Following the Footprints of the Master!

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Dear Community! Although I have spent much of my time looking to alleviate the burden my Mother carries, it makes me well able to read and write in the sacred community of SteemChurch!

My short lines for today:

Following God's plan is the best strategy we can have to overcome in that life, because only God knows what is best for us. It is worthwhile to trust Him and His Word, which is our manual of life. But, sometimes, our own career runs and we want God to bless our plans; You will not bless anything generated without His participation, because He is the expression of true and infallible wisdom.


Hebrews 12: 1 talks about the need to run the race that He laid out for us, unleashing all weight and sin. An important thing is also to practice the will revealed in the Scriptures, because this is the door so that God can fulfill his plans for us, we know that sin separates us from God and makes us miss the target.

Put your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of the faith, who for the joy set before him suffered the cross, despising the reproach, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who suffered such a contradiction of sinners against himself, so that your spirit will not grow weary until you faint.
Hebrews 12: 2-3

We need to learn to be guided by the Holy Spirit, because on the plane of God there is "the plan itself", but it also has the "how" and the "when" and only the Holy Spirit of God, who knows all things, the way and the opportune time to realize the project that He placed within us.

Many times, God's plan can be a little sacrificial and painful, but then the Lord himself will take us to a place of pleasure and rest, because we resolve to obey what is written in His Word and, with certainty, doing this, our future will always be successful.

We need to run the race that He drew for us and we will be successful in what to do.


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Jesus remains a model for the new creation man and God confirmed this during his baptism and the transfiguration. God pointed us to the fact that we must hear Him (Jesus CHrist). However, not everyone can follow CHrist. Only His sheep will hear His voice and follow Him (Jn 10: 10).

Thank you EC for sharing this.

Very good reflection brother @ emiliocabrera, it is necessary to have your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of the faith in all circumstances.
Much strength, God has control of everything

Yes Sister Ricci, very much thanks

Brother, one of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11 which says: "Because I know the plans I have for you, plans of well-being and not of calamity in order to give you a future and a hope" God has great plans for us; plans of hope and not of problems or disasters.


This verse means a lot to us who have come to take refuge in God. Thanks brother

Precise words Brother Emilio, God's plans are better than ours, I am praying for the health of Sister Maria. regards

Thanks my Brother

This is profound:
Following God's plan is the best strategy we can overcome in that life, because only God knows what is best for us. It is worthwhile to trust Him and His Word, which is our manual of life.

Yes Sister, thanks

Following the Footprints of the Master!

Many times, God's plan can be a bit sacrificial and painful, but then the Lord Himself will take us to a place of pleasure and rest, because we resolve to obey what is written in His Word and, with certainty, doing this, our future will always succeed.

We need to run the race that He drew for us and we will be successful in what we should do.

Good short and simple message.

Running the race that God attracted us in His Word will always lead us to achieve success in life. Blessings

Yes Brother, the guidance of the Holy Spirit will always lead us to the climate of success in fulfilling God's plans. God bless you

Amen ammarn thanks

Trust in God is the safest thing even if it hurts, because he will give us consolation

Well said Sister. Thanks

Thank you EC, we always lack the Spirit of endurance and patience, we should remember that "if you patiently dissect an ant, you will seen its intestine." In everything, patience leads.

He has been example for us so that we may fellow him . Thank you for reminding us.

If we just close our eyes and with the soul we touch the heartbeat of God, we will see that He loves us with eternal love. Let's follow your footsteps!

Well said sister. Thanks you