in steemchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

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LOVE not the world

We have to continually unload our love of the world to manifest the father's love to the world. This too is a continuous process because we are continually bombarded by the world's temptations, attractions, and distractions. Love not the world so God 's light in your life will shine bright and guide the lost back home. Too often we say we love God, but prove by our choices that we love ourselves or the world even more, set your priorities, and let them reflect Him as the first love and top priority in your life
Don't be surprised if God allows a little crisis situation to challenge you from time to time help you maintain a healthy level of dependence on Him. After all, He gave the children of Israel fresh ma a everyday ,but made sure it would spoil if kept for more than one day. The point behind this wilderness object lesson was that God did not want His people to ever be more than 24 hours away from proving His promises are true
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Unload Every weight

Unload your burdens and ensnaring weights upon Him. Share your crisis with the Almighty God for He is able to sustain and preserve you. If you don't learn to unload crisis situations and recurring problems on Him, your mind and heart will grow weary and you will soon stumble

Finally, keep this fact in mind :sometimes we have to unload and turn loose of something before God can give us something better and greater. The Bible says,
Romans 8:28 KJV
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

The first half of the verse comes easy, but need to pay equal attention to the second half and remember it is our calling, but His purpose

Are you ready and willing to unload? Don't be like some people who have such a tight claim on their problems that they wouldn't take a million dollars for them. Their conversations are peppered with possessive statements like, "my heart problem...... "And "my problems with my children..... "Why claim problems ??? All that whining only let's the devils know you are in his neighborhood
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Even Jesus had to unload the wight of the cross temporarily Simon carried the cross of Christ for a distance. If he couldn't reach the destination of his destiny without unloading, neither can you!
He unloaded in order to reload and finish the course. Don't let present pressures postpone future destiny. There is power in proper unloading

The 120 people who gathered together in the upper room on Acts chapter 1 had a lot of things to unload, and it seems that Jesus knew that.
He specifically said

Luke 24:49 KJV
And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

The Greek word translated as Tarry means to sit down, settle, and continue

What exactly did those people do in the upper room? They waited on the lord and they unloaded every preconceived notion of what they thought God was going to do. They put aside every offences that could separate them and destroy their unity.

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I agree we must show the world the love of the Father, become a light for the world!

Share your crisis with the Almighty God for He is able to sustain and preserve you.

Nice one, we should love God, and not the things of the world.
Because loving the things of the world, invites unnecessary damages to our lives.
The moment we depart from the presence of God, then things will start going back for us, and then the devil can have dominion over us, and you know what that means.
It will lead to carrying of unnecessary loads and been in bondage.
So we should unload every weight by following God our creator.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
The more we love God and take our heart off the things of this world with the understanding that there is nothing that we bring into this world and there is absolutely nothing we will leave this world with, the more lighter our burden becomes.

This is very true

This too is a continuous process because we are continually bombarded by the world's temptations, attractions, and distractions. Love not the world so God 's light in your life will shine bright and guide the lost back home.

Though the world may posed problems, obstacles but what we have to be clear is, we shouldn't let those problems let us down, we must clear them with the word of God.

Good one here.
The more we love God and take our heart off the things of this world with the understanding that there is nothing that we bring into this world and there is absolutely nothing we will leave this world with, the more lighter our burden becomes.

cute post ... I appreciate your publication for the teaching you give me! The love of God is for everyone!

Even Jesus had to unload the wight of the cross temporarily Simon carried the cross of Christ for a distance. If he couldn't reach the destination of his destiny without unloading, neither can you!
He unloaded in order to reload and finish the course. Don't let present pressures postpone future destiny. There is power in proper unloading

"Unload your burdens and ensnaring weights upon Him. Share your crisis with the Almighty God for He is able to sustain and preserve you"
He is the greatest weight lifter of all time. Cast all on him and he'll lift

Things may seems so hard and not going the way you planned it but always remember that thelird loves you as his child every time and always .
Give your self a real definition and what you want people to think if you.
It is our prayer for Christ to be with us in All we do and when will dwell in his presence .
death has brought us joy peace .
We should have the courage to glorify himin truth and in spirit , he is the living among the death .
He has risen .
He has conquered all our iniquities.
He is our perfect perfection and protector.
Give your life a good meaning so that people will think well for you

I agree we must show the world the love of the Father, become a light for the world!

To be fit and ready for christ coming, believers have to unload every weight that pulls us back from our ultimate destination. By doing we have to love God more than we love the world and unload any burden that hinder us from loving him fully

1 John 2:15-17

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. (Hebrews 12:1)

He unloaded in order to reload and finish the course. Don't let present pressures postpone future destiny. There is power in proper unloading

Hmmmmm deep revelation here

Thanks you for the post evadiva. Blessings

Even Jesus had to unload the wight of the cross temporarily Simon carried the cross of Christ for a distance. If he couldn't reach the destination of his destiny without unloading, neither can you!
He unloaded in order to reload and finish the course. Don't let present pressures postpone future destiny. There is power in proper unloading

God wants us to depend on Him every moment. When we trust the world we only get disappointment. Welcome the challenges that help us stay dependent on God. Blessings.

An endurance race is hard enough when you’re running light. But it’s far harder, and often impossible, if you’re trying to run while lugging around extra stuff. Competitive long-distance runners lay aside everything except what’s absolutely necessary.

For to love the world is to be an enemy of God.
May we unload all at his feet.

cute post ... I appreciate your publication for the teaching you give me! The love of God is for everyone!

God for He is able to sustain and preserve you.