Gold and silver is not a ticket to heaven

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

In Matthew 16, Jesus approaches what great it is for a man to pick up the entire world yet lose his spirit (Matthew 16:26). To pick up the entire world is to get all the world brings to the table—cash, popularity, delight, control, notoriety, and so forth. To lose one's spirit is to pass on without a correct association with Christ and spend an unending length of time in the pool of flame.


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With regards to His facetious inquiry, the Lord was anticipating His misery and demise and revival (Matthew 16:21). At the point when Peter opposed His educating, Jesus reprimanded him and stated, "You don't have at the top of the priority list the worries of God, yet simply human concerns" (verse 23). Jesus at that point addressed the group and advised them that there was nothing worth more than one's own particular everlasting soul. Dismissing Christ may mean brief, natural increases, however it comes best case scenario conceivable cost.

The Jewish individuals had been sitting tight for a Promised One for a long time. Most expected that this Messiah would be a military pioneer or a ruler like David or Solomon. Jesus' followers perceived that He was the One whom the prophets had anticipated. Be that as it may, Jesus did not talk about overcoming with an armed force or by assuming control over the administration. Rather, Jesus showed that the Messiah would endure and pass on account of men.

Just before He asks, "What positive attitude it be for somebody to pick up the entire world, yet relinquish their spirit?" Jesus says that, keeping in mind the end goal to genuinely take after Christ, individuals must will to "deny themselves and take up their cross and tail me" (Matthew 16:24). To take up one's cross is a reference to being sentenced to bite the dust. Jesus' announcement is representative of an aggregate, last duty.

As such, one should will to surrender everything with a specific end goal to be an adherent of Jesus Christ. Common enduring shouldn't be an impediment. This is the setting of Jesus' inquiry "What great is it for somebody to pick up the entire world, yet relinquish their spirit?" If a man rejects Jesus and turns into the wealthiest, most intense individual on earth, he has still settled on a poor choice. At some point or another, natural things will blur away. What's more, that individual will have lost the main piece of himself that keeps going forever. The moment of retribution is coming: "For the Son of Man will come in his Father's brilliance with his holy messengers, and after that he will remunerate every individual as indicated by what they have done" (Matthew 16:27).


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There is nothing more significant than a man's spirit. To exchange that away is the exemplification of stupidity. At the point when a man grasps this world rather than paradise, he is relinquishing his spirit. On the off chance that a man rejects Christ for anything in this life, he will lose his spirit. Esau disdained his inheritance, picking stew rather; Judas sold the Savior for a couple of bits of silver; Demas adored this present world and neglected the service. Each of the three men thought they were picking up something all things considered lost everything.


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Fine points were raised. We appreciate your contribution to SteemChurch.

We need to avoid doing anything that will debt our relationship with God. It should supersede every other thing we do.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Material possessions definitely does not guarantee entrance into God's kingdom. The book of Matthew helps us to see that a time will come our riches will not be needed, the more reason to develop a better relationship with God now. Nice one.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The Bible is clear on material possessions. If they are a higher priority in your life than God is, repent!
God gives blessings to us materially so that we can be a blessing to others, not to maintain a luxurious lifestyle to benefit our greed .
Where is your heart in this?
Would you give up everything you own today if God asked you to?

Life is not about the here and now, but about eternity.
We can’t take our things with us into Heaven, but we can definitely use them to benefit others while we are still living here.
May God be glorified in what He has given you! May God continue to bless you as you live a life worthy of the calling!

This point has said it all "There is nothing more significant than a man's spirit. To exchange that away is the exemplification of stupidity. At the point when a man grasps this world rather than paradise, he is relinquishing his spirit. On the off chance that a man rejects Christ for anything in this life, he will lose his spirit. Esau disdained his inheritance, picking stew rather; Judas sold the Savior for a couple of bits of silver; Demas adored this present world and neglected the service. Each of the three men thought they were picking up something all things considered lost everything"

The bible said it would be more easier for a needle to pass the eye of a camel than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven

however entirely I cant say riches would make anyone miss heaven except for the motive, because the bible itself said for I will your need in riches in glory by Christ Jesus

Lazarus and the rich man second meeting was a true reflection of how gold and silver cannot guarantee you heaven. Let us know they're vanity and follow that which do not glitters but eternal.

Very right .
That you have money or live in a mansion or ride a nice car ends when you are dead.
Your soul is the only thing living after death but will be judged by God on the last day

Riches are good: they are not sin!
But, the Bible says,

If riches increases, set not your heart on them.

That's sinful, to put your heart on your riches instead on your God. Jesus also said,

a man's life does not consist on the abundance of things he possesses.

Nice post Steem on.....

Very nice post, thanks for sharing.

God is certainly working through you bro, I mean I just woke up and was having the same thought and I'm here reading exactly the same thing on your blog. We all have to make that choice at some point in our lives. Stay blessed bro.