in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Should Christians take revenge on their enemles This is a very important topic in a book like this that talks about forgiveness. Nowadays many people all over the World have developed the attitude of revenge in their minds, so much so that they see revenge as a normal Way of life. Although they go to church on service days, their Character or belief in revenge does not change such people believe that even though you are a Christian, there is nothlng wrong if you take revenge, inasmuch as you are not the offender in the matter.

Recently in Nigeria, there came a music Which became very popular Within a very short period of time because many people like to play or sing it for their enemies to hear it. To them, it is a good thing for anyone to revenge or take vengeance On their enemies. The title of the music in Pidgin English is “DO ME I DO YOU MAN NO DEY VEX The meaning of the song is that if you harm me and I harm you in return, no man should be angry That music became Very popular because it tends to agree With those people Who believe in revenge. The question is Why do people always want to revenge? People alWays Want to revenge because from a natural human angle, it is a very painful thing when someone hurts us and normally the first thing that comes to mind because of the pain sufferedis REVENGE.

Before the advent of Jesus Christ, revenge was allowed. That is why Jesus Christ said even though the people were allowed or told to hate their enemies and love only their good neighbours, He was not in support of that law of revenge or the law to hate enemies, because He came to make peace, Jesus did not at any time teach His disciples to revenge as many so called Christians do today. The truth we need to know is that revenge is a much more difficult thing to plan than the action or harm done tous, that we want to take revenge on. The reason is that the harm done to us could have been accidental and not planned.

For one to take revenge, it requires proper planning which can disturb the time that could have been used to make other meaningful plans that would move us forward in life spiritually, morally, financially, emotionally, psychologically, academically or otherwise. This isbecause at the time of planning revenge, all good thoughts are at a standstill or have disappeared. In planning revenge, many evil thoughts take place in our hearts and this definitely disturbs the good things or plans in our minds. Therefore, it is advisable. for Christians who want to achieve greater heights in life, in ministry, and who also want to have good spiritual standing with God through Christ, not to think of or contemplate taking revenge at all.

Apostle Paul, knowing the destruction and delay revenge can cause .in life, advised all Christians not to take revenge on anyone who might have done evil to them. In Romans 12:17 21,Paul went on to say that Christians should leave vengeance to God, believing that God will repay better than what we can do by ourselves:

Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as it lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord (Romans 12: 17-21).

Paul told us Christians that instead of thinking of how to take revenge on our enemies, we should show kindness to them by giving them food when they-are hungry and water when they are thirsty. He said that by so doing, we are heaping coals of fire on their heads:

Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst give him drink: for in so dozng, thou shalt heap Coals of fire on his head (Romans 12:20).

Apostle Paul concluded by saying that we should not return evil for evil to anyone but rather we should overcome ev11 With kindness or good works:

Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil ‘ with good (Romans 12:21). .

David, a man after God's own heart, who understood this principle of allowing God to fight his battle, spared the life of King Saul who happened to be his arch-enemy.

And he said unto his men,The LORD forbid that I should do this thing unto my master, the LORD‘S anointed, to stretch forth mine hand against. him, seeing he is . the. anointed of the LORD (1 Samu8124: 6).

What a way of allowing God to fight for someone! The beauty of it all is that, even when the report Came to David of Saul’s death, David still never rejoice that his enemy was dead; rather he mourned Saul, as if they were friends while he was alive, as recorded in 2 Samuel 1: 17 27.

And David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and overJonathan his son; (2 Sam. 1:1 7).

This proved to all Israel that David never wanted ven eance while King Saul was alive. Even after King Saul's deat , King David rebuked those who tried to take revenge on Saul's survivors because he believed so much in his heart that it is only God that should avenge any evil done to us (2 Samuel 3:36, 37 & 39),

........the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness (2Samue13:39).

In 2 Samuel 4: 9-12, King David made the people who thought they were doing the King a favour by killing a member of late King Saul's family to know that he, King David was not in support of revenge. What an exemplary life to emulate. No wonder the bible said that David was a man after God's own heart.

Jesus Christ showed us an example, when Judas Iscariot came with the Pharisees to arrest Jesus Christ and one of His disciples became very angry and decided to take revenge by cutting off the ear of one of those who came to arrest Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said 'NO' to that action and, told the disciple that those who kill by the sword will also die. by the sword:

And, behold one of them which were with Jesus, stretched out his hand and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest and smote off his ear.Then said Jesus unto him, put up again, thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword (Matthew 26:51 52).

With that statement, it is very clear that whatever a man sows is what he reaps. Therefore, without us even avenging ourselves on our enemies, they will account for their evil deeds on the Day of Judgment. It is therefore advisable for Christians not to wor or disturb themselves by thinking about revenge, but rat er, allow God to take control of any situation they find themselves, believing that THE ALMIGHTY GOD will take revenge at His own appointed time. This will make all Christians to have peace and joy in their hearts ALWAYS.



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In planning revenge, many evil thoughts take place in our hearts and this definitely disturbs the good things or plans in our minds.

Therefore, it is advisable. for Christians who want to achieve greater heights in life, in ministry, and who also want to have good spiritual standing with God through Christ, not to think of or contemplate taking revenge at all.

Nice share