There are certain values and attitudes that are necessary to carry out the wonder that life is in a more sensible way and with greater strength. Many of these values are often related to elements or religious aspects but can also be applied to a lay life that does not have any particular belief. In any case, they are important values in our lives and can help us cope better with different situations.
The need to believe in something and find answers
Although today western societies have grown towards an increasing laicicity and secularization of life, reality shows us that the human being, being a thinking being, raises questions or questions his life and wishes to find answers even there where he knows he can never have them.
Faith and hope are two ways that human beings have found to find answers with which they feel comfortable, that are credible and accessible to tolerate those things that are painful, inexplicable, sudden. Faith and hope also give courage to face moments of doubt, fear, uncertainty or anxiety with a much better built fortress. It does not depend on whether one believes in a god or some divine entity but depends on the faith one develops in oneself.

Without needing to make distinctions between religion and religion, it is clear that all of them give faith and hope a central place when it comes to building the identity of the believer. It is not possible that religion exists without the faith of the followers because it is it that makes a person believe in something that he did not see, that is not present in body and form, but that is mostly something symbolic and that we decide to accompany us or not.
Faith in a religion and the hope that things that are wrong can be solved make the human being find relief and can deal with everything that is inexplicable. At the same time, they give us a routine to take into account in our daily lives, trying to apply these elements to different situations of our life, especially in dealing with other people, in social bonds, in compassion, in accompaniment and in tolerance for the needs of others.