in steemchurch •  6 years ago 


Matthew 25:25
And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground...

We can learn so many lessons from the parable of the talent. One thing that the Bible is silent about was what the man told his servants to do with the talents. It was not mentioned in scriptures if he actually told them to trade with the talents, but when he came, he was expecting returns on the talent that was why he told them to come and give account.

He called the one who couldn't make any returns on his talent as wicked and lazy. His lord answered and said unto him, [Thou] wicked and lazy servant...(Matt 25:26).

There are many of us who on the last day, GOD will call wicked and lazy. Why! Because we have denied our community, country, church and the world of the benefits of the gifts GOD has put in us. Many of us are very gifted but we think we can do whatever we like with it because it is our own gift.

Whatever gift of talent GOD has given to you is not for your benefit alone. Your failure to rise up and use your gift will make many jobless, hungry and will send many to an early grave.This is why you will be called wicked. If Joseph had failed, Israel would have suffered in the time of famine, so don't hide your gift or talent. HE sent a man before them, [even] Joseph,... (Ps 105:17).

I pray that the grace to use every gift or talent in you to the fullest be released to you in the Name of JESUS.

The lazy man is wiser in his own eyes...(Pro 26:16)

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We all have at least one talent gift or talent given to us by God. It is let for us all to discover our gift and after it has been discorver, we should use it to serve God and humanity

Amen we must recognize our talent, and know how to manage it. Thanks for sharing your post.

It is important to know what we are good at and recognize that it is a talent bestowed by God for us and that we should use it to praise God through good actions and doing remarkable things that benefit our neighbor

Amen!!! We must know what we are good at and make very good use of our talents..