in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Commitment, Conviction and Character.


The conviction we have in something will lead us to commit ourselves to that. Nobody commits if they are not convinced in what they do first. And commitment will produce character in us to remain and realize our convictions. The word commitment is derived from the Latin term compromissum and is used to describe an obligation that has been contracted or a given word. Sometimes a commitment is a promise or a statement of principles. I liked this definition!

The Word of God speaks in Ecclesiastes chapter 5 about commitment and recommends that we do not hurry with our mouths, or with our hearts to make promises or just talk to talk.

Ecclesiastes 5: 2 "Do not hurry with your mouth, and do not let your heart rush to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven, and you are on earth, so your words will be few."
5: 4 "It is better that you not promise, and not that you promise and not keep.
5: 5 "Do not let your mouth make you sin ..."

Many times we respond lightly, by getting out of step or perhaps in a moment of emotion we give free reign to our words, ignoring the value they have over it or towards what we direct them. We become foolish or foolish when we do not fulfill what we promise. If we make promises to God and we do not fulfill them, what will be left for the rest?

Let's see the example of the apostle Paul ...

The apostle Paul spoke of the conviction he had when he said: "Being persuaded of this, that he who began the good work in us will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6). If I have a conviction I will have a commitment. Commitment is to have a responsibility or obligation.It is known what I am convinced by the commitment I acquire.For example, the conviction of the love of a woman leads to a marital commitment, in the same way, the trust in my salvation entails the commitment to live as God asks, this is also the case with service to God, if I am convinced of my vocation, I commit myself to serve him.

Commitment is an obligation voluntarily contracted. Love is a commitment. Life without commitment does not come to anything. Winters must pass to reach the springs of life.

When I acquire commitment, I acquire constancy in what I do. Having routines is not bad. God himself established routines such as there are every day when the sun rises in the same place. We must acquire obligations that lead us to be constant and persevering in something, until we finish the work to which the Lord called us.

Perseverance and persistence are the result of commitment to something. Philippians 3:12 says, "Not that I have already attained all, nor that I am perfect, but I press on, to see if I can grasp that for which I was also seized by Christ Jesus." Pablo was not already who he should be, he was not perfect, but he kept going. To grow, you have to do. The prize is in the goal, when finished, not at the beginning. And you do not reach the goal without commitment.

Having a commitment is to start something, continue it and conclude it. One can not finish and much less continue if we do not have a clear goal. We should not be afraid of goals, let's worry when we do not find them.

God shapes our character through the commitment to be constant even in the midst of trials and adversities. We are trained when the time comes when it proves our conviction.

Paul remained in the church despite the persecution. The persecutions come alone, you do not have to look for them. Those who leave the commitment lose character, because commitment produces character. Adversities and trials in Pablo formed his character. He could have said that he was no longer there, but he continued to reach the goals. Instead of surrendering, he said: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Let's take his example and move forward.

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