The prophet who announces events or gives things that never happen, is obviously a false prophet!
A false prophet is that individual who illegitimately feigns qualities of prophecy or proclaims himself possessor or recipient of certain divine gifts, without actually possessing them. It is used in a special way in the Judeo-Christian religion to refer to impostors who exercise a religious ministry that is contaminated by the falsehood and malice of apostasy and hypocrisy.
False prophets are considered those who claim to possess a false gift of a prophetic nature, or a false charisma, a false public image or appearance they use for hidden purposes that may be demagogic, demonic, political, or other lucrative interests , economic, personal, etc.
Then, if someone says to you:" Behold, here is the Christ ", or" Behold, there he is ", do not believe him. Because false, christs and false prophets were raised, and signs and wonders were seen to deceive, if possible, the elect. But you, look! I've told you everything in advance.
a) The False Liar Prophet. The false prophet who announces events or says things that never happen is obviously a false prophet. The penalty for false prophecy in the Old Testament was death. This is the easiest prophet to recognize and the least dangerous of the two.
b) The False True Prophet. The second kind of false prophet is more dangerous. He is impeccable in his words. Everything he says is correct. There is no lack in his vocabulary. However, it distances the hearts of the people, of the Lord God Almighty. Finally, it leads them to serve other gods. This kind of person is false - and very dangerous.
Jesus warned us that "false Christs and false prophets" would come and try to deceive even the elect (Matthew 24: 23-27) The best defense you can have against falsehood and false teachers is to know the truth. study the true, any believer who uses the word of truth well "(2 Timothy 2:15), and who makes a careful study of the Bible, can identify the false doctrine.
This is the message we have heard from him, and we announce to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him.