One of the main things that we must understand, is that the heart and the mind are the same thing, because the bible says, and the peace of God, that surpasses all understanding will keep your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
Here we can see the difference that the word of God enters the heart and mind, although sometimes the thoughts also come from the heart.
Hebrew 4:12 For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than double-edged sword and penetrates to split the soul and the Spirit, the joints and the marrow and discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart. The mind is what allows us to reflect and understand the environment. In the mind, reason and logic are based. While the heart is the one that settles our emotions, which is the product of our way of thinking, that is, emotions come from thought and are stored in the heart, that is why the Bible says.
Roman 1:28 and since they did not approve of God, God gave them to an approved mind, to do things that are not convenient. It means that a reprobate mind is full of evil. The mind is full of everything but God, it is there that runs the risk of contaminating our heart and consequently our lifestyle.