Increased Seismic Activity For Krakatau!

in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)


Another volcano might have the spotlight among the others that have been erupting the last few months. And not long from a special planetary alignment that has caused increased volcanic activity 5 out of the last 6 times it has happened. The last major eruptions it had, Krakatoa had three individual cones. It was hit by an explosion so intense, two of these completely collapsed, dropping their mass into the water. The intensity of the explosion also breached the magma chamber, and when these two cones collapsed, it allowed seawater to rush in and contact the magma, generating a rapidly expanding wall of pressurised steam, and that was the source of the tsunami that killed 40,000 people.


"The explosive activity of the volcano continues and seems to be increasing with strombolian to vulcanian-style explosions from the summit crater.
Ash plumes can be seen on satellite imagery now, but so far have been low and do not affect air traffic significantly."


This seismic activity is measuring 9.5 on the Richter Scale...but because of it being a volcano and not a volcano on an island, it isn't generating tsunamis yet. A certain verse does come time mind.

Revelation 16:18
"And the second sounded, and there was as a great burning mountain falling into the sea and a third of The Sea became blood."


So what is this planetary alignment mentioned earlier? MrMBB333 has been talking about it a lot recently and explains it briefly in the following video where he mentions a new fissure that opened VERY close to Yellowstone!

Think this alignment is bad? Any idea what is coming? NIBIRU and recorded in Sumerian tablets had Nergal reporting what the pass of Nibiru upon the Earth would do and what caused the great flood of Noah!

Nergal reported from the south tip of Africa that the Antarctic ice sheet was sliding to the ocean and would, next approach of Nibiru, slide into the sea and cause wave reverberations that would engulf most of Earth.


Thanks to Cardinal Mat Staader and Imperial Regent Angelus Domini for information!
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This is pretty serious!

With that planetary alignment coming up, it wouldn't surprise me if this volcano took the spotlight...I hope people realize this is serious!

It's easy to focus on the big ones, but even the small ones could become far more threatening to their regions when Nibiru's effects peak.