in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

What is a Pentecostal church? Are they all the same just by changing the denomination? Why has the Roman dome been so concerned with her? Is she better than the others? Why is it lately that brings the most people to the "Christian world"? Why are they so diverse and so divided? Why some have left their origins and are so different from its beginning? Would the Pentecostal church be the apostasy of the last times?

Pentecostal Church is one that [theoretically] is based on the Bible, has Christ as the center of their worship, and differs from other Protestants (evangelicals) in their way of believing in the Holy Spirit: She believes that all the gifts of the Holy Spirit they are still valid today. That means that she believes that the baptism in the Holy Spirit continues to be repeated today, such and such on the day of Pentecost (Acts chapter 2). Therefore, she is called Pentecostal. This "type of church" began to be born with great force in the early 1900s. Simultaneously in the USA and England. Today, unquestionably, the church that most evangelizes and grows in the world is the Pentecostal church and the others recognize that and most of its members say they are very happy inside of them.

Well, let it be said in passing that growth and happiness are NOT synonymous with salvation. For example: Islam is the religion that grows the most in the world; In the parable of the mustard seed as well as in that of the Leaven (Matthew 13: 31-), the Lord Jesus tells us that there is a growth that does not come from God, very rare in the eyes of God. And regarding "happiness", I can say that I already heard and read from many sorcerers, Satanists, occultists, etc. that they have now found happiness in their religions; that they feel very happy serving other gentlemen that is not Jesus Christ. The people of the world have many moments of joy even living in sin. And how do you explain it? It is explained as follows: Happiness is not the same as Salvation. You can feel very good within a sect that will take you to hell without you noticing.

Therefore, to say that the Pentecostal church is healthy and a work of God just because of its growth and because of the joy that its members say they feel, that is to resort to the poorest and most imbecile type of argument that has already been known. "By the fruits you will know", Jesus always tells us. We have to watch carefully the results of anyone's work, and not just their words, to have a clear position on whoever it is. Let us answer with sincerity and without anyone hearing: Have the Pentecostals done more evil or rather the Christian Era and the Kingdom of God? We weigh it in precise scales!

Here I do not offend the Pentecostals, well, I am one. I'm a Pentecostal NO like I was outside the fan (cheerleader) of a team. Maybe I'm not Pentecostal but I'm considered Pentecostal because of my way of believing in the Bible. (That, to say that I am, I say based on 1 Corinthians chapter 3).

But, the center of the confusion is that many do not know how to define the 3 types of Pentecostals that exist. Personally, I have divided them into 3, but at best, there is much more. But here in this article I divide them into 3 categories:

1- The Mystic Pentecostals;

2- Neo-Pentecostals;

3- The Moderate Pentecostals.

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