Let's Take Care of Our Oil Level

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Many of us have read in the Bible the 25th chapter of Matthew, which talks about the 10 virgins and the arrival of the groom, but the most outstanding point in this parable expounded by the Lord Jesus is the level of oil possessed by the foolish virgins , so I invite you to study briefly this chapter that contains a great teaching.

• All of them were virgins: at the beginning of chapter 25 reference is made to the fact that all the brides were virgins, each one of them, this means that each one of us at the moment of receiving the Lord Jesus in our hearts, we become holy through his grace and forgiveness. His sacrifice on the cross redeemed us together with him. In the letter of the Apostle Peter in his 1st book, chapter 1, verse 16 tells us: because it is written: be holy, because I am holy.

So, brothers, I beg you for the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your rational worship. Romans 12: 1

oil level

• Sensibility and prudence: Matthew 25: 3 The foolish ones, taking their lamps, did not take oil with them; 4 But the prudent took oil in their vessels, together with their lamps. Many people, already restored by the blood of Christ, clean for their forgiveness, as they neglect the prayer and the reading of the word, the oil in their lives (the anointing of God) dwindle, until they are totally empty, that their priorities were earthly and not spiritual.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

The other five virgins, the prudent ones, in verse 4 of chapter 25, clearly say that they first took the oil in their vessels, it is clear that these virgins did not hesitate and understood that they could not run out of oil, since the groom would soon come . Like Maria, Marta's sister, they chose the best part.

But only one thing is necessary; and Mary has chosen the good part, which will not be taken away from her. Jesus explains to Martha the need of the believer to choose the best part, which is the presence of God, the anointing in their lives. Luke 10:42

The Ten Virgins

Matthew 25: 5 says that all slept, even the prudent, but they were ready, filled their vessels with oil, waiting for the bridegroom. The lamp represents the believer, his devotional life in Christ and the oil means anointing, presence of God, apart

From verse 7 to 13, it focuses on the most crucial point of the parable, a cry is heard in which the bridegroom comes to look for his virgins, the brides. Five of them were ready with their pots full of oil and lamps in hand. The others, on waking by the clamor of the groom's coming, realized that their vessels were empty, without oil and their lamps were already extinguished by the lack of the same. And they cried out to their companions, begged to be given their oil so that their lamps would not go out. Many people are moving away from the presence of God, not seeking their presence and the oil in their lives is in decline. A person will not pretend that the lack of searching for God in his life has no consequences. That what is not sought in God for many years can not be achieved in a day or a week.

That was what happened to the foolish virgins, they neglected to fill their oil lamps and at the time of the wedding they went outside to look for what they lacked, on their return the groom had already arrived, and they stayed outside.

We as believers can not faint, neglecting devotional life with God is fatal, and will bring terrible consequences in our lives.

It is up to us to seek the presence of God and be filled with his love, his anointing, to establish the kingdom of God in our lives. Be like Mary the sister of Marta, choose the best part, at the feet of the teacher.

Because without holiness nobody will see God.

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