According to the book of Galatians, adultery is one of the four sexual sins that are the work of the flesh, fornication, filth and lewdness. The apostle Paul speaks of the works of the flesh. Starting with the sins that are related to the body ... Unfortunately, this is one of the topics that are least talked about in the churches; being as such, one of the sins that abound in it.
This type of sin is the culprit that many families are broken in the church of Christ, and even that many ministries today are destroyed. Next you will find that it is adultery and fornication biblically ..
What is adultery?
Adultery is the Greek word Umoíqueia. " which denotes the action of having sexual relations with another person outside of marriage.
In the word of God, this sin is called marital infidelity. This is a sin of the flesh, which transgresses or violates the biblical principles established by God.
What adultery is, in the past and in the present, has been an epidemic in the body of Jesus and in the world. We have found that both ministers and well-known ministries have been destroyed because of it. We as a church, must speak and confront this problem effectively.
What is fornication?
The meaning of fornication, is the Greek word "porneia", (from which the word pornography is also derived). This is an illicit sexual relationship between two people who live together without getting married.
The churches of today are full of people who live together and have children, but are not married; and for that reason, the blessing of God does not reach their homes in their entirety.
Why do not people want to get married?
People do not want to get married because they do not want to commit. His thought is usually: "If this union does not work, I separate and look for another person"; They are looking for the ideal person, and meanwhile, they live together and are sinning against God.
For example, if you have four children, if you have not married, you are living in fornication, and this is a sin of the flesh, which God punishes greatly.
Types of adultery

- Adultery of the eyes
The desire of the eyes is one of the main roots of sins. For this reason, Job made a pact with his eyes not to greedily see a virgin woman.
The translation of the amplified Bible reads: "I have made a pact (an agreement) in my eyes, how could I look with lasciviousness or greed at a girl? Remember that men are tempted, first of all, by their eyes.
For this, they must have conviction of sin, to make the decision to make a covenant to look at the woman in a correct way.
"I made a covenant with my eyes, how, then, was I to look at a virgin?" Job 31.1

- Adultery of the mind
There are people who play, continuously, with thoughts of illicit sex; and if a person has these kinds of sexual fantasies in his mind, it is as if he had committed the sin itself. The four types of adultery and fornication begin with a thought, which, if we entertain it, contaminates the heart, eyes and body.
- Adultery of the body
This type of sin is the consummation, the physical act of what entered through the eyes and meditated. The sexual union with a person brings physical, emotional, spiritual ties, and in addition, a transfer of spirits occurs.
This happens because the moment they are together intimately, they become one flesh. In words of liberation, that is called "soul bindings." That is why, for people who are committing the sin of fornication and adultery, it is difficult for them to separate.
They want to leave sin, but they can not. Someone has to help them because they have fallen into the enemy's trap. This is a sin that comes from the heart directly because of that, it is so polluting.
What is the attitude of the person who lives in adultery and fornication?

The person who commits what is adultery and fornication, is blinded in his understanding by a spirit of deceit and deceit; therefore, he does not understand the damage he causes his family, his children, and above all, the kingdom of God.
The soul of the person is fragmented into pieces, and the individual loses his personality; because he links his soul with another person; then, pieces of the other person's soul come with him, and pieces of the soul of him leave with the other person
Therefore, he becomes an unstable person, who does not own his own personality; his soul is corrupted. The adulterous person is one who is always emotionally unstable; she is of double mind, she is never satisfied, she feels incomplete, dissatisfied with herself. All this, because of adultery, fornication and sexual promiscuity.
"No one will see me" is a phrase that repeats itself in the mind of the one who is an adulterer ... Let us remember that although nobody sees us here on earth, there is one who sees everything from heaven, and that is God.
"The night is waiting for the eye of the adulterer, who says: 'Nobody will see me,' and he hides his face." Job 24.1
What to do with people who are living in adultery and fornication?
... Move away from them?
"Rather I wrote to you so that you do not meet with anyone who, calling himself a brother, is a fornicator, greedy, idolatrous, abusive, drunkard or thief; with such a one you do not even eat, ... Remove, then, that wicked one from among you ", 1 Corinthians 5.10-13.
It means that you are going to reject the person who is in adultery, what this passage talks about, is not to consent to sin, and to denounce it first to God in prayer to help this brother who has fallen. Abhor sin, not the sinner ... "God loves the sinner but abhors sin."
Our duty is to intercede for the brother, and give him a word to turn away from the sin of adultery and fornication.
When sin is committed continuously
When sin is committed continually, the door is opened for a demon to come and oppress the person. For each work of the flesh, there is a demon that torments every person who practices one of them continuously.
When an individual has come to lasciviousness, he has already lost the fear of God in his conscience. They are people who become rapists, abusers of children and other aberrations.
They enter the most dirty and violent sexual practices in order to satisfy their compulsive desire. Everything around him is destroyed, such as marriage and family members. Only Jesus can free them from that bondage.
Why are there problems with sexual sins?
There are three main causes, which are the following:
Generational curses: The generational curses are one of the most common causes, nowadays, they are repetitive, because they also had their parents, grandparents and relatives.
Sexual oppressions of the past, such as: traumas, incest, abuses committed by individuals close to the family.
Pornography to tv-radio and magazines. In today's world, most of the media has a pornographic ingredient in smaller or larger amounts, which affects our mind. But, it is on our part that we bring all thoughts captive to obedience to Christ.
What are the consequences of sexual promiscuity, such as fornication and adultery?
"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart", Matthew 5.28
The amplified translation says: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman a lot to lust for her (with bad desires, having sexual fantasies in her mind with her) has already committed adultery with her in his heart" ...
It is, for this reason, that pornography, in any of its forms, should be avoided, because it can lead to practices of sexual promiscuity and every act of filth, what is adultery, fornication are the product of the thought of the heart, for giving entrance to pornography ...

The fornication. This is a sexual relationship between two people who are not married to each other, adultery is having an illicit sexual relationship with a married person.
Technical fornication and adultery; This is the stimulation of the sexual organs as a lustful act, some people, practice these impure acts as an alternative to have no children, or commitments before God.
If the practice of adulterating and fornicating is not stopped, we will fall into the depths of sexual sins, which will take us to the following stages:
- The filth
The filth is a moral stain of people who are given to lasciviousness and sexual debauchery. The filth is a combination of adultery, fornication, masturbation, homosexuality, lesbianism, incest, among others.
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside are beautiful indeed, but within are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness." Matthew 23.27
- Lust
Lascivia comes from the Greek word "aselgeia" which denotes excess, absence of brake, indecency, dissolution. It is one of the evils that come from the heart.
"These, after they lost all sensibility, gave themselves over to licentiousness to commit with greediness every kind of impurity." Ephesians 4.19
"Aselgeia" is lust, all shameless indecency, concupiscence without brakes, depravity without limits. "Commit sin in broad daylight with arrogance and contempt."
As you can see, the severity of these sins is progressive. It is called the sin of lasciviousness when the person has reached such a debauchery that he can not stop committing these acts. He is in a total absence of brake, lack of decency, becomes dirty in every aspect.
Lust is not only committed in the sexual area, but also, with the mouth when eating too much, when using drugs and in any sin in general. No person begins to sin unrestrainedly, but it is a process where he gradually loses control and domination over his thoughts, his body, his mouth and his life.
Consequences of adultery
Adultery and fornication bring spiritual, physical and emotional death.
"If a man commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress will inevitably be killed." Leviticus 20.10Adultery will bring temporal and eternal consequences.
It will bring consequences in the natural plane such as diseases, poverty and misery; and also, it will bring spiritual consequences such as wounds, pain, breakdown and depression in the family.
The one who commits adultery is foolish
"Even the one who commits adultery lacks good sense; he who does such corrupts his soul. " Proverbs 6.32The person who commits adultery or any sexual promiscuity, is blinded in his understanding by a spirit of deceit and lies; therefore, he does not understand the damage he causes his family, his children, and above all, the kingdom of God.
The person who commits adultery corrupts his soul; The word corrupt, in the Hebrew language, gives the idea of fragmenting.
Adultery brings wounds and shame.
"Wounds and shame will find. and his insult will never be erased. " Proverbs 6.33The divorce is one of the terrible consequences that makes room for opening the door of adultery.
He who commits adultery and fornication will not inherit the kingdom of God.
"... do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals ..." Corinthians 6.8, 9 "
The scripture clearly tells us that the person who commits adultery can not inherit the kingdom of God, unless he repents.Adulterers and fornicators will be judged by God.
"Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled; But fornicators and adulterers will be judged by God. "(Hebrews 3.4)Those who commit adultery may lose their family, as it is the only biblical reason to divorce.
Legal consequences of adultery
What is the main and legal cause of the divorcee? "What is adultery and fornication" are the acts committed that makes room for this decision ... In the scriptures we have; Jesus answers about adultery in the Bible the following:
He said to them: Because of the hardness of your heart Moses allowed you to repudiate your wives; but at the beginning it was not like that. And I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for the cause of fornication, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries the one who is disowned, commits adultery. Matthew 10: 8-9.
Consequences of divorce due to adultery and fornication.
The first people to suffer the emotional wounds are those of our family. There are many children with pain in their hearts because dad or mom went with another person. The consequences of this are devastating in children.
The children are the most affected in a divorce: most of them got involved in the drug, they became part of the gangs or gangs; and others died.
Some of these children grow up with resentment, bitterness and hatred against their parents. There are many of them who end up feeling rejection, loneliness or using drugs; and the saddest thing is that, when they grow up, they also commit adultery in their marriages, since this is a curse that is inherited from generation to generation.
Also, we find that there are many wounds that are planted in the heart of one of the spouses, such as: lack of forgiveness, bitterness and hatred, by betrayal and infidelity.
It causes shame to the family, shame to the gospel, shame and discredit in all areas of life. The insult of adultery is never erased.
How to get out of adultery.
Identify if it is caused by the influence of a demonic spirit; The way to do it is by detecting if that problem has already become a compulsive desire; that is, something that controls or dominates the individual as a vice, which he has tried to break with fasting and prayer, but he has not been able to.
If this is the case, seek liberation and God will set you free. When it is the product of a work of the flesh, with fasting and prayer and living in the spirit, you can control what is affecting it. Then, he must live crucifying the flesh day by day.
Flee from sin: This type of temptation and sexual sins, do not resist or be rebuked, do not wait for them to arrive, do not entertain them, do not play with them ... flee! Flee! Flee! if he tries to face it without having a process of liberation and total renunciation of iniquity, the result of this is that they end up falling.
Let's see the case of José.
"But it happened one day, when he entered the house to do his job, that there was nobody from the house there ..." Then she grabbed him by the clothes, saying, "Sleep with me. But he, leaving his clothes in her hands, fled and left. " Genesis 39.11, 12
If you run away from temptations, you are already ahead. But if you face them and entertain them, they become 10 times stronger ...
How to ask forgiveness from God for adultery
The Lord forgives and forgets, but the consequences remain forever. Adultery committed will always be present in the minds and hearts of those who suffered it. It's like a brand that will always be present about the lives of those people.
It is necessary to go to the presence of the Lord with a repentant heart, to long for liberation, to receive spiritual healing through a minister who has an understanding of what liberation is.
It is important to appeal to the hearts of those parents who, today, are having this type of practice; to consider what they are doing and repent of their sin; that they turn away from him and return to their homes, that God forgives them and restores them.
There is still time if there is genuine repentance; If it does not do it for you, do it for your family and, above all, for God.
The Bible allows a person to divorce if their spouse has been unfaithful (Matthew 19: 9). The faithful spouse has the right to decide whether to continue with the adulterer or ask for a divorce. This is a personal decision; no one else can decide for him (Galatians 6: 5).
But remember that God sees marriage as a sacred union that should last a lifetime (1 Corinthians 7:39). It bothers him very much that someone tries to divorce for reasons of little importance, like being bored with the person he married. Therefore, it is not a matter of divorcing for any reason (Malachi 2:16, Matthew 19: 3-6).
"Everyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, exposes her to adultery." (Matthew 5:32)
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That is very correct, but in today's society a lot of marriages are breaking, also exposing both spouse to adultery, and i ask myself are these not two people that where very much in love before they got married, if so what is happening now
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In the Bible, the word adultery usually refers to when a married man or woman voluntarily has sex with someone who is not their spouse (Job 24:15, Proverbs 30:20). Adultery is something disgusting to God. In fact, in the Law that he gave to Israel, adultery was punishable by death (Leviticus 18:20, 22, 29). And Jesus Christ said that his disciples should not commit adultery (Matthew 5:27, 28, Luke 18: 18-20).
The adulterer breaks the solemn promise he made to his spouse on his wedding day. In addition, adultery is "sin against God" (Genesis 39: 7-9). The children also suffer, because they could be separated from one of their parents. For all this, the Bible warns: "God will judge fornicators and adulterers" (Hebrews 13: 4).
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Both sins are very serious and both bring fatal consequences
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Wow you did well analysing the types of fornication and adultery we have, your analysis is top notch, it's amazing, I'm glad I really got to read this.
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Thanks for this teachings.
Formication and adultery are great sins against one's body and even the spirit of God.
Our body is a temple of God Almighty and it needed to be handle with care.
I keep wondering why some married men and women still go out to have extra marital affairs.
May God have His way
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Adultery is sin but thin sin"The person who commits adultery corrupts his soul; The word corrupt, in the Hebrew language, gives the idea of fragmenting" and is the soul that makes the comfort of the flesh.
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We've so much standardized sex outside marriage today a great deal of Christians overlook that it isn't right. In the event that you've done it, pardon yourself and let God excuse you; yet as long as we acknowledge Christ, what's wrong will be off-base
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Sinning against GOD is bad but, sinning with your body is sin against GOD, yourself and your soul.
You have said it all Bro.
Lots of children are emotional, psychologically and physically destroyed as a result of adultery of their parents leading to divorce.
The consequences of adultery and fornication are far greater than its momentarily pleasure.
Thanks for sharing Bro.
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In today's world, most of the media has a pornographic ingredient in smaller or larger amounts, which affects our mind. But, it is on our part that we bring all thoughts captive to obedience to Christ.
What are the consequences of sexual promiscuity, such as fornication and adultery?
"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart", Matthew 5.28
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Fulnication or adultry are sins of the flesh if which all of us are suppose to avoid and make sure we do not take part in it always we should not allow our body to leed is into doing what we don't want to do.
In every situation you find your self theinly thing which can save you is the lord when yiy have committd any sin which may be fulnication or any other sin of the flesh, because what you think you are doing to protect yourself may actually hurt you.
and make you a prey to the enemy .what do you need , trust and faith when you have gone astray .
We are his childreen and he know the best and what we truelly deserve most.
We should extend our live to christ because he is always there to save us from all our weakness hr is the alpha and the omega .
Go to him any time you have sinned and fine contrary to his will but also remember to always avoid all iniquities.
He is always ready to accept you any time.
He is never disappoint those who trust in him.
The lord christ is our salvation and he is every thing yo us .
You may have came in an encounter with the evil one but his mercies will always bound to your soul and His love will always follow you
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Adultery is the most grievous sin to me.
Breaking sacred marriage vows and defiling the bed is horrible.
May GOD GOD help us.
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like crass consummation of the flesh powered by the defilement of our bodies. And it carries on its wake, along its apron strings other atrocities such as murder, lying, cheating, stealing and the very raw nature of all demonic presentations.
It behooves the Christians of this world to have a total overview of the world and why does God insist we should distance ourselves.
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The Bible says,
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Flee..... That's God's command!
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The enemy has deceived many so that families are difunctional but the Bible says that, Hebrews 13: 4 Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled; But fornicators and adulterers will be judged by God.
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We've so much normalized sex outside marriage today a lot of Christians forget that it is wrong. If you've done it, forgive yourself and let God forgive you; but as long as we accept Christ, what's wrong is wrong
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wow your post is so intresting thanks for sharing with us all.
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wow great posts you always follow the @sniffnscurry!
yes i absoutly!
thanks for sharing this posts!
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