in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Fruitful branch is @Sirknight,
Fruitful branch next to a fountain,
Whose shanks extend over the wall.
But his bow remained powerful,
And the arms of his hands were strengthened
By the hands of Jacob's Fort
(By the name of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel),

When I read what people think of @SirKnight on a daily basis, I am very excited to notice that the community esteem it, because of their good mood, disposition and heart.

But what does it mean to me, in what way has my life changed?

Just a few months ago, my life was completely different: a job, a house, a family, a church, and dreams. I have always said that every day there is a magical moment where the father surprises you with a miracle.

For a long time ago, I knew that God was going to bring divine connections, a person that even without knowing would be in my life in a powerful way, I put a name: My brave heart.

The most difficult thing in this world is to adopt the spirit and attitude of a warrior. It is no use being sad, complaining, feeling victimized by injustice or believing that someone is doing something negative to us. Only a warrior can stand the path of knowledge. A warrior does not complain or complain about anything, he does not believe that the challenges are good or bad. The challenges are simply challenges. That is @sirknight, a man with an incredible human quality, his nature is kindness, he is compassionate, merciful, a leader, a mentor, and what I like the most: a dreamer.

One of the things that has impressed me the most is the way God acts, when he finds a willing heart. His first quality is sensitivity before the needs he sees around him.

God saw @Sirknight's heart, and what he saw made him smile. He is a man who cares the same thing that matters to God: the people.

Maybe when the Steemchurch project began, he did not imagine and I did not know that a woman would be inside her Apostles, and a woman who runs a thousand times a second, and that sometimes she has to say: D, one step at a time, stay healthy.

I always write in my messages, that my life was divided in two as the history of humanity, before Christ and after Christ. Now, I have to say that my life was divided again in two before @Sirknight and after @Sirknight . I think he was the one chosen to lead a mission.

And so that they know how that story began, I leave the link here:

This gentleman is responsible, of all the lives that have been impacted through my messages, it has been a constant inspiration, he has not let his face be seen but we have all seen his heart.

His work is tireless, and he still lacks a path to travel. Venezuela is one of the countries affected by a global crisis and what he has sown is one of the fruits that has received results. But not everything stays there, now he has created @scv, which has made me go to a new dimension of faith, commitment, and love.

He is a dreamer, and when he is dreaming he takes us in his dreams until he pushes us to turn it into reality.He has sown in me, something more than money, he has sown loyalty, commitment, responsibility, love of neighbor, compassion, and above all he has sown truth.

Thank you @Sirknight for everything you have done in our lives, and what you still have to do, I only ask God for wisdom, and length of years here on earth to leave your generation a legacy. Do not get tired of the struggle you have undertaken.

You have united hearts, unknowingly you have united families, you have blessed many people's lives.

And finally ... you are no longer the legend of steemit ... you are a reality .... Joseph of the XXI century, good tree, that his shadow clothes many people, and conquers nations, multitudes for Christ.

Words from my mind, soul and spirit ... for you.

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Que bonito!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

What a renditions to the lord of STEEM, I was seriously having a melting heart reading this, i've read so many testimonies about @sirknight and this one didn't disappoint at all,
Every time at a time In life, our existence collides with something special and the moment we've all encountered steemchurch, we've had the opportunity to collide with something beautiful, @steemchurch is the future.

Wao! This is thoughtful @darlenys01

@sirknight is truly the Joseph of the XXI century.
God really sent him bring forth the positive change that we have be clamouring for.
He was sent to showcase the love of God to all while committed in spreading the gospel which is the heartbeat of God.
He never tired of doing good and bring forth projects that will impact the life of people without depending on what to get in return.

May God continue to uphold him.

@sirknight is a man after God's heart that we have in this century.
He is the Joseph of our century
He's also the Moses sent by God to deliver His people in this century that the love of many are cold.
He has been used to impact many life both physically and spiritually.
He has a heart that cares for all.

Thanks @darlenys01 for this

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Certainly friend @darlenys01, Steemchurch came at the right time to Venezuela, when many people like me, we were disappointed, tired, loaded in jobs, where the only satisfaction was to impart our vocation of service, with a broken finances, without have to give our families a good quality of life, thank God who raised a man with a heart according to his heart, a just man capable of looking at the need, the poor, the needy, the needy, the afflicted in full 21st century, and provide solutions to every nation in crisis, lacking the financial resources, to feed, educate, provide good medical assistance, have timely medications in pharmacies and hospitals, have a better society and better quality of life. Thank you Mr. @sirknigth and his apostolic team like @darlenys01 who are doing a hard work for a 21st century day where steemchurch is being a platform used by God not only to take his word to each language and nation but to meet the needs from every town in the whole world. May God continue to bless you and give you the wisdom you need to continue in each steemchurch project. thank you @darlenys01 for sharing such a beautiful story God bless you more, go ahead do not stop in such a powerful project that you are doing in Venezuela. Blessings!!!

Wow,this is really lovely and great,such an inspirational story,@sirknight is really doing such a great work and heis definitely a true leader,steemchurch all the way.

Wao! This is thoughtful @darlenys01

@sirknight is truly the Joseph of the XXI century.
God really sent him bring forth the positive change that we have be clamouring for.
He was sent to showcase the love of God to all while committed in spreading the gospel which is the heartbeat of God.
He never tired of doing good and bring forth projects that will impact the life of people without depending on what to get in return.

May God continue to uphold him.

Wonderful publication Apostle Darlenys Romero. Those of us who know you, we know that you are a sincere woman and that Sirknight loves you too.

I'm putting together a group to support Christian posts on steemit if anyone is interested. It's on the ground floor atm the moment and we could use some help ourselves. I hope asking here isn't considered rude, just not sure how best to get the word out.
I think what we are doing can go hand in hand to get people together, please let me know if you want a position of your choice.

Wow... This is an heart felt testimony. I have read several testimonies of parishioners of how @Sirknight of changed the lives of many and I want to say honestly, I am very elated and hope to give mine when things change for me too. Thanks for sharing your testimony, it encourages.

What a versions to the master of STEEM, I was truly having a softening heart perusing this, i've perused such a large number of declarations about @sirknight and this one didn't baffle by any means,

Each time at once throughout everyday life, our reality crashes into something exceptional and the minute we've all experienced steemchurch, we've had the chance to slam into something lovely, @steemchurch is what's to come.

Thank you sir knight
you too much
words are not enough,you really are an inspiration to all of us in steemchurch,i pray u get your heart desires

How wonderful, in fact, through this community steemchurch created by the great gentleman @sirknigth we have been able to grow many families that are coping with the crisis in our country, and not only that, but has allowed through it to strengthen and keep us alive with the love of God, with his word. And now that our apostle Darlenys01 has been entrusted to our country, who with great love has social work in mind.

beautiful word apostol @ darlenys01, you feel that come from the heart, what a beautiful life experience, our leader @Sirknightis definitely a great gentleman for has changed lives through steemchurch and blessed many people, as well as mine, God bless to @Sirknight

As Elias impacted the life of Elisha with the double portion of his spirit, so the knight Sirnight has impacted the life of Apostle Darnelys. It is expected that in the next generations the Apostle will impact on the spiritual life of the disciples of Steemchurhc Venezuela. God bless you more and more.