in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Greetings to my friends and brothers in christ @sirknight, @steemchurch, @tikhub, and @sniffnscurry this publication is done with a lot of love and blessings to their lives .. !! I send you a big hug


Why does true love touch every heart? Why does the simple phrase "I love you" produce such joy in everyone?


Man gives several reasons, but the real reason is that every person who comes to earth is a spiritual son or daughter of God. Because all love emanates from God, we are born with the ability and desire to love and be loved. One of the strongest links we have with our premortal life has to do with how much our Father and Jesus loved us and how much we love them.


"Love of God", what did the Apostle John mean? Not the love that God feels for us, but the love that we feel for him. Surely, you remember the time when that love began to grow in your heart.

A man praying
A man symbolizing his dedication to God through baptism
By dedicating ourselves and being baptized we begin to live in a way that demonstrates love and obedience to Jehovah

Stop for a moment to think about those days. As he learned the truth about Jehovah and his purposes, his faith in him grew. He also came to understand that you - like everyone - had been born a sinner and that, for that reason, he was estranged from God; Even so, he offered her through Christ a wonderful opportunity: to live forever enjoying the perfection that Adam had lost (Matthew 20:28, Romans 5:12, 18). In addition, he understood the great sacrifice that Jehovah had made in sending his dearest Son to die for you. He was so touched by this demonstration of love that he could not help but feel love for Jehovah (1 John 4: 9, 10).


God's love fills the immensity of space; therefore, there is no shortage of love in the universe, only in our willingness to do whatever is necessary to feel it. In order to achieve this, Jesus explained that we must "[love] the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself "(Luke 10:27).

The more we obey God, the greater our desire to help others; the more we help others, the more we love God and so on. And conversely, the more we disobey God and the more selfish we are, the less love we will feel.

Trying to find lasting love without obeying God is like trying to quench thirst by drinking from an empty cup; the formalities are complied with, but the thirst is not removed. Similarly, trying to find love without helping others or sacrificing for them is like trying to live without eating; it goes against the laws of nature and it is impossible to achieve it. We can not pretend love; he must be part of us



I am very happy to know that my publications can read it calmly and pay close attention to what God really speaks. Again (I repeat) I want to thank you for your votes and good comments to:


God bless you all, friends ... Be a good instrument of God on this platform, greetings




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