HADO is a new esports that makes use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology with the help of motion censor and smartphone to create a brand new experience that entails fun, exercise, bonding and team building.
It is different from Virtual Reality in that you are not immersed in a virtual world but the real world with Alternate Realities and you are not connected to cables or restricted to being in front of a screen. The whole experience happens in a real environment! You are free to move around whilst making gestures to activate super powers used to attack your opponents or monsters. This is the first esports that allows free movement of the players albeit within the parameters of the sports arena.
Players are offered different choice of games depending on the arcade they visit. Of the choices presented the most popular one is called the Hado Digital Dodgeball (PvP). The other choices are Hado Kart, Hado Shoot and Hado Monster Battle.
Hado Digital Dodgeball is played with two teams of 3 players each. That is the official number of players used in official competitions. However, it could also be played with just 2 players in each team for un-official fun games.
Here is an article on how the Hado Digital Dodgeball (PvP) is played. The article also discusses Hado World Cup held in 2017.
Here is another link with video on how to play the game.
If you wish to know whether Hado is offered in your country you may check it out here
Selected references:
Hado USA Website
Hado Singapore website:
Hado Malaysia website: