STEEMCHURCH| The Church of God as an example for the family

in steemchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you are asked today ... What is the family model that other people should follow to achieve a healthy family? What family on earth would be best suited to follow his example?Without a doubt, I recommend the church of Christ as an example to follow.


The family and the church are two realities very close to our heart. So close, that God gathered his children in the "family of faith". Family and church They can form us or deform us, help us grow or impede healthy development, cause us joy or suffering.

On what do these alternatives depend? Of the health of each of them.

Then the questions arise:
How is a healthy family? How can the church and family of God live healthily and heal wounds and be free?

What does the Word of God teach about the family?
The Word teaches that the family is one of the most precious goods of humanity.

Why is it such a precious commodity?
The family is such a precious gift because it is part of God's plan so that all people can be born and develop in a community of love, be good children of God in this world and participate in the future life of the Kingdom of Heaven: God He wanted the men, forming the family, to collaborate with him in that task.

Where are God's plans about marriage and family revealed?

In the Bible the creation of the first man and the first woman is narrated: God created them in his image and likeness; He made them men and women, blessed them and commanded them to grow and multiply to populate the earth (Genesis 1:27). And for this to be possible in a truly profound and lasting way, God ordained that man and woman come together to form the community of life and love that is marriage (Genesis 2: 19-24).

Let's go to the Word of God that will give us the certainty of what we are looking for, and making a similarity in the order of a family and the order of a church.


  • In a healthy family, each of its members has the same value and receives the same consideration, no matter how old they are or what role they occupy. In the church of God ... too.

Romans 12:10
Love one another with brotherly love; in honor, preferring one another.


  • In a healthy family is encouraged and helps the growth and maturity of each of its members without distinction, and it does not constitute a threat to the link. In the church of God ... too.

Ephesians 4: 15,16
but that following the truth in love, let us grow in everything in that which is the head, that is, Christ,
from whom all the body, well concerted and joined together by all the joints that help each other, according to the activity of each member, receives its growth to be built up in love.

  • In a healthy family the unit does not go through false loyalties, or because everyone thinks or acts the same, but simply by accepting and loving each other. In the church of God ... too.

Colossians 3:14
And above all these things, put on love, which is the perfect bond.


  • In a healthy family you can speak frankly about conflicts and differences (normal in all human relationships), in a climate of mutual acceptance and joint search for the best solutions for all. In the church of God ... too.

Santiago 5:16
Confess your offenses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective prayer of the righteous can do much.

  • In a healthy family there are no lies or secrets that prevent the healthy construction of the unit but the relationships are transparent and genuine. In the church of God ... too.

Ephesians 4:25
Therefore, discarding the lie, speak truth each one with his neighbor; because we are members of one another.

  • In a healthy family there is the possibility of making mistakes, asking and giving forgiveness as a form of true restoration and love. In the church of God ... too.

Colossians 3:13
supporting one another, and forgiving one another if one has a complaint against another. In the way that Christ forgave you, so also do you.

  • In a healthy family there is also administration of a just discipline as an expression of love. In the church of God ... too.

Galatians 6: 1
Brethren, if one be caught in any fault, you who are spiritual, restore him with a spirit of meekness, considering yourself, lest you also be tempted.

  • In a healthy family the bridges of love are always extended to receive without reproach the one who has gone astray, but returns regretful. In the church of God ... too.

Luke 15:20
And getting up, he came to his father. And when he was still far away, his father saw him, and was moved with mercy, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.


  • In a healthy family protects the weakest and vulnerable, each of its members can occupy this place alternately according to their life circumstances. In the church of God ... too.

1 Thessalonians 5:14
We also beg you, brothers, to admonish the idle, to encourage those of little courage, to support the weak, to be patient with all.

  • In a healthy family there is flexibility to adapt and change, when the circumstances of life require it. In the church of God ... too.

Philippians 4: 12-13
I know how to live humbly, and I know how to have abundance; In everything and for everything I am taught, both to be satiated and to be hungry, so that I may have plenty as well as to suffer need. I can do everything in Christ who strengthens me.

  • In a healthy family the limits and roles are clear and flexible, and authority is exercised without abusing power, to allow the healthy growth of the members. In the church of God ... too.

1 Peter 5: 1-3,5
I pray to the elders who are among you, I am also an elder with them, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, who also share in the glory that will be revealed:
Feed the flock of God that is among you, taking care of it, not by force, but voluntarily; not for dishonest gain, but with courage soon; not like having lordship over those who are under your care, but being examples of the flock. In the same way, young people, be subject to the elderly; and all of you, submissive to each other, to dress with humility; because: God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.

  • In a healthy family, everyone shares and accepts, they put each other in the place of the other in order to accept, understand and help. In the church of God ... too.

Romans 12: 15-18
Enjoy with those who have fun; mourn with those who mourn.
Unanimous among you; not arrogant, but associating with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion. Do not pay anyone wrong for evil; look for what is good in the sight of all men. If possible, to the extent that it depends on you, be at peace with all men.

  • In a healthy family there is a disposition to leave one's borders to be in solidarity with others, establishing a give and take that makes everyone grow. In the church of God ... too.

Hebrews 13: 15,16

Therefore, let us always offer to God, through him, a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of the lips that confess his name.
And do not forget to do good and mutual help; Due to such sacrifices, God is pleased.


How a healthy family resembles the church that God has designed!

Is it just a dream or can the dream come true?
The answer depends on each one of us!

Only with the help of God's grace, truly living the Word, is it possible to fully realize God's project on marriage and the family.

When families are formed according to the will of God, they are strong, healthy and cheerful; and make possible the human and spiritual growth of its members contributing to the renewal of the whole society and of the Church itself, for the glory of God.

Thanks for reading this post!

God bless your family!

Happy Easter!

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steemchurch is lovely family due to which i get informative posts and knowledge everyday .. May God bless our family ...

I really like the way you summerized everything "When families are formed according to the will of God, they are strong, healthy and cheerful; and make possible the human and spiritual growth of its members contributing to the renewal of the whole society and of the Church itself, for the glory of God"

Thanks you dear brother @bigssam... good comenting.

Thanks for this wonderful post.
Family is really God's program to make this world a better place. When a family is built on the rock which is Jesus Christ,rooted on the word of God and in true obedience to God. we will have a good home,peaceful societies and church of God

"Let's go to the Word of God that will give us the certainty of what we are looking for, and making a similarity in the order of a family and the order of a church"
Jesus Christ is the word. A study of his life is studying the word

A great family is a family that has invited Jesus to take charge of their home and are dedicated to knowing him more.

God made the first family who is the Adam and eve family in the beginning if creation he gave the authority to look over every sort if creation ,created by him.
The father us deemed with the responsibility as the head of the family who supersede over everything in his family about his wife and his children . he proves food , shelter and otherwise for his children and wife .
Women are given the responsibility to assist the husband and take good care of the children .
Mother's should speak well of their children.
Bless your childreen never course them.
A good chrustain family should always live on Christ. And always take part in the body of Christ

The family that prays together, stays together. Let the spirit of oneness rule and all these can be foundin christ Jesus, the solid Rock.

Great post.
In a healthy family there is a disposition to leave one's borders to be in solidarity with others, establishing a give and take that makes everyone grow. In Christ
we are new creatures, therefore, we are in a new way of living.
The word of God marks us the order that must prevail and renew
our social, cultural, political or family traditions
inherited from our parents.God original plan for us was to take dominion and multiply but devil led us away,thats why he sent Jesus to die for us.A family strengthened in the principles and faith of the creator; there is no more to multiply and proliferate creatures with empty hearts, full of resentment and with deep contempt towards themselves and others.
Great post!!!

Thanks you @ellybraimah. Good comment.

The Bible shows us the story of a restoration. Broken communication
with God for sin, the family came to be the place where that
break in a tragic way: Cain killed his brother Abel and the pain came from
hit in the bosom of the first family. From that moment
we need the grace of God to return to the initial harmony, to the
communion with God and with our neighbor in the family.
I speak to born-again Christians in the first place. In Christ we return
God's original plan, and with it the family regains stability and its
welfare foundation. A new way of living begins according to
parameters of the revealed word of God in the Scriptures. In Christ
we are new creatures, therefore, we are in a new way of living.
The word of God marks us the order that must prevail and renew
our social, cultural, political or family traditions
inherited from our parents.


Thank you dear @steemchurch, we are a family with values ​​and principles to change society.

We have friction, but above all things, we must seek to live together and in harmony, because the family is what sustains us, makes us grow and live fully. The Word shows us different cases of families. One very important is that of Noah, who was an example of a positive leader for his people.

Thank you Apostle @darlenys .. Very wise what you say.

Putting God first. Learning to live together and love each other is the best way to keep a healthy family.

bendiciones muy bueno saludos desde venezuela

Saludos hermano, mi venezuela querida! Dios la bendiga.

Great post! Attacking the family and the church of God is two of satan's favorite activities; may he not prevail by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God Bless You for such an important post topic.

Amen. Thank you for always commenting and adding words of wisdom. Blessings

Amen of your good articles @emiliocabrera. Excellent theme to start the week.

When God received a Noah and his family, an order similar to that given to Adam and Eve was made. For the creator told them: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the hearts". (Genesis 9: 1) Now, as you rightly say, it was for the plan of God to be gestated and consolidated with the family. A family strengthened in the principles and faith of the creator; there is no more to multiply and proliferate creatures with empty hearts, full of resentment and with deep contempt towards themselves and others. Achieving that longed-for work of God's generation is possible, it depends on many factors, among them that each one takes spiritual consciousness of his being and flowers the love that by birth is found in our hearts. Human beings are good by nature...

Blessings to the family and all your consequent readers and followers.

emiliocabrera.pngModified by @ulisesfl17

Great comment
You are a determined author.Nice image

Amen of your comment. Thank you for being a supporter of this excellent publication

Thanks for the addition and the good comment @ulisesfl17, the family is the fundamental basis of society. God wants families to be consolidated in love that is the perfect link.

Nice image!! Thanks you!