The STEEM Chronicles – Content Submissions

in steemchronicles •  7 years ago 

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The STEEM Chronicles – Content Submissions

A few days ago we posted about the templates we have for the cover and let the community to vote for their favorite, and I must say that we were blown away by the amount of interaction we got. Here’s the cover that got the most votes, leading with eight votes and we think we’ll stick with this one at least for now.

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Moving on from the cover matters, we are now opening the magazine for submissions for the content that will be printed. We’re doing this because we don’t want to just search for posts since that way we might miss on some gems, so we now give you the possibility to share your content directly with us. These can be both older posts of yours or articles written for the magazine.

The magazine will be divided into four major categories

  • Writing/blog/lifestyle
  • Cryptocurrency/Steem related content
  • Travel/Culture/Society
  • Art/photography


  • The entry must be original

  • It can be previous work or specialized for the magazine

  • If it is a new post, post it on Steem with the title [Steem Chronicles] [Your post title] and use the tag #steemchronicles and link your post to us in the comments, so we don’t miss it

  • If you are sharing an older post of yours, you have to link it to us in the comment section directly.

  • The submission period for the content only lasts ten days, but you can still submit art and photography because we might use them later if needed.

  • No hate speech, profanity, harassment and inappropriate materials directed at specific groups

  • The submission must be written in English

We will deny a submission if

  • The submission is found to be plagiarized

  • The submission is not found to be informative/useful

  • The submission had no proper citation and credit

Editorial Process

  • Reception of submission

  • Peer review system

  • Editorial decision

Copyright Information

This magazine is a community project for free distribution. Anyone can have it online by downloading it when it’s ready and offline by printing it themselves afterward. Our team does not take any personal profit besides the rewards generated from posting. Most of the income generated from the posts will be used for the production of the magazine and its distribution. By using the tag #steemchronicles or linking us to your work through comments, you give us permission to use your work in the magazine how we see fit, for example, we may cut some of the content out, fix the English and add our visuals so that it fits nicely.

If you have managed to understand the requirements above, please submit your work in the comment section, and if you have further questions regarding the rules of submission, please contact one of our team members: @Guyfawkes4-20, @macchiata, and @whatamaidoing

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Awesome cover, amazing project. Full Steem ahead guys :D

Cheers for offering some backing to great projects and communities :)

Thanks a lot for all the support that keeps this project going. :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Woahhhhhhh I like this! Not only is the art really incredible, it really fits with the crypto theme.

Thank you. Here is my first Crypto Art, "Ublo and the Spidabeast" I hope I am doing it right.DQmepk2DghYB8gPXH5wv4A9RtsDUMa3tRBgE1SJeigzvZY5_1680x8400.jpeg

have you gotten in touch with slothicorn?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am a newer member of the community and they upvoted me. Perhaps you might try to interview @Stellabelle and she can tell you more about it as well as learn about more established artists in the community. As a newbie to Slothicorn I would be honored if you used my piece, but if you are writing about Slothicorn I would defer to others in the community who have been doing it longer. Like @juliakponsford @drawingly, @yusaymon, ect.

That piece of art looks great. Hopefully, we'll find a way to use it in the magazine. ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much; honored to be considered:)

I'd like to submit two posts:
A short Op-Ed: Why Cashless is Bad
The “Flippening” - Fact of Fiction? I’m going with Fiction...

They are both a bit short and the first one might not be the kind of niche you are looking for, but I thought I might as well share them.

They seem long enough; we won't be able to include entire huge articles anyways so this looks like the right size, cheers.

It's perfect, thanks a lot for getting involved. ;)

It's my pleasure :)

Hi there! Amazing initiative. I’d love to submit a few posts:

The Hero with a Thousand Faces: a monomyth
I just went to prison for 5 months. Again. | 06
From Full Time to Freelance and How I Got Here

Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello guys. I'm wondering if my posts below passed...


Thank you so much!

They both seem great; we'll let you know if and which one we'll use, thanks a lot. ;)

Thanks a lot @guyfawkes4-20!

It is noted!

Well I am seeing the categories to see in which one I can fit lol.

This is the post I would like to share

Maybe it can be considered in the categories of writing, or blog or culture? I am not sure

That certainly seems like an interesting topic; we might use it, thanks a lot, bud. :)

eek,I don’t know why anyone would choose bio eyes over natural ones but good article

Because of the possible advantages bionic parts have over normal biological parts.

Like having perfect vision, and even night vision already integrated in the eye :D

Mate, this is a fantastic concept! I’m going to try to get involved through the week with some content of my own.

I’ve given it a share and you a follow. Will hopefully see you around.


Thanks a lot, we're trying to help the people to spread the word more efficiently, as far as I know, no one created something like this on Steem so it will hopefully be helpful. :)

I would like to submit this, but the post is barely 24 hours old. Will there be room for stories in the writing category?

It doesn't matter if the post is new and yes, stories are very welcomed.

Oh hey I have an old post to contribute for art if you'd like to have it?

Or maybe this one instead,

That first one looks awesome, we'll probably use it, but we'll let you know more in the future. ;)

Alright, thanks! :D

Hey, this is such a good idea and I'd love to be on board! Here's an article I did encouraging musicians to make some visuals for tube and the like :)

Hey, that's epic, I'm glad you want to help, keep in touch. ;)

Are there any rewards for the people submitting the articles ?

Nope, we're not making anything from creating this magazine either besides the post rewards that will go towards printing and distribute them for free. People join because they want to get involved and help the community as we do. :)

Ok, I was just curious how it works :)

very nice and helpful information @guyfawkes4-20.
thank you for sharing, hopefully healthy always for you

Good choice! I like this creative design. Although, I voted for the other, but this, too, a steep.

This is awesome! I was so hoping to see something like this here. :) In this magazine I saw for myself a couple of interesting categories. Maybe I should try to offer my links.
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Even if it does not fit, then in any case we all have the opportunity to try our hand at the future. Thank you To your team for this opportunity.

I just love this project and i will support you guys with all i can. As for a submission, i would like to give you this for now :

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Are submissions closed? If not, I'd love to submit an old work of mine:

I'd also love to chat some time about what it's like putting a steem magazine together. I've been thinking of trying something similar as well and would love to get the @SteemChronicles team's advice on how to approach such a thing.

Well, it's still kinda opened but, we're far behind with the magazine, life got in the way, and we postponed it into oblivion since it was always just a side project. But, feel free to dm me on Discord at GuyFawkes4-20#4502.