The Covenant

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

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After the flood, Noah reared an altar and sacrificed unto the Lord of every clean beast and fowl. The Bible says God smelt a good savour, and in Genesis 8:21-22, He said in His heart:
...I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
The covenant is: what you sow is what sets the pace for what you will reap. God said, "The earth is barren today; but I am going to fill the earth again on the basis of this covenant." The flood had swept away everything, but God restored everything via this covenant.

Your sweat will never amount to surplus; it is your obedience to this covenant of seedtime and harvest that guarantees abundance. Can you imagine a farmer, who rather than plant seeds in the soil of his farm goes there and lifts his hands up to pray prevailing prayers, after which he goes home to announce to his wife, "We have the heaviest yam harvest coming this season!" What he has signed in for

is a heavy harvest of lack and want, because harvest of yams only answers to yam seeds sown in the ground.

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Note that the knowledge of scriptures is not what guarantees future, but its practice. Every testimony of abundance in scriptures is traceable to the practice of this law of seed time and harvest. Abraham took one son to the altar, and we all are covenant sons and daughters of Abraham today. God sent Jesus Christ to die so as to connect us to the blessings of Abraham. Jesus was made a curse for us that we might be connected to the Abrahamic blessings (Gal. 3:13-14).

Solomon took a thousand burnt sacrifices to the altar, and God said, "You have fulfilled the terms of the covenant, so you are entitled to the fullness of My blessings." With that, divine wealth multiplied in Solomon's life (l Kgs. 3:3-15). There is no testimony of supernatural abundance in scriptures that is not first preceded by a compliance with the terms of the covenant. No poor man can be excused from complying with the terms of the giving law, if he must prosper Everyone that must come out of poverty must first comply with the giving law. To help the widow of Zarephath out of lack and imminent death, she had to first give out of her last meal to Elijah. Even though she was a widow and was about to eat her last meal, but for her condition to change, the law had to first be obeyed, because every material blessing is provoked or preceded by a material seed.

The lack of knowledge is the reason many are poon There is no poor nation without rich people living in it, neither is there any poor village where there are no moneylenders. Therefore, you can live in a poor environment and be prosperous, if you know and do what it takes to prosper. The poverty of the nation where you live does not determine your destiny in that nation. Your knowledge of God and His ways, and your obedience to the covenant is what determines your lot there.

I want you to know also that the covenant will always prevail over the prevailing situations or circumstances around you. When God entered a covenant with Abraham in Genesis 12, Abraham did as he was commanded. But not long after, he was faced with a famine in the land. But the Bible records that in spite of the famine in the land, Abraham prevailed! Isaac and Jacob also prevailed against the famines they were confronted with, because they were walking in the covenant, No economic dearth or crisis can break the efficacy of the covenant! So enter into a covenant of prosperity with God today, and enjoy supernatural prosperity!

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