STEEMCHURCH| How Do We Know The Bible Is True?

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Dear Brethren of @steemchurch, blessings to Pastor @sirknight  and all the parishioners of blockchain. I wish to share with you all a  very powerful but yet very controversial topic titled "How Do We Know The Bible is True? It sounds funny right, but i want you to sit back read through and see my own point of view.

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Now the Bible is the best-selling book of all time. A staggering 160 million  copies are printed every year, and it is estimated that worldwide there  are nearly 9 billion in print. The text of the Bible has been published  in about 400+ different languages, the New Testament portion in 1,400  languages, and the Gospel of Mark in about 2,000+ languages. And these figures  do not include the many digital versions of the Bible that millions of  people view online. Clearly this is a book that people are interested in—and their fascination only seems to keep growing.  

 The Bible is a book that makes big claims and promises. It says it is a message from God—a revelation of the kind mentioned previously, telling us of himself and his purposes for us. And it declares that it has enduring value and relevance, as explained in Isaiah 40:8: 

“The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.” 

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 It has been called an owner’s manual for people—a book written  through the inspiration of our Maker as a guide to help us live in a way  that honors him and that works out for our own good as well. Second  Timothy 3:16 explains, 

“All Scripture is ... useful to teach us what is  true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us  when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”

The problem  is that there are a number of other religious books also claiming to be  inspired by God. What sets the Bible apart, giving us confidence that  it really is what it claims to be—God’s revelation—and that it alone  best “corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right”?

Much could be said in answer to that question, but here’s a brief summary of some of the Bible’s unique attributes: 


Even though it was written over a span of  one-and-a-half millennia by more than forty authors, in several  different languages, and addressing hundreds of topics, it displays an  uncanny uniformity in its message. This degree of consistency is hard  enough to achieve within a single book by a lone author—but when you add  the complexity of multiple writers, from multiple countries, in  multiple languages, over multiple centuries, dealing with multiple  problems and situations, the Bible’s incredible cohesion and unified message are nothing short of astounding


 The Old Testament record of God’s  activity in the world and among his people has been substantiated over  and over by secular history and archaeological discoveries.

The  accounts in the Bible, and particularly those in the New Testament, are  based primarily on direct, eyewitness testimony. As the apostle John  wrote, 

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we  have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have  touched—this we proclaim” (1 John 1:1). 

Other parts were compiled by  writers who interacted with the actual eyewitnesses.This includes  careful and conscientious historians like Luke, who made a point of  explaining his research methodology at the beginning of his biography of  Jesus:

 “Many people have set out to write accounts about the events  that have been fulfilled among us. They used the eyewitness reports  circulating among us from the early disciples. Having carefully  investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write  a careful account . . . so you can be certain of the truth of  everything you were taught” (Luke 1:1-4).

In addition, the New  Testament is confirmed at various points by early Jewish, Greek, and  Roman historians, as well as second-generation disciples who affirmed  its accuracy both in terms of authorship and content. 

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The typical non-biblical ancient writing  has a very small number of surviving manuscript copies, and most of  those date to hundreds of years after the original document was written.A  good example is Caesar’s Gallic Wars, of which we have only ten  surviving manuscript copies, the earliest dating a full 1,000 years  after the original was written. 

Another is the writings of Tacitus, of  which we have a total of about twenty full or partial copies, with a  time gap between the original writings and the earliest copies of 1,100  years. Yet these historical works are still considered to be essentially  reliable.

That being the case, when you consider that for the New  Testament we have 5,700 manuscript or partial manuscript copies in  Greek alone (and about 20,000 more in other languages), and the earliest fragment goes back to within a few decades of the original writing, you begin to understand that there  is simply no comparison between it and other works of antiquity—and  that the Bible we read today is an accurate copy of the original  writings


Literally  thousands of details in the Bible, including references to specific  people, places, and events, have been proved accurate through modern  archaeological excavations and study.Sir William M.  Ramsay of Oxford University, one of the great archaeologists of the last  century, started out as a staunch skeptic, doubting many of the details  recorded in the New Testament. Specifically, he thought Luke was  foolish in his storytelling because he named so many specific names,  locations, and dates. These specifics would be easy to check out and  refute—assuming, as Ramsay did at the beginning, that they were not  actually true. 

But over his thirty years of study, research, and  excavation, Ramsay increasingly realized that Luke’s writings in both  the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts were accurate records
of the  events and details they reported. 

He later summarized his findings in  this way: “Luke is a historian of the first rank...This author should be  placed along with the very greatest of historians.” Also, renowned archaeologist Nelson Glueck, who was once featured on the cover of Time Magazine because of his extraordinary work, concluded, “No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a single biblical reference.” No  other “holy book” outside of the Bible has ever earned such  overwhelming support and affirmation—or given us so many reasons to be  confident in its integrity as we read


The  Bible gives powerful evidence that it was supernaturally inspired  through numerous detailed prophecies that were recorded earlier and then  fulfilled to the letter centuries later; through its record of miracles  done by a number of Old Testament prophets as well as New Testament  apostles—and especially by Jesus himself (including those performed in  the presence of skeptics and opponents who never disputed their  authenticity).

There is also its clear “ring of truth” that  countless readers have affirmed over the centuries. They report that as  they read the Bible, it speaks to the exact thing they’re going  through—making them feel like God is talking directly to them.It’s  an interesting observation, given that the Bible says in Hebrews 4:12,  

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the  sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint  and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” 

Also, Jesus  told us in John 10:27, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and  they follow me.” 


The truths written in the Bible, when  accepted and lived out by ordinary people, have impacted millions of  lives throughout the millennia—mine being one of them.In  addition, almost all major advances in Western civilization have come  about because people read, believed, and acted upon the Bible’s message.Its positive influence is unrivaled in human history.  

Great social movements such as the abolition of slavery, civil rights,  women’s rights, sanctity of life, care for the poor, and the rule of law  instead of dictatorial tyranny have been energized by those steeped in  biblical teaching. These are just a few of the countless reasons  we can trust the Bible's accuracy as a reliable source of wisdom and  truth for our lives today. 




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