STEEMCHURCH: The Garden of Eden.

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Blessed day my beloved family of @steemchurch, today I will talk about the creation of a beautiful garden. "Jehovah God planted a garden in Eden, on the east, and put there the man whom he had formed, and Jehovah God made every tree that is delicious to the eye, and good to eat, born of the earth." Genesis 2: 8-9



First, God made green grass to cover the earth. And he made all kinds of small plants, shrubs and trees. These things that grow make the Earth more beautiful. But they achieve more. Many also give us tasty meals.

God then caused the fish to swim in the water and the birds to fly in the sky. He made dogs, cats and horses; big and small animals.

In the end, God made a part of the Earth very special. He called it the Garden of Eden. It was perfect. Everything was nice. And God wanted the whole Earth to become this beautiful garden He had made. Genesis 1:11-25



All of God's creations demonstrate his love. For example, the sun gives us light and keeps us warm, otherwise everything would be cold and there would be no life on earth. God also created the rain although sometimes we do not like it because we can not go out to enjoy it, but the rain facilitates the growth of the flowers. That's why when we see beautiful flowers we should thank God. Because they also give us tasty fruits and vegetables. It was God who made the heavens, the earth and all living beings. He is the one who gives life. Nature is life therefore we must take care of it, and love it.

We have to thank God for all this and, especially, for giving us life. If we feel really grateful. We will listen to God and we will do what he tells us in the Bible. That way we can show him that we love the creator of all things.



God bless you all, until a next post.

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