in steemchurch •  5 years ago 

Matthew 7:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 For if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him?
Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
Reina-Valera Version 1960 © Bible Societies in Latin America, 1960. Renewed © United Bible Societies, 1988.


God is always going to give us good things, the scriptures say, if we go wrong we give good things to our children, imagine what God can do. There are many women that happen to us many things, dreams, illusions and we are very easy to get entangled in them, that is why in today's message I want to touch the subject, in the way we can bend our mind to stay away from what makes us suffer , it does not suit us or is simply an obstacle to our growth.

Tell me the cases in which we admire someone or something so much that we turn it into a kind of an ideal or an idol, but when we understand that it cannot be materialized, it is there where the vicious emntal circle from which we cannot easily escape begins, then as we can detach ourselves from that situation?

When we begin to think that there are no limits to approach what we want we will be immersed in great conflicts, we think that we can break down barriers, however our life is going to get very complicated.

You start using logic and guilt takes hold of us, the problem with guilt is that it leads us to crave more what we don't have.How to do when the mind tortures you? If we know that that will not bring us any benefit, then: how can we solve it?
Simply deciding, every time those things come to mind we have to decide, otherwise we will live frustrated.

Making a decision means choosing a "yes" or a "no", whatever the decision you will have peace in your mind, until you decide that situation will generate anxiety, anguish.
What will you depend on whether you take risks or not?
In the first place it will depend on your identity as a person, as a Christian, the values that you have sown in your heart, the level of suffering that you wish to endure will depend, and the third place on how much you want to obey God.

We know that God wants the best for us and will never give us something that hurts us or makes us suffer, so the decision is personal, the blessing of God is the one that enriches and does not add sadness with it, if there is no peace , so it does not come from God.

Although it is hard to accept it, you must incline your mind and your thoughts towards the good, the right and the just, renew it with the word of God, and make decisions in accordance with God's purpose for life. Let's not insist on something that does not belong to you, what is not for you, whatever you do is "no" There are things that ruin your life, act wisely and choose your destiny.

If we are children of God, he will give us in time what he has prepared for our lives, do not lose hope, or cling to things that make no sense, look around and see how many opportunities there are, and what we have not seen yet. God is good, he will always be good to us, but he will not come to decide for you or me.
Let's be brave and take the reins of our lives from the hand of those who love us, Jesus.

Mother Of Crowds

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Thank you so much mother of crowd for this inspirational message. We @wealthfoundation will never stop loving you.
God bless you

Amen, I also love them!

We must always be wise in our decisions, that God acts in us with his perfect will.

Amen, our decisions have a lot to do with our destiny and we must seek God's wisdom in order to choose.

Interesting reflection. We must align our mind with the will of God and thus choose the right thing for our lives, knowing that God's thoughts for us are thoughts of good and not of evil. Blessings