STEEMCHURCH: Christians light.

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

"I know your works; I know you are neither cold nor hot ... "(Revelation 3:15)


I have a good one very well known from school times. He, like me, is a Christian (we assist different congregations). The funny thing is that every time we meet is on the street many years ago. When we met, we did not talk about anything other than God. One day, in one of our many "street" encounters, we began to talk about religious fanaticism. We both agreed on several points. But in a part of the talk, he said: "Well, it seems that being fanatics is not good, but what if next time we talk about Christians" light "...? Unfortunately we did not have the fortune to meet again to continue the talk, but despite that, I reflected a lot about it.

A "light" Christian has to do with the fact that a person considers or calls himself a Christian but lives half-heartedly or does not live at all according to the Gospel of Jesus. Then he is a hesitant person, who wants to follow the teachings superficially. And there are different ways of being superficial in our behavior as Christians, for example when we consider that God is like a bottle genius, who is to fulfill our desires. Then we pray asking for this and that and we forget to thank, intercede or praise.

We are superficial as Christians when we talk a lot and do little for the Lord. Because the true worker is the one who works, the one who puts his hands to work. "Do not be wise in your own opinion" (Proverbs 3: 7) exhorts us one of the proverbs of the sacred scriptures. Because we can believe that we know everything, but who contributes with facts and effort is the one who really knows more about the work of God.

We can fall into self-deception to be Christians when we simply act against what we have been taught. This is perhaps the most delicate point on this subject. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus reveals to us "By their fruits you will know them ..." (Matthew 7:16). If we are true Christians, we are good trees, therefore our fruits are good too. In turn, a good tree has deep roots, not shallow, therefore the wind could not knock it down, then it grows stronger and becomes very big. Are we this, yes or no?

Selfishness is also the result of superficiality. There is nothing more light than calling oneself Christians, but not worrying about others. We say we love God but we neglect our neighbor. What's more, we hurt him. Where is our true feeling as children of God? In John (4:20) we read: "If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For whoever does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? "

We are also superficial if we accommodate the word of God to worldly customs. We say love God but at the same time we are thinking about how to have fun on Friday night. We say we are sanctified but we allow ourselves to listen, to read, to see things harmful to our soul ... If this happens to us then we are being living in superficiality.

Searching for God is the beginning of our calling, but then continues to find it. And when there is, He asks us to consecrate completely to his teaching, without excuses, without surrender, from the heart and deeply. This is how it should be.

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let's try to look for God with all our heart, and our being, being sincere, and giving everything for Him
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Ironically, my devotional today was this Scripture. It's true that we might could consider ourselves 'light' Christians at one time or another. We are neither hot nor cold-lukewarm. Ever drink lukewarm water? It's not very pleasant. That's why Jesus states that He is about to spit them out. As we examine ourselves, does this convict anyone? I hope so! Your post has given all of us food for thought. Conviction is the first step to fixing the lukewarmness any of us might have.

Being a Christ follower is a with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength thing. There is no room for Lukewarmness.
Que Dios te Bendiga