in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)


(Matthew 6:33)
‘’Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.’’

Just like the foreign exchange market, there is an eternity time based exchange where one can give substance to God and receive the blessing which has earthly value and eternal placement in return (Proverbs3:9-10). Have you began to trade in this market?

By trading in this market you are positioning yourself for God’s help in the form of the blessings. God does not say thank you for every offering received, instead He gives heavenly currency called the blessing, which may manifest as financial breakthrough, supernatural help, supernatural protection and empowerment. Glory to God!!

Thus, in order to constantly incur God’s help over your life, family, business, career etc. you must seek Him first, invest your time in God. Do not let a day pass without putting your energy, effort in His works and all that pertains to His kingdom. Make a commitment to be kingdom minded all through this year and watch God send you help in times of trouble. Halleluyah!!


(Prov 24:16)
For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief

Why should a just man fall at all, not to talk of him falling seven times? Is that really necessary? Well, you need to understand today that God also works through our situations and trials to strengthen our faith and prepare us for what He has called us to accomplish. After all, no king raises his heir within the four walls of the palace alone, but allows him fight battles so that he may be strengthened him to rule.

As sons of God, the Bible tells us that God is faithful, who will not allow us to be tempted above what we are able to bear and overcome (1Cor 10:13). In other words, though we may go through trying times often, He already made provision for our victory and He expects us to face those challenges with the mindset of a victor, knowing that we already have what it takes to surmount them. Glory to God!

This is the right attitude to have when we you are faced with seeming difficulties and failures, remembering that no matter how many times you fall or seem to fail, you have what it takes to get up and conquer still. So face that challenge with one thing in mind – Victory!

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Beautiful words @braide
Matthew 6:33 is a simple but powerful teaching that the Lord Jesus left us.
I say AMEN to that word and to your teaching.
I would add something more
1 Peter 5: 10-11 "But the God of all grace, who called us to his eternal glory in Jesus Christ, after you have suffered a little while, he himself will perfect, affirm, strengthen and establish you. and the empire for ever and ever, Amen. "
We must understand that we will pass difficult situations, but in the test, we must be with God and praise Him.
God bless you!

We need God in everything we do
Thanks for this boss

Thanks for sharing this @braide, God really is a rewarder of those who seek him. As long as you seek him, you position yourself for his blessings

Go for victory

Yesoo, God cannot leave us to struggle in our challenges without providing a way out.. It's left for us to discover that way by being persistent..