The Africa of My Dream

in steemafrica •  4 years ago 

My dream for Africa is an Africa with peace and free from political conflicts, proper usage of all our natural resources for a mature economy by believing in locally made products for the sustainable development of our nations.

I dream of a continent where its governments ensure that citizens have access to quality healthcare and where the so-called high-class citizen patronize local hospitals rather than travel out of the country for medical treatments which are obtainable anywhere in the world.

I dream of a continent where citizens would live in dignity and where the high level of poverty, inequality, and under-employment would be a thing of the past. I dream of a continent what the rule of law always prevails and where human right laws have strictly adhered.

I have a dream of an African where it educated/well-informed citizens be devoted to building a more prosperous continent and having upright and honest leaders to lead the continent.

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