in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Today we live in a world full of setbacks in constant movement where time goes by many times without realizing that life is getting to us without having achieved our dreams, goals, among others, years after years we try to make a personal reform with In order to achieve what for years we are longing for where we are really only looking at those dreams from afar, we only have the memories of what we were a long time ago living of past glories full of frustration for not having been able to realize our dream.

Now, I do not know what your reality is, the longing of your heart, maybe there is a dream in your mind of becoming a doctor, engineer, teacher, among others, but you have forgotten those dreams because someone came up with a dream. day tell you that you are not good for that, said phrase marked a before and after in you where you decided to throw all those illusions, hope that were in your heart filling you with much sadness and frustration because you believed the toxic message that ended up burying your dream.

But I want to encourage you and fight together for our dream no matter the price we have to pay for it, then, never let the requests of your heart die, on the contrary, fight for them, believe in them, walk in them, live for them, because I want you to know that if we can become who we want to be (if you can) despite what others think of you, never allow someone else's trial to change your destiny.

The Bible tells us a story that motivates us to fight for what we want, that of a small named David who faced a giant named Goliath who constantly challenged the army of the Israel squad infusing fear into the soldiers which none dared to face it, however, this inexperienced young man in military battle full of God, taught by God and prepared by God came out in defense of his nation without caring about the comments of the soldiers and even of the King himself who thought negative things that it was impossible to win that battle, but David did not get discouraged allowing the circumstances to become his reality.

In a personal way I talk to you, young man, who you say is too young to reach this level, because look at Timothy who became an intimate companion of the Apostle Paul, to you old elder, you who say I have nothing more to give and my dreams will remain only in my mind because I am too old to reach my goals, I answer you with this phrase that a very dear friend named Papa Chucho said to me who is 85 years old: Youth is not in age but in believing the age, look at Caleb, who at 85 years old said he had the same vigor as when he was young.

Finally, it is necessary to achieve your dreams to put God first in everything you undertake written in Psalm 37: 4-5, I also want you to know that day will come when you will want to throw everything away because not everything will be color rosa but remember those words of the apostle Paul In Christ we are more than winners have the humility to say your will be done no matter how difficult it is, we must also set aside to see our dream grow all those toxic people who are just trying to catapult your dream.

I pray to God to bless your life and make you prosper in all things. Peace and Grace of God. V.L

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Yes Brother!

There are never lacking people who express: Do not try it, it will never work, nevertheless, fighting for what we want, requires a lot of action and discipline!


Gracias @steemchurch por tu comentario. eso es muy cierto, siempre habrá persona tóxica a nuestro alrededor y aunque nos duela es necesario hacerlas a un lado para poder ver nuestro sueño hecho realidad , a veces es necesario que mueran los uzías para poder ver la visión de Dios como el profeta isaías. Sobre todo para ser persona exitosa debemos pedir a Dios sabiduría y mucha disciplina de acuerdo a Provervios 1:5.


You are right! Being a succesful christian means to be disciplined and a constant worker!

Jesus is my power, Jesus is my goal.

Well said Brother, it is a very motivating publication, people tend to think only of their frustrations, when in reality, what we have is to face the challenges with the grace and favor of God! Blessings and long life.

THANK YOU @emiliocabrera for your comment.


We must keeep our eyes on JesusChrist, if we really do it, we will be more than winners always, even when the rest of the people thinks that we are losers, we can be sure that God has gaven me his victory, so I will be always blessed.
Let God be praised.