in steemchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

Happy day my dear community @steemchurch, I have been reflecting on the people that we have to carry some extra responsibilities, sometimes the other people believe that we do not suffer, that we do not feel, or maybe nothing happens to us.

On the contrary, things happen to us, God processes us in character, in patience, we pass tests but we can not stop because we know that there is a people, that depends on our walk, on our work with the Lord.

God always processes us in the areas that he wants to use us, be it financial, health, marriage, among others. It is hard what we have to live, sometimes we feel the burden of others. For example, I have been processed a lot in the area of ​​finance and family, and it is a high price that is paid. Most people who do not know me and see me at first glance think that my life is perfect, that I have everything, and they are not far from reality, I have everything with God. When you learn to depend on God, you are deprived of everything, even of material things, then you know that he is your sustenance, and so you must show it to the world.

What is the difference? that as we know God, we know who is he who controls everything. There are people who have told me that because I am so detached, and I easily give things that I also need. Simply because I know who I have believed in, it is easy to give what you have left, it is difficult to give the only thing you have.

I tell you this, because not all the time we are those super warriors, super esprituales, super people. No, there are moments like when we want to leave everything and run away, there are times when we need someone to give us a blanket, lift us up, there are times when we are disappointed by the injustices of life.


"Saul spoke to Jonathan his son, and to all his servants, that they should kill David ... and he told David, saying, Saul my father seeks to kill you; therefore take care until the morning, and be in a hidden place and hide ...

And Jonathan spoke well of David to Saul his father, and said unto him, Do not let the king sin against his servant David, for he has done nothing against you, and because his deeds have been very good to you; for he took his life in his hand, and slew the Philistine, and the LORD gave great salvation to all Israel ... And Saul heard the voice of Jonathan ... And the evil spirit from Jehovah came upon Saul ... And Saul sought to nail David with He hurled it at the wall, but he turned away from Saul, who struck with the spear on the wall. and David fled, and escaped that night. Saul then sent messengers to David's house to watch him, and to kill him in the morning. But Michal his wife told David ... and he went and fled, and escaped. "1 Samuel 19: 1-12.

Beloved, in all the history of humanity and, especially, in what concerns the spiritual life, it is written in the Word of God that God from the beginning has raised men and women by giving them leadership, abilities, wisdom, and entrusted them important missions to fulfill during his career in this land. You can also see that from the beginning God placed beside them, people of support, with the purpose of helping them in difficult times.

Today, in times of great cruelty and contempt, with a materialistic generation, lovers of luxury and pleasure, without love or affection, who can not recognize the glory of God; men and women have been raised for every need, with a call, to lead and carry out a job in a certain place in the world. Likewise, it is necessary that these men and women that God has raised have close people who with loyalty and fidelity become their squire, giving encouragement and helping him to keep his testimony.

One of the things needed by the leader that God raises are support people; First faithful, taking care of the dangers, the bad will and many false "brothers" who, covertly, approach them.

The apostle Paul was the victim of those false "brothers" who, feigning love and desire to be with him, turned their backs, betrayed him, defamed him and opposed his ministry.

For this and other reasons, support people are needed, who love and are faithful to God and their leader. Those close to him, his relatives, are the first to support the leader's work. All those who are close to a servant of God, must serve faithfully and not be carried away by the devil, to attack or destroy.

In the verses read we can see the attitude of Jonathan. He was the son of King Saul, immediate to the throne, had plenty of reasons to collaborate with the death of David. Michal, his sister, David's wife and the king's daughter also, could have supported his father and killed David, but there was something in them: they loved David greatly; and although their father was the king, they did not ally themselves to harm David, because they recognized that he was a man that God had chosen, anointed and raised. They maintained their loyalty, they refused to collaborate with their father, that is "fidelity", to be an aid and not a burden.

In Exodus 17: 8-16 we find, also, the case of Moses. The Bible presents this man with extraordinary, incredible qualities, he was over 80 years old and leading the people of Israel through the desert, on the way to the promised land, he had to fight with another nation: Amalek. Moses instructed Joshua, his servant, to face the enemy, the Bible says: "And Joshua did as Moses said, fighting against Amalek; and Moses and Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill. And it happened that when Moses raised his hand, Israel prevailed; but when he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed. And the hands of Moses were tired; so they took a stone, and put it under him, and sat on it; and Aaron and Hur held up their hands, one on one side and the other on the other; So there was firmness in his hands until the sun set. And Joshua destroyed Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. "

Here the Bible presents as selected men human beings with normal characteristics: weak, tired, hungry, who can surrender to the load. We see that Moses was getting tired too, and the presence of two men was necessary to help him: Aaron and Hur.

It was so real that when Moses raised his hands in a sign of worship to God and implored his favor, Israel took advantage; but when he tired and lowered his arms, Amalek prevailed. It is so that Aaron and Hur realized the human reality of Moses, that although he was a man of God, he needed the fidelity of his assistants; they realized that God had called them for that hour, had put them close; More than a luxury or privilege, God had united them to be a help and to strengthen at one moment the hands of Moses. They realized that their leader needed help; that they would take their arms and raise them to God, then they were not only the hands of Moses, but also those of Aaron and Hur, who were also rising, to implore the favor and grace of God.

It was important that Aaron and Hur understood that the support was necessary, they understood that Moses required them, his arms fell down and the enemy immediately prevailed. While Moses rested, lowered his arms and strengthened himself, Israelites died on the battlefield, and there was Hur and Aaron, who, seeing this, reacted and said: "The secret is that as long as Moses keeps interceding, our people will prevail. because God is on our side. " Immediately they raised their arms, and the enemies began to fall. But they also got tired, then they placed a stone and they sat down, they held their arms and Israel prevailed, getting a great victory.

If you knew how important your support is, your collaboration; It's not tomorrow, not in a few years, it's now, now or never!

Never before has the Work of God been so attacked; for this, God needs a united people, strengthened in the hands of the Lord, God needs faithful men and women, who are transparent, with an irreproachable witness, consecrated, selfless, trustworthy, not salaried, or greedy, who do not keep the inheritance of God, that they do not appropriate what God has given to the Work: the temples, the money of the believers, This is transparency, integrity! In this hour, God needs his arms to rise up and join the servants of God.

There are crucial moments within the Work of the Lord, determining moments in which we must decide and put ourselves on the side of the men of God. If a family member, however dear to you, is against the Work, he is not your friend, you can not have fellowship with someone who is hurting the Work of God. You can not say that you are faithful when, at a certain moment, you do not support whoever supports the Work of God; if he does not do so, he is part of the adversaries, who want to see this Work destroyed and do not want this message to be preached, definitive for the salvation of the world.

We will not be silent while there is life, as long as there are forces, we will not surrender, we will not stop preaching this Word of holiness, we will not stop confronting the devil. The men of God need the support of collaborators, so that they can fulfill the multiple responsibilities that have been assigned to them.

In 1 Samuel 14: 1-15, we find the action of another man: the page of arms of Jonathan. Two years of Saul's reign passed and a war was waged against the Philistines. The people of Israel were fearful, the Philistines had cornered and disarmed them, verse 6 details: "So Jonathan said to his page in arms: come let us go to the garrison of these uncircumcised; maybe Jehovah will do something for us, because it is not difficult for Jehovah to save with many or with few ". Look at the answer of a true squire, a true collaborator, willing to go to sacrifice, with loyalty to his lord: "Do everything in your heart; see, for here I am with you at your will "(v.7). He refuted nothing, this man respected his leader in such a way that he did not dare to make an excuse.

Then Jonathan replies: "Let's move on to those men, and we'll show ourselves to them. If you say this to us: Wait until we get to you, then we will sit in our place, and we will not go up to them. But if they say this to us: Go up to us, then we will go up, because Jehovah has delivered them into our hand; and this will be a sign to us "(verses 8-10). Says verse 13: "And Jonathan went up with his hands and his feet, and after him his coat-of-arms; and those who fell in front of Jonathan, his page of weapons that went after him killed them. " The page covered his master's back, he did not allow himself to be attacked. These types of people are what God is looking for.

In these difficult days, it is necessary for a brave generation to arise that loyally surrounds the men that God has truly raised, who do not approach for interest -as in the time of Jesus, when people followed Him for the "loaves and fish "-, do not look for" positions ", no !, you need people who say:" Count on me for whatever it takes! "

Upon hearing the response of his arms page, Jonathan decided. The doubts dissipated, because there was a man willing to hold his arms. Jonathan took courage and achieved his purpose: defeat the Philistines.

Returning to the initial passage, Jonathan defended David, spoke well of him in front of his father, knowing that he was uncomfortable, there was never a shadow of doubt in his words, based his defense on justice, not on his feelings, nor on his preferences. . He knew that David was a righteous man, chosen by God.

The firm position with the right depends on our commitment to God and to justice, our communion with Him.

In 1 Samuel 23:17, Jonathan tells David, "Do not fear, for the hand of Saul my father will not find you, and you will reign over Israel, and I will be second after you; and even Saul my father knows that. " Jonathan understood that David was anointed in Saul's stead; for him, the will of God was more important than personal well-being.

When one is spiritual, money or possessions do not matter; the only glory that is sought is that of Jesus Christ! It is the duty of the collaborator to keep his leader spiritually and morally, pray for him, be attentive to his needs, not allow anyone to hurt him, be by his side to support him and encourage him to reach his goals, guaranteeing his unconditional support; It is your privilege.

If you read the Bible, Goliath, the Philistine warrior, had a squire. In 1 Samuel 17: 7 some of Goliath's armament is described: "The shaft of his spear was like a weaver's wheel, and the iron of his spear had six hundred shekels of iron; and his squire was in front of him. " And verse 41 reinforces: "And the Philistine came walking and approaching David, and his armor-bearer before him." But when David throws the stone with the sling and kills Goliath, where was the squire? He fled, like all the others! That kind of men are not worth! Men who flee when they see the problem, they do not work!

In those times, the squire went ahead. At present, our "collaborating squire" is behind; because our general is ahead, Christ, the warrior par excellence, powerful, whose legs do not tremble!

In 2 Kings 10:15, Jehu king of Israel, executing the orders that God had entrusted to him, met Jonadab son of Rechab and said, "Is your heart right, like mine is right with yours? Jonadab said: It is "; He adds: "Well, it is, give me your hand." And he did get on the car with him.

The time has come to shake the hand of their leader and express the same words: "I am with you, count on me, I am to collaborate! Let's go together to the missionary work! That's what God wants! "

Enough of self-loving people, my dear brothers God seeks faithful, loyal people, without asking anything in return:

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So real Apostol, but we must trust that God will help us to discern in what we must trust who the faithful are willing to help and those who approach seek only their good.

My dear sister! I am in the field on the front lines and have left everything to follow God’s lead. I am in a place where I don’t even know the language. Far from my 87 year old mother that I may never see again. Every word that you say here, I know from experience.
This is why from early on I call you my sister! Family! I don’t have much to offer, but I am a man of prayer and pray for you every morning like I was praying for my own family!
I know that beyond what you said here.

God always processes us in the areas that he wants to use us, be it financial, health, marriage, among others.
Much of what we go through is not even for ourselves, but for the people we are called to serve. The Apostle Paul said he came in weakness!
God shows His power in our weakness!
There are people we are called to help and there are people called by God, like Aaron and Hurr to hold up our arms while we fight battles. My prayer for you is that these people will come to the foreground and that you would recognize them.
Much of what we go through is the fellowship of His sufferings, that we also may know Him in the power of His resurrection. People let us down, abandon us, even friends or family turn on us! David said the one he went to the house of the Lord has kicked up his heals against me.
I could sit here and write about every battle wound, every person that has turned on us and even caused us huge financial loss. People we called friends. People we still love in spite of these things!
But what I noticed is that God is continually bringing a better, upgrade in people with more depth and character. Some people are only capable of going so far with us.
Every good thing that we obtain in the kingdom, hell won’t give up without a fight.
Te mando abrazos de su hermano!
I am here with you as a friend, brother and fellow soldier in the fight.
Daddy William

thank you, Daddy william, therefore, I know who you are in Christ from the beginning, I know, the father, you and I, only one heart.


So genuine , yet we should assume that God will help us to recognize in what we should trust who the steadfast will help and the individuals who approach look for just their great.

My dear sister! I am in the field on the forefronts and have left everything to take after God's lead. I am in a place where I don't know the dialect. A long way from my 87 year old mother that I may never observe again. Each word that you say here, I know for a fact.

This is the reason from at an early stage I call you my sister! Family! I don't have much to offer, yet I am a man of petition and appeal to God for you each morning like I was petitioning God for my own family!

I realize that past what you said here.

We are God's workmanship, made in Christ Jesus to do acts of kindness, which God arranged ahead of time for us to do.' (Ephesians 2: 10)

God can utilize individuals with or without the characteristic capacity and appropriate foundation. God can, and frequently works, with crude material. God gets ready and engages those He does His work so He doesn't have to call individuals into initiative who have the common drive, preparing, or great models of authority in their experience. He doesn't have to utilize individuals who took the part or who are as of now well known. "Siblings, consider what you were the point at which you were called. Very you few were astute by human norms; relatively few were powerful; relatively few were of respectable birth. In any case, God picked the absurd things of the world to disgrace the savvy; God picked the powerless things of the world to disgrace the solid." (1 Corinthians 1: 26 - 27) The followers, who went ahead to establish pioneers of the congregation, were anglers and assessment authorities in terms of professional career. They were not very instructed or from persuasive families. Some had solid, driven identities yet others didn't.

Be mindful so as not to restrict God. Trust Him when He says, "My elegance is adequate for you, for my energy is made flawless in shortcoming" (2 Corinthians 12: 9).

God readies those He calls. The followers put in three years with Jesus to set them up to be the early pioneers of the congregation however even still, before they were to go out without anyone else, they needed to sit tight for the Holy Spirit to happen upon them in control. God utilizes beneficial encounters to form and shape pioneers. God utilizes beneficial encounters to create points of view and interests basic to the limit of administration to which He calls.

A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing

We're all important in this freedom crusade. Both the leaders and the followers.

In Exodus chapter 17. Joshua was fighting the Amalekites and it was noticed that when Moses raises his hand, Joshua triumph and when he brings down his hands, the Amalekites overpower the children of God.

Aaron and Hur supported the hands of Moses when he grew weak.

So Joseph fought, Moses raised his hands and Aaron And Hur supported Moses' hands. This is a clear indication that leaders needs our support too.

Help in any small way you can to uplift and actualize the dreams of your leaders, you can start by giving them appreciation and encouragement, that is highly needed for the morale to do more.

What a great message. God processes us in character, in patience, we pass tests but we can not stop because we know that there is a people, that depends on our walk, on our work with the Lord. God always processes us in the areas that he wants to use us, be it financial, health, marriage, among others. It is hard what we have to live, sometimes we feel the burden of others. For example, I have been processed a lot in the area of ​​finance and family, and it is a high price that is paid. Most people who do not know me and see me at first glance think that my life is perfect, that I have everything, and they are not far from reality, I have everything with God. When you learn to depend on God, you are deprived of everything, even of material things, then you know that he is your sustenance, and so you must show it to the world. For this and other reasons, support people are needed, who love and are faithful to God and their leader. Those close to him, his relatives, are the first to support the leader's work. All those who are close to a servant of God, must serve faithfully and not be carried away by the devil, to attack or destroy. When one is spiritual, money or possessions do not matter; the only glory that is sought is that of Jesus Christ! It is the duty of the collaborator to keep his leader spiritually and morally, pray for him, be attentive to his needs, not allow anyone to hurt him, be by his side to support him and encourage him to reach his goals, guaranteeing his unconditional support. Thanks for sharing this message to us

‘We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.’ (Ephesians 2: 10)
God can use people with or without the natural ability and proper background. God can, and often chooses to, work with raw material. God prepares and empowers those He chooses to do His work so He does not need to call people into leadership who have the natural drive, training, or good models of leadership in their background. He does not need to use people who took the part or who are already popular. "Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." (1 Corinthians 1: 26 - 27) The disciples, who went on to be founding leaders of the church, were fishermen and tax-collectors by trade. They were not highly educated or from influential families. Some had strong, driven personalities but others did not.

  • Be careful not to limit God. Take Him at His word when He says, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12: 9).
    God prepares those He calls. The disciples spent three years with Jesus to prepare them to be the early leaders of the church but even still, before they were to go out on their own, they had to wait for the Holy Spirit to come upon them in power. God uses life experiences to mold and shape leaders. God uses life experiences to develop perspectives and passions essential to the capacity of leadership to which He calls.

There wont be a leader without a follower,
A follower wont move anywhere without a leader.. This two needs each other to be able to carry on the good works..
A Journey of a thousand miles start with A Step!
Our Leader @sirknight need our followership in supporting and encouraging... Thanks for sharing @darlenys01

The word of God is always lasting and this message tells us about how we should be and attend to our leaders how to help them always be aware of what they may need. God seeks men who worship in spirit and truth, says the Bible, and this is a way of Serve God when we are looking for our brothers to give them a helping hand. Thanks for sharing good word

As stewards we have been entrusted with certain gifting/wisdom of God to reveal to the world at large. It's a privilege indeed despite the sacrifices.

So genuine , yet we should assume that God will help us to recognize in what we should trust who the steadfast will help and the individuals who approach look for just their great.

My dear sister! I am in the field on the forefronts and have left everything to take after God's lead. I am in a place where I don't know the dialect. A long way from my 87 year old mother that I may never observe again. Each word that you say here, I know for a fact.

This is the reason from at an early stage I call you my sister! Family! I don't have much to offer, yet I am a man of petition and appeal to God for you each morning like I was petitioning God for my own family!

I realize that past what you said here.

We are God's workmanship, made in Christ Jesus to do acts of kindness, which God arranged ahead of time for us to do.' (Ephesians 2: 10)

God can utilize individuals with or without the characteristic capacity and appropriate foundation. God can, and frequently works, with crude material. God gets ready and engages those He does His work so He doesn't have to call individuals into initiative who have the common drive, preparing, or great models of authority in their experience. He doesn't have to utilize individuals who took the part or who are as of now well known. "Siblings, consider what you were the point at which you were called. Very you few were astute by human norms; relatively few were powerful; relatively few were of respectable birth. In any case, God picked the absurd things of the world to disgrace the savvy; God picked the powerless things of the world to disgrace the solid." (1 Corinthians 1: 26 - 27) The followers, who went ahead to establish pioneers of the congregation, were anglers and assessment authorities in terms of professional career. They were not very instructed or from persuasive families. Some had solid, driven identities yet others didn't.

Be mindful so as not to restrict God. Trust Him when He says, "My elegance is adequate for you, for my energy is made flawless in shortcoming" (2 Corinthians 12: 9).

God readies those He calls. The followers put in three years with Jesus to set them up to be the early pioneers of the congregation however even still, before they were to go out without anyone else, they needed to sit tight for the Holy Spirit to happen upon them in control. God utilizes beneficial encounters to form and shape pioneers. God utilizes beneficial encounters to create points of view and interests basic to the limit of administration to which He calls.

A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing

hello friend @darlenys those of us who are in Christ, we go through process, then comes the victory. Blessings

Definitely there are days that we feel as spiritually spiritless, everything is in prayer, when we stop being in communion with GOD we enter discouragement, that is why we must be firm. regards

hello friend @darlenys, we Christians, we live process, we are threshed every day by the Lord. our father who is in heaven, he is not going to give us proof that we can not bear. That father asks his son for bread and gives him a stone. He loves us in his infinite mercy. BLESSINGS

Happy day. not every day are the same, we are mud in the hand of GOD, every day I ask him to help me not to faint. Blessings

God that placed our leaders ahead of us really knew their capability and He knows that they are not perfect that is why they always need our prayers and support

In these difficult days, it is necessary for a brave generation to arise that loyally surrounds the men that God has truly raised, who do not approach for interest -as in the time of Jesus, when people followed Him for the "loaves and fish "-, do not look for" positions ", no !, you need people who say:" Count on me for whatever it takes! "

Hmmmm...i hear this one...really this is true.

Disposition, is a short word with a lot of courage, there are currently many fields of work in the affairs of our Father, GOD, but few workers who want to work in an orderly manner, with sincere and disinterested love, that is why it is important to always ask for direction to God, ask for confirmation to make decisions, not always those loving people who approach with much love are sincere, they cover their true Self with a false face, but there is nothing hidden between heaven and earth and sooner rather than later God shows his servants who is each one

God does not put a burden on those who can not, if he places his eye on you as a leader, he will add everything that is necessary, training him in everything, making every weakness a strength because his purposes are fulfilled, GOD is sovereign.

Our strength comes from the Father who is in heaven, through his son Jesus Christ and the comforter, holy spirit; He manages life and everything that exists on this earth.

Do not fear anything Apostol, God is in control of all things, always looking to the goal and never stop giving, as you said in the Meetup: "Bless to be blessed"


One of the things needed by the leader that God raises are support people; First faithful, taking care of the dangers, the bad will and many false "brothers" who, covertly, approach them.

Through God's grace I became stronger in facing our life challenges and hardships. Being the eldest, and in a very young age, i serve as the model and leader to my siblings. God helps me to make things possible when i feel like surrendering.