STEEMCHURCH: The power of the Church lies in unity

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 



What does the unit imply?

It implies the property of each being by virtue of which it can not be divided without its essence being destroyed or altered, so it is necessary that there be something of unity that remains within its conception, if it were altered or divided, if it is destroyed , the unit would be totally altered.

For there to be unity, it is necessary that the essence of what we call unity not be destroyed, because if we do not stop serving in our function for the Lord.

Ephesians 4: 11- And he himself constituted some, apostles; to others, prophets; to others, evangelists; to others, pastors and teachers, 13 until we all reach the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

And why should there be unity in the church?

Because we are all one body, and the apostle Saint Paul says: I am a body, a body with my sister, with the congregation, with every man and woman in the roundness of the earth who confesses that Jesus Christ is their lord and savior .

For there to be unity, it is necessary that the church does not separate, do not bother, because if it does not stop serving in its function, we must pray that in the life of the church there will be an awareness of unity, because what produces the perfection in the life of the church, is the sense of unity, because if you do not have that sense, you can not fulfill the function of God.


The unit is the one that will perfect us

The power of unity is about the body of Christ, of identifying ourselves as brothers, of having a fraternal harmony between us, it is about Jesus Christ who dwells within you.

Our body can not be divided, because if not the church weakened, God is the head and we the body "the church", and being aligned to the head we will act in a sure way and for blessing.


We do not decide alone, our body is governed by the head and we are subject and united to the head, Jesus Christ is our head and where we want to go, the holy spirit will act, and move us.

Unity and body receive blessing, but what is disunited and broken receives no blessing. God created the church and placed an order "my body will receive the blessing because it comes from the head", this happens being united to him ", for his purpose.

Look how the Lord says to Abram: I want to make you a great nation, you will be a man of impact, I want to help you, because through you I want to bless the generations of the earth. I will make you a great nation, I will bless you, I will magnify your name. And Abram says to him: well, I want you to magnify my name, and then the Lord says: you will be a blessing, but for what? Do you want to magnify and bless, for him, for his own benefit? NO, it is for much more, to favor others, to remain in the body of Christ, so that families can be blessed, because of their offspring, the planet will change because of the blessing of Christ. Genesis 12

And the unity lies in that through us that we are the church, we can save others, give life to those who are lost, give life to every human being, but will use the members of their body, the members of the church, we are that body and we must be clear that the angels intervene but the body must act.

We need to walk according to the Lord, united to him


Amos 3: 3 says: Will two walk together, if they do not agree?

If we want God to manifest we must agree, so that the glory of God and the provision of heaven will be manifested and shining, we must be in UNITY.

United as the church of Christ in STEEMCHURCH we will grow in love, in abundance, because the word is glorified day by day, we keep firm what the Lord says, identifying ourselves, we connect and the Lord blesses his whole body, because we have a purpose and it is that the word is taken to the whole world through him.


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United we stand, divided we fall, a three fold cord can never be broken. Keep on spreading the message of unity @cindycam God be with you!

Hello, unity must be in us the people of Christ, always keeping us strong through writing.

Yeah... the unity of the church is the most important thing.
But this should start from every home. Each family makes up the church. So when the home is united, the church will follow.

Of course, to have unity in the church that is the people of Christ, this must start from homes, since we do nothing by spreading and, maintaining unity if it is not from our core.

Unity makes any goal easier to achieve. Unity in the church is very important.

Unity, thanks to Christ, let us act through the head of the creator because, we are his body.

Eph 4:13. Till we all come in the unity of the Faith and of the knowledge of the son of God unto a prefect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Amen, to the stature of the perfect man.

Juan 11:52
y no sólo por la nación, sino también para reunir en uno a los hijos de Dios que están esparcidos.