RE: Scouting Adventure - Game 48 - Day 39 (May 12, 2020)

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Scouting Adventure - Game 48 - Day 39 (May 12, 2020)

in steemace •  4 years ago 

I was also thinking about a bear, the deer guts and horns, and how can all this be applied... and the only thing that came to my mind is to make a trapping pit. It seems to me that defeating a bear will be much easier and safer for us when it is localized and limited in its actions. For example, when it falls into a pit.
According to my plan, the horns together with a few pointed wooden stakes could be placed at the bottom of the pit with a sharp edge up. The guts could serve as a bait. But making a trap requires a lot of work, I mean digging and searching for branches to cover the pit. Here I came to the point that it have to be a team work, not a one person. But we have a competitive game...

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Wow! That's actually a good plan for catching a bear. You are correct in the fact that it would take considerable work to collect enough branches to cover a pit that first had to be dug without a shovel. It would definitely be safer than attacking a bear. However, if we can convince others to help build a pit/trap for a portion of the reward then it should be just as easy to recruit others to help kill the bear by attacking it. I was hoping others would be making armor so that several of us can go after a bear together. Although it is a competitive game, there is no reason we can't help each other out for mutual gains.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

If 6 people attack the bear all using spears and strength potions, each of us only needs to average 1 hit to kill the bear before it can attack us.
5 damage x 6 hits = 30 damage!
Each person could then get 3 food and 1/6 of the hide, 3 claws and a few teeth plus some bones and guts. Perhaps the incentive to kill a bear would be to make an amulet from 3 teeth/claws, some string and an enchantment to give -1 to hit for the wearer. Better yet, Another could give +1 to hit so that with 2 amulets, the wearer gets protection in being harder to hit and also accuracy in removing 1 point of to-hit from the target!