in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Philippians 2:6-11,
6Who,being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
8And being found in fashion as a man,he humbled himself,and became obedient unto death,even the death of the cross.
9Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him,and given him a name which is above every name:
10That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,of things in heaven, and the things in earth,and things under the earth;
11And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,to the glory of God the Father. "*


Crisis is a time of danger,difficulty or confusion when problems must be solved or important decisions must be made.
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Jesus truly is the Son of God who came to die for our sins and took away all infirmities away so that we can be made whole in Him. After He died,He rose from the dead the third day and immediately was given a crown of glory which all authority and decree is made through His name.

The life of Jesus portrays everlasting joy,abundance, prosperity,blessings, riches and wealth. And whoever is not for Jesus are not meant to enjoy from these benefits attached to His name.

A person who is experiencing calamities,problems,challenges in his life and without knowing about Jesus,will only wastes his life roaming about looking for solutions where it is not there.

Satan will only add more sorrows to him and leave him to nurse it all his life. If you do not allow Jesus in,you can never get away from it because at that time,Satan is in charge.

Satan does not want good things for people,so he has a trick in suppressing people down and not allowing them to see the secrets and joy in Jesus.

He gives you joy for a while and later bring everlasting regrets,shame,pains and sorrow to you afterward.

People you see jumping from one problem to another is because they don't allow Jesus into their life to guide them through. They believe in instant solutions and they are given what could lose their life thereafter.

Luke 16:13,
No servant can serve two masters:for either he will hate the one, and love the other;or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Have you seen a bus driver having two conductors? No, because he wants to monitor the affairs of his money and also concentrate on him alone. That is how it is with Jesus. You cannot serve two masters,

One leg in and one leg out is not allowed with Jesus. It is called Lukewarmness. When you are in one hand with Jesus, and the other hand with Satan,your problems will only continue to persist because you can never find Jesus in that. You yourself will be diverted and occupied with the devil's work.

Luke 19:10,
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost

Who is this Son of man? It is Jesus,He has come seeking for the lost sheep,He has come to give them life abundantly in addition with the riches of this world through Him. But if only you allow Him find you and help you reshape back your life full of troubles and replaced with joy everlasting.

Luke 5:4-7,
4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon,Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
5 And Simon answering said unto him,Master,we have toiled all the night,and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
6 And when they had done this,they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.
7 And they beckoned unto their partners,which were in the other ship,that they should come and help them. And they came,and filled both the ships,so that they began to sink.

Here we can see that Jesus was seen going out for the sinners so He can call them into repentance and into an everlasting blessing from above.

After Simon saw the miracle that happened, he never dull himself but quickly followed Jesus because he knows he will benefit more than what he had seen.

When you allow Jesus finds you,and He entered into you,you will begin to experience the outpour of His power. He said in

John 14:12 that,
Verily,verily, I say unto you,He that believeth on me,the works that I do shall he do also;and greater works than these shall he do;because I go unto my Father.

Can you imagine healing the sick,raising the dead, giving sight to the blind,chasing out demons in a person like Jesus did, how happy would you be. It will be a great honour for that person in that city where he/she is. But there is a condition attached to it,

If you can only believe in Him,make Him your all in all,you will do even greater than what He has done while on earth. His promises are not by mouth only,He fulfills all His promise.

So when you have Christ in you,there is no trouble,calamity etc anywhere because Jesus has taken care of that for you.

You can't be calling Jesus by mouth and expects life turning around for you. Jesus knows His sheep likewise His sheep recognizes Him very well. If you think you can deceive Jesus by calling Him and they find you in another place contrary to God,you are only deceiving your very self.

John 14:6,
Jesus saith unto him,I am the way, the truth,and the life:no man cometh unto the Father,but by me.

You cannot go to the Father except you go through Jesus who is the only way to your breakthrough. He will be an intermediary between you and God,and would beg on your behalf for your way to be prosperous.

Are you in debt? Are you downcast? Are you frustrated by this life? Are you in a situation that you seems all hope is gone? You are missing it if your answer is still yes and couldn't find any solution to them. You have to go to the one who called himself the way,the truth and the life who is called JESUS to deliver and take you out of them.

Be in Christ so that you will not end up in crisis. Jesus is waiting for you. Remember the thief on His left hand asked for forgiveness at the last minute,but Jesus still forgives Him and said, Today,you will be with me in Paradise. and it was so, be in Christ for you to enjoy all His benefits of serving HIM.

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Good to hear from you golden, Thanks for sharing with Us!



Absolutely mate
Life without Christ is the type of life no one wants to imagine

Thanks for sharing mate

Warm regards


When we have Christ, we have it all. In Christ is our strength. No matter what we going through, hard times and all, we should always be at rest because we have HIM already.

I JOHN 5:4: “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”
A Christian major challenge in life is the world. This enemy called the world is the host to death, pain, sicknesses, diseas-es, deceit, divorce, killings, kid-nappings, sin and etc. For a Christian to triumph over the challenges posed by the world, he/she must abide in the Lord, for nobody is superior to the world than the Creator of the world. Abiding in Christ is conforming himself to His nature of right-eousness and holiness through His grace.

life without Christ is a life without hope or meaning,to over come trials and tribulation is difficult ,cos you don't have God.

A life without Christ is truly filled with crisis.

Jesus is the way,the truth and the LIFE.

Whomsoever that want to live Life without having or knowing He who is LIFE will definitely live outside life(filled with problems and crisis).

Our confidence s a Christian is that Christ is always there for us whenever we faced any form of challenges.

It is when we have He that is the way that we can be guided in the journey of life,but he that doesn't have the way will surely lost on the way of life

Without the redemption of Jesus mankind will never enjoy the grace of God, but because of his redemption, the grace of God is sufficient for us, as we all know the presence of Jesus guaranteed a life of love, peace and fulfilment as well. That's why we acknowledge the fact that without Jesus, our lives is in crises

It has been established that the world is the grand enemy of believers. So, for a believer to live in peace in this earthly life and make heaven at last, he/she must overcome the challenges of the world. And no one can overcome the world without having Christ who had conquered and own the world.

Life is hopelessly useless without Jesus and full of crisis without Christ. The love, joy, peace, happiness, comfort and serenity u are looking for can only be found in Jesus Christ. End that search today by making Jesus the Lord of your life-drop ur comment and I will show u how in case u don't know how to go about it. Remember there is nothing the devil will give you without asking for a ransom u can't pay!

It has been established that the world is the grand enemy of believers. So, for a believer to live in peace in this earthly life and make heaven at last, he/she must overcome the challenges of the world. And no one can overcome the world without having Christ who had conquered and own the world.

It is a great comfort to Christians, to know that Christ has overcome the world, that is, all things in the world, which may hinder the believer’s comfort. The privilege or power to be an overcomer only abides in those who are believers indeed. If you are a Christian you are conferred the privilege to be a soldier as long as you are a believer, and as far as you are a soldier you are a soldier as long as you are a believer, and as far as you are a soldier you are a conqueror.

But if a believer abuses the pri-vileges of the grace of God made available to him by continuing in iniquity and evil he will not have the moral justification to continue to parade himself as overcomer because he is certainly not one. If he dies in such condition he will head straight to hellfire and even in this world he will suffer crisis and devoid of any form of divine protection.

Life is hopelessly useless without Jesus and full of crisis without Christ. The love, joy, peace, happiness, comfort and serenity u are looking for can only be found in Jesus Christ. End that search today by making Jesus the Lord of your life

I really can't imagine a life without Christ. The society today has suffered a huge decay. Lots of things happening in the parties and proms, you'd think it's enjoyment. Deep down, nothing can really fill you if you have no Christ in you.

The best place to have total freedom,peace and satisfaction is through Christ.

Christ is the true vine and the only way to live life, anything outside Christ is filled with crises

This is a very wonderful message. Jesus truly is the Son of God who came to die for our sins and took away all infirmities away so that we can be made whole in Him. After He died,He rose from the dead the third day and immediately was given a crown of glory which all authority and decree is made through His name. The life of Jesus portrays everlasting joy,abundance, prosperity,blessings, riches and wealth. And whoever is not for Jesus are not meant to enjoy from these benefits attached to His name. person who is experiencing calamities,problems,challenges in his life and without knowing about Jesus,will only wastes his life roaming about looking for solutions where it is not there. You cannot go to the Father except you go through Jesus who is the only way to your breakthrough. He will be an intermediary between you and God,and would beg on your behalf for your way to be prosperous. So when you have Christ in you,there is no trouble,calamity etc anywhere because Jesus has taken care of that for you. thanks for sharing

There's no satisfaction in life without Christ. No matter your possession, you'll always feel empty.

The only person that can fill that void of emptiness is Christ. No Christ, no everlasting joy.

Life Without Christ is only Chaos,
John 15:4-5
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. [5] I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing..
Without Christ in your life is only chaos, Crisis and pain leads to Death.
As Christian we should indulge ourselves in Heavenly Things, not Worldly things.
Philippians 2:13 "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."
Nothing Good will come from the world..
Alway mediate day and night in him word.
Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
I urge christians not to give up on his word, because latter days will tell how much you depend on him!!
Thanks @goldenheart

There is total liberation and salvation in serving God and believing in Him. Crises becomes a thing of the past when we put all our hope in God. Thanks for sharing.

Only those who are privileged to have experienced Christ know what it's like to live in that assurance. I'm eternally grateful to be amongst the privileged

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment