SteemCampUK on its way! Are you going??

in steemcampuk •  7 years ago 

The murmurings of a Steemy encounter in the midlands of England… on April 7th!

The what:

Anyone in the UK or can get to the UK, I strongly recommend getting along to SteemCampUK coming up in exactly 2 weeks. It's sure to be the event of the year!

Well, in the top 2 anyway. The other one being the grand ol' SteemFest itself. First off, this isn't SteemFest… that's your yearly behemoth extravaganza taking place somewhere on the planet in November, and put on by the inimitable @roelandp and his team. 

This here event is a 'SteemUp' organised by the irrepressible @lloyddavis. Lloyd is a great supporter of the Steem community and has taken it upon himself to set this up. I had the pleasure of meeting this chap at SteemFest2… our first conversation being whether to dive into the buffet for further creamy and delicious treats, I seem to recall. You'll be in good hands with this guy! 

The deets:  

First off, follow @steemcampuk and @lloyddavis for updates as well as upvoting them where possible (it all helps to cover costs etc).  

Where: Impact Hub, Birmingham, England
Date: Saturday April 7th
What: See this introduction post, the latest update and other posts on the @steemcampuk blog
How: Sign up through Eventbrite
Cost: Suggested minimum donation - £10 / $13.90 / 7.24 STEEM or SBD (check the latest conversions!)
You can transfer STEEM/SBD or there is also a 'PayPal Pool'

Of course, check out @steemcampuk for more details and direct any questions to @lloyddavis

I believe it will be a fairly informal affair, with plenty of discussion and a good chance to meet and hang out with some other Steemians and shoot the breeze. It could also be a great opportunity to take along intrigued friends and introduce them to some of the people and concepts involved. 

Lloyd has a fair bit of experience in this space and has always been an early adopter of emerging technologies and trends. As part of his professional life, he is very au fait with getting the most out of group sessions, so it should be a very rewarding day for all involved. Either way, I believe there'll be tea and cake ;). 

The last bit:

That's the essence, so get yourself along if you can… and hopefully it can be a regular thing and grow over the course of time. 

Alas, I won't be there myself (hypocrite!) but I would if I could and will be there in spirit. For those that don't know, I live over in Madrid and can't make it back for the occasion. I also have a half-marathon to contend with the next day!

So, no Adam, but plenty of fine characters and stimulating chit-chat to be had. Be there or be crying tears as big as October cabbages. I have the movie 'Lock Stock…' to thank for that last line ;). 

I know that @teamhumble, @dayleeo and @steevc are going to name but 3. Three great reasons to make an appearance right there!

If you can't make it… then next time. Plus look out for any streams from the event if they do them. You can also contribute to the cause anyway, should you be so inclined (I've thrown in a tenner to the PayPal Pool for my 'in spirit ticket' ;)). 

And if you can make it… well, enjoy yourselves but try not to have too much fun without me! :)

Oh, and please share and promote if you can. Whether it's resteeming this post or any of the others floating around (or writing your own), please do. All support is appreciated and helps contribute to the ongoing success of individual projects and the overall Steem Blockchain jolly juggernaut…

Stay Steemy!

~ Adam


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This is great, Adam, thank you! I for one can't wait for SteemCampMadrid!

No probs.
Yeah, 'SteemCampMAD' is going to rock! ;)

Vote succes
Vote back pless ok

