At the point when the Apostle Paul went to the immense and scholarly Grecian city of Corinth, he stated, "I decided not to know anything among you with the exception of Jesus Christ and Him killed" (1 Corinthians 2:2). At the point when Paul depicted what his message was, he stated, "We lecture Christ killed" (1 Corinthians 1:23).
To the general population of Corinth the proclaiming of the cross was absurdity, hogwash. Be that as it may, Paul stated, "The absurdity of God is more shrewd than men, and the shortcoming of God is more grounded than men" (1 Corinthians 1:25). In that awesome scholarly focus, the cross of Christ was a hindrance to the offspring of Israel, and to the Gentiles it was sheer folly.
This Gospel of Christ and Him killed is still silliness to millions who are dying everywhere throughout the world today. What a small number of individuals perceive that the response to all the world's issues can be found at the foot of the cross.
As we stand at the cross today and gaze on a confused and frustrated world, God asks the question, “Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe” (1 Corinthians 1:20-21, NIV).
"We lecture Christ executed." This is the point of convergence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a photo of blood spilling out of Christ's veins as He held tight the cross. The message of shed blood is disgusting to many, and they abandon such a shocking sight, feeling that their fragile sensibilities have been insulted. Numerous individuals will acknowledge Christ's character, however they dismiss His execution.
The general population of Corinth were heedless to Christ killed and what it implied. To them, His passing in this way was absurdity. The Greek word here is moria, which actually signifies "stupidity." Out of this Greek word comes the word idiot. This is the way the Corinthians assessed the torturous killing of Christ.
The possibility of a world being spared by Christ executed was without a doubt absurdity to the individuals who were glad and egotistic and who thought the wisdom of the world was vested in them. How extraordinary it is for those of us who, in straightforward confidence, know Christ executed. For us, the cross is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
It was my benefit to be the visitor of a secretary general at the United Nations in New York. He took me to the little room that has been assigned a "supplication room" at the United Nations building. I went into the semidarkness. There was something missing. Instantly I perceived that there was no cross in that room.
Here was religion without a cross … a declaration that the countries of the world are profoundly religious however have not yet gotten to the meaningful part where they will acknowledge Christ and Him executed. Accordingly, the general population of the world unearth aimlessly toward inevitable judgment and annihilation, not understanding that they are dismissing Christ and Him killed, which is the main seek after salvation.
When we take a gander at the cross, we see a few things:
To begin with, in the cross we see the clearest proof of the world's blame. At the cross of Christ, sin achieved its peak. Its most loathsome show occurred at Calvary. It was never darker nor more repulsive. We see the human heart revealed and its defilement completely uncovered. The Scripture shows that man's heart is frantically devilish.
Numerous individuals have said that men and ladies have enhanced during that time and that if Christ returned today, He would not be killed but rather would be given a fantastic and heavenly gathering.
Christ comes to us each day– as Bibles that we don't read, as houses of worship that we don't go to, as human need that we cruise by. I am persuaded that if Christ returned today, He would be killed more rapidly than He was 2,000 years back. Sin never moves forward.
In the judgment corridor of Pilate the cry was heard, "Kill Him! Kill Him!" The general population had seen His wonders. They had heard His charitable words. They had perceived how He mitigated enduring mankind. At that point why this riffraff cry? Why this lethal soul?
The appropriate response is discovered somewhere down in the human heart. Human instinct has not changed, and as we stand and look at the cross, we see clear proof that humankind is fundamentally wrong, and we hear the booming decision of God Himself when He says, "All have trespassed and miss the mark concerning the grandness of God" (Romans 3:23).
Second, in the cross we see the most grounded verification of God's contempt of wrongdoing. God has expressed that the spirit that wrongdoings should kick the bucket (Ezekiel 18:20) and that the wages of transgression is demise (Romans 6:23).
To pick up an unmistakable comprehension of God's mentality toward transgression, we just need to think about the motivation behind Christ's passing. The Scripture says, "Without shedding of blood there is no reduction" (Hebrews 9:22). Here is a positive explanation that there can be no pardoning of transgression unless our obligation has been paid.
God won't endure sin. He denounces it and requests installment for it. God couldn't remain a noble God and trade off with wrongdoing. His sacredness and His equity request capital punishment.
The inclination today is to feel that such a situation on God's part is excessively extreme. So we wind up assembling another gospel. We may state that wrongdoing isn't that bad– yet God said it is terrible. So awful that He requests capital punishment. When we take a gander at the cross we perceive how radically God manages sin. The Scripture says, "For He made Him who knew no transgression to be sin for us" (2 Corinthians 5:21). On the off chance that God needed to send His exclusive Son to the cross keeping in mind the end goal to pay for transgression, at that point sin must be dim to be sure in seeing God.
Third, in the cross we see a heavenly show of God's adoration. We watch out upon the universe of nature, and in the arrangements and plans made for our satisfaction we find a disclosure of God's affection. However as superb as these things are in uncovering divine love, nothing is practically identical to the forfeit of Calvary. "For God so cherished the world that He gave His exclusive conceived Son, that whoever has faith in Him ought not die but rather have everlasting life" (John 3:16).
Paul keeps in touch with the Roman Christians, "For when we were still without quality, in due time Christ kicked the bucket for the wicked. For barely for a honorable man will one kick the bucket; yet maybe for a decent man somebody would even set out to bite the dust. In any case, God exhibits His own affection toward us, in that while we were still delinquents, Christ kicked the bucket for us" (Romans 5:6-8).
Fourth, in the cross we see the best approach to triumph. Every one of us have now and again been vanquished by Satan. We are held in subjugation to sin and are controlled by the power of the fallen angel. The cross is the instrument by which God conveys us from the punishment of our transgressions and from the hand of Satan.
God makes it plain that our licentious nature was managed at the cross, so that in our remaining in Christ this nature has no more power over us. We are informed that our "dad was killed with Him" (Romans 6:6) and that we don't have to serve sin any more. The Scripture guarantees that transgression might never again have territory over us (Romans 6:14).
A huge number of Christians grapple with enticement and sin. Satan utilizes desire, pride, prattle, greedy, sex and evil cravings to control us. Notwithstanding, in the cross there is power to conquer these allurements and sins. I have demonstrated on a thousand otherworldly battlegrounds in my own particular soul that God is more than capable through the cross of His Son to give us every day triumph, until the point when we can state with Paul, "I have been killed with Christ; it is never again I who live, yet Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the substance I live by confidence in the Son of God, who cherished me and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20).
The cross of Christ isn't just the premise of our tranquility and hope– yet it is the methods for our unceasing salvation. The objective of the cross isn't just a full and free absolve, however a changed life lived in cooperation with God. No big surprise Paul said 2,000 years prior, "We lecture Christ executed." The world needs this message today. This is the message of expectation, peace and fellowship. This is what the world calls "absurdity" however what God has been satisfied to call "wisdom." What do you call it?