RE: Scouting Adventure - Game 48 - Day 40 (May 13, 2020)

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Scouting Adventure - Game 48 - Day 40 (May 13, 2020)

in steemace •  5 years ago 

Player 7:
I need to get rid of this deer carcass, cause it start to take too much place in my inventory and in my poor brains.
I'll take the hide and use 2 pieces of string to make a tunic of it. @happyme, can I leave the guts and bones laying here so that anyone in need could take a piece and use for their crafts?
Action 1: search for a string @rollthedice

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Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Useless or... wait, I can use the pin to modify the tunic for my figure and make it fit better. (Crafting)
Action 2: continue my searching @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Another pin goes the same way
Action 3: search @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

You just found the metal pot that you wanted!

The guts and bones can be discarded and wild animals will scavenge them, so they would be lost (as would any other items dropped by players). The only way to ensure another player gets the item(s) is if you send it to them. (Mainly because I won't be tracking each dropped item. That's just too much work.)

Your tunic could be considered as leather chest armor and give you +1 armor. Now I need to add +1 to the leather skull caps that P11 and 12 have under their metal helmets. I was thinking that the leather simply offered a more comfortable fit from the hardness of the metal, but it would in fact add protection as well, so I think from now on we can layer our armor for even better protection. I'm not sure it would be practical to have wood and metal together, but I suppose it could be done. That will keep people busy for a while!