RE: Death or Life, Lies or Truth | John 8:44, John 10:10, & Joshua 24:15

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Death or Life, Lies or Truth | John 8:44, John 10:10, & Joshua 24:15

in steemchurch •  5 years ago 

I don't see how the verse from Joshua applies. We can't just choose to become Christians today. Nobody can be saved unless they hear the gospel and the Holy Spirit draws them.

I also don't see how Satan can silence your worship. Does he take away your voice? It's more likely that Satan puts evil thoughts into your head. Or unpleasant memories come back about other people and you're reminded of those times you were hurt by them.

The Holy Spirit will fill you as engage in spiritual disciplines. Those are prayer, church attendance, and Bible reading. As well as growing in obedience. You can listen to Bible podcasts and those will feed you as well. My favorite is "Thru the Bible". You can download the entire 5 year program for free at

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Joshua was making a public declaration to the Israelites that he and his home would serve, love and proclaim God as King. The connection between that verse and my core point is that there are influences in your life (people, pride, satan) that can convince you to be silent in a moment, when you ought to sing God's praise.

I agree that we do not choose God, we are either made to see or blind, however, free will exists.

If free will exists, then how we choose to proclaim or be silent is our own choice. Do you sing God's praise, do you let your discomfort in a moment silence you? Like Joshua, do you proclaim God as King publicly or not? Even satan knows Christ is God, but satan is not saved. Therefore, knowledge alone is not salvific. Rather, salvation comes from our coming underneath the righteousness of Christ, so that God's holy justice will "pass over" our transgressions, as we are "clothed in His righteousness".

If there were no free-will, then how might satan know Christ's divinity, and yet not be saved by it? He freely chose, in prideful arrogance, to deny God's gift of salvation, grace and mercy. As do some of us.

Make sense? Its so complicated I struggle holding it together myself. I write so that I can explore the depth of these truths and better comprehend God's ways. This is why its so lovely when someone like yourself shares your thoughts or feedback, because it helps me explore the adequacy of my comprehension.
Thanks for the comment.
Have an awesome day. God bless.