories for future growth . I love this experiment !

I see your point here and I'm the same way but farther behind you in my process. I think this place is great and spend most of my time bringing people aboard. It's tough to spread my vote around because it is only worth a dime to people lol but I think they appreciate it.

my issue here or concern maybe aside the fact that i agree with everything you said about what an opportunity we have in your hands and what we should focus as individuals is the question of how to get rid of the poison.

As more and more people join in the poison is spreading and i am afraid that if nothing happens the the ''old system'' or at least a part of it will grow here

You are right, but don´t forget, that there are certain rules at social media (and in general with humans) that are true on every network or situation. One of these rules are, that 90% of people are lurkers and will never be anything else. 5% will curate and the 5% rest are content creators. That´s true for every Facebook page, every social media site and also here on Steemit. At the moment it´s still somewhat different, because here you will meet many more content creators simply due to the fact, that you get paid for creating content. This will change over time and the more Steemit is growing, the more lurkers will join. They may dream of becoming content creators themselves (and also earn money), they will say, that they do so, but they will post useless memes and other shitty stuff simply because the are not used to create valuable content (and maybe not even know what that is!). I share your wish to have more creator here and everywhere, but reality has proven me wrong each and every time over the years - so I came to the fact, that this is something I have to accept and live with.

communication is really the key here on steemit to all the doors

Steemit has always been more than a currency for blog🙂 we all need to remember that steem is a cryptocurrency that can open us up to a whole new world of development and self-management of funds.

Hey great incite. Real deep man. Looks like you are doing great things!!!!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for your post.

Please check my thoughts on a crypto currency ecomomy.
