An open letter to Witness @MahdiYari and @steemauto

in steemauto •  7 years ago 

This is an open letter to Witness @MahdiYari and his program @steemauto. This program servers me and my group @steemrepair for a long time now and I am extremely satisfied with it and grateful for a programmer to make and maintain it.

I have to explain my situation the first, and I am sure that many admins of other groups have the same or similar issues, and it is mainly up to us how to deal with them.

I recently closed my server for new members joining in who have less than 100 SP and a membership is unavailable to all low-quality Steemians, shit-posters and also plagiarisers and copy/pasters.

The present members with low SP are all included into my project to help them with knowledge, earning opportunities and #sp-distribution reward program from my own earnings in order to acquire better earnings and to buy them SP directly.

The reason why I close it to such a high SP, is because many people are making freshers account with a very low SP, just to leech trails.

It is ok if a person has multiple topical profiles, or hidden identity, or whatever, I do too for different purposes none of which is malignant, but leeching one the same trail with 4-5 no-good shit-post profiles made solely for one purpose is just evil. Me and my staff already found numerous people doing that and it is getting worse.

I can't blame the technology for this, but when @steemauto pronounced possible low-cost membership, I was genuinely happy because that would strike more than anybody the people with multiple profiles.
With it, they are joining numerous trails, overloading servers and pump out rewards from multiple trails.

You left all settings completely open and it is ok, but to my knowledge, a person with the fresh account has an ability to follow at most two trails, otherwise, it is beyond any use.
The users with higher SP can make up to 3+ trails without any problem.

So, these are my suggestions.

  1. Basic membership can help SteemAuto and the rest of us, not to rip off the members, but to lose all the fraudsters. They will not pay anything, no matter how little. You opt out of this and it is ok, it is your business after all.
  2. Second suggestion. Take this in a great consideration, you will do a big favor to all of us. Limit your trail program based on SP power starting with 2 trails maximum for new members with low SP.

I have a low SP, and I will not complain. I think it is a logical solution.
Read this, tell me what you think. Thank you.

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Can you please explain your suggestions with an example?
Thank you

No. My effort stops on suggestion. The rest is up to you.
Thank you for a visit.

That makes my jobs harder!
I will try to find the best way for that. Thank you

No, it does not, :)))))). I am absolutely sure your idea will be great. Have a great weekend.

No, it does not, :)))))). I am absolutely sure your idea will be great. Have a great weekend.