When our faith falters, how do we strengthen it?

in steemchurch •  last month 


When our faith is on the floor, when it seems that we do things just for the sake of it, we have a way to recharge our faith. We must fill our mind and heart with the word of truth, which will increase our faith in a tacit way.

6 Therefore, as you have received Jesus Christ the Lord, so walk in him;

Colossians 2:6

Having decided to accept Jesus Christ as the only and sufficient Savior to love and obey Him does not mean that our faith will never suffer waverings or that we will never have any more doubts or questions, which is why we must have the tools at hand for when our faith tries to falter.
It is important that when these moments arise, we ask ourselves questions about goodbyes, such as: Has God not promised to supply all my needs? Is there anything too hard for God? Has God sent his Holy Spirit to guide me and comfort me in the most difficult moments of my life? We can ask ourselves many more questions that we simply have to look for the answer in the word of God, let us allow the Bible to fill our minds and hearts to focus on what God has for us.

14 But you continue in what you have learned and have been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned it; 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:14-17

Let us meditate on the word of God, let us ask God to help us find the appropriate texts that relate to the situation we are going through, let us pray, let us read the Bible with the intention of hearing the same voice of God, let us ask God at this moment to reveal his word to us through the Holy Spirit, God will do his work and will surprise us with what we discover in the meditation of his word and the transformation that he can make almost instantly in our way of thinking and what we feel, the word has power.
Let us remember, let us remember those situations in which God has shown his faithfulness to us, God is always faithful and surely we can bring to mind to remember this situation that was recorded in our mind and our heart, let us always remember what God has done for us and for us.
Let us be a little rational and ask ourselves the following: how complicated is this decision and how can it affect me? We must be aware that God has promised many things for our good and simply remember that, look for the promises in His Word and know that God will fulfill them. We only have to trust, decide intentionally to obey God leaving aside or regardless of the feeling that wants to take place, in this case make a rational choice for God.
All these points will make sure that our faith does not waver, we must detect when those moments approach, but if we live a constant life meditating on the Word of God regularly our faith will remain at its peak. Let us take our steps of faith and God will strengthen us through His Holy Spirit, before we realize it we will be firm walking with joy the Christian race that awaits us ahead.
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