in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Hi friends good evening, today i would continue the part two of yesterday's "FOLLOW UP OF NEWLY CONVERTED CHRISTIANS", If you didn't follow please click HERE


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To follow-up a soul means to continue building a soul from the time he repeats and receives Christ.

Matt 28 vs 19-20 says

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,


and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

1st Pet 2:2 says

"Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation"

When a soul repents of his sins and gets born-again, the foundation is laid. But a foundation does not make a house.

One block has to be put on top of another for the house to be completed.

Follow up involves building up a converted soul to become what God wants him to be by teaching him to observe and obey God's word, he is taught Christ's life from God's word so that his mind would be renewed and his life transformed to become like Jesus.


  • We have been commended to make "disciples' not "converts'

Matt John 21:15 says "When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs".

Disciples are followers or apprentices of Jesus Christ whereas a new convert is someone who has changed his status or location without yet knowing how to handle his new condition, he is like someone between life and death.

Only the Christian foundation has been laid in such a life, he is not yet fit to handle his inheritance in Christ, he is also not fit for the masters use unless he is built up to become a proper disciple.

  • We shall not receive any reward for a saved soul who becomes lost as a result of our lack of care. Rather, a fearful judgement awaits us, see 1kings 20:39-40, 1cor3 :12-15, 1st these.2:7-8.
  • A new convert is like a new baby, he needs proper feeding and care so that he can grow to stand on his own, see 1pet 2:2, 2pet3:18, Gal 4:9.

  • A new convert is like a game, caught for hunting.

There is a tendency for his life to get rotten if he is not properly roasted in the fire of God's word, Prov 12:27, Matt 12:43-45, Jn4:35, Prov 19:9.

He is also like a freshly harvested ripe fruit.

Rottenness soon sets in if not properly processed and preserved. It will then become useless and almost irreversibly damaged.

So there is a need to properly follow-up every soul that God gives you so that they can become built up and fit for the master's use.

For this you would surely receive a reward when the chief shepherd appears - 1pet 5:2-4.

To follow-up a new convert means to build up a life from the foundation level, or to feed and take care of a baby Christain until he becomes a man in Christ, fit for his noble use.

It means to roast a soul until he becomes a man in Christ, fit for his noble use.

It means to roast a soul until he becomes done and everything that can cause decay is removed from his life.

A new convert has every potential in him to do great exploit for God, but he is still a baby, God is in need of yielded men and women who will bring up these souls in the nurture and admonition of the Lord until they become matured and skillful in handling the things of God.

Jesus still asks today as he asked Simeon Peter on that day in Jn 21:15

"When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

May the Lord find you faithful in doing this for Him.

Stay tuned!

I am @cherylsonty!

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What a great writeup @cherylsonty. If a new convert is not been followed up, he might go back to his former old ways of life again. Discipleship is very much important in the body of christ. Jesus trained up his disciples for good 3years. A disciple well trained today is a great man tomorrow. A convert of today is a leader of church tomorrow.
Thanks for sharing...

Wonderful study!! Lets continue to build up disciples!!
Bear Hugs!!

Lovely write up
May the grace to build disciple for Christ never depart from us... Amen