The second look

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

You see your new experiences based on the context of your past experiences. It is your turn to rethink things in order to experience the reality of your new experiences. Everything you experience in your life requires a second look. The filter with which you look at your new experiences determines what you are experiencing; that's why a second look is needed.


If you want to have an immovable life, you have to learn to look at things a second time. Maybe what you are living is not reality; that things are one way, but your perception is wrong because of your past experiences. And if you can not see it any other way, no matter what happens, you can not have the victory that God has promised you. But, if you are able to look at things a second time, you will live confident, confident, and you will witness the greatness of God's power.

In 2 Kings 6, Elisha is in a big problem, surrounded by an army for trying to do something good, but that people took as something bad. The king of Israel had to protect Elisha and he did not, and now Elisha was surrounded. The servant of Elisha asks him: What shall we do?

"16 He said to him: Do not be afraid, because more are those who are with us than those who are with them. 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, I beseech thee, O Lord, that you open your eyes that I may see. Then Jehovah opened the eyes of the servant, and looked; and behold, the mountain was full of horsemen and chariots of fire around Elisha. 18 And when the Syrians had come down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, "Please, let this people be struck with blindness." And he smote them with blindness, according to the request of Elisha. "2 Kings 6: 16-18

Elisha asks for his servant to see, and for the army to be blinded. They are surrounded, the servant despairs, becomes anxious, and the prophet asks to open his eyes. That man needed to look a second time. When he looked now, he realized that there were more people who were with them, that the reality was different. Now the prophet asks that the enemy around him be blind, that they be confused, amazed. In this way, Elisha could lead that army to where he wanted to take them. Then the eyes were opened and those who were about to defeat Elisha, were now in the middle of a battle they were going to lose. Because God is an expert in reversing things. Those who believe they have an advantage over your life, will one day be astonished at what God will do with you because you have an advantage that they have not seen, and that is more are those who are with you. When they open their eyes they will realize that you had a bigger support than they had ever had.

Elisha led the enemy army before the king of Israel, who asked, are we killing them? And Elisha answers that those were not the king's slaves; if the king had fought with them, he would have had the right to kill them, but those were taken by Elisha, and he decided to feed them. There is a day when your enemies will be at your mercy, and you will have the option of using the sword, or giving them food. Give them to eat so they always remember, while they live, that you could do something else and you did not because the God you serve is bigger. Feed your enemy when you have him against the sword and the wall.

This man had the opportunity to end that army, but he gave him bread so that he would always remember that God was with them. When you have the opportunity to hurt your enemy, instead of drawing the sword, give him bread, because they will always remember what you could do and did not do, and they will think twice to attack you. They will have to recognize that the God you serve is bigger and that you have an advantage they never realized.

More are those who are with you than those who are in the world, and you must remain firm, in the midst of what the world wants to do against you.

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Wow! I kinda forgot about this story; and I love the principles you sprinkle here that we can learn from it. Thanks, @jenniferbrito!

In the world there is something called prejudice, which is one of the reasons that prevents us from seeing beyond and having a different vision of things.

Good publication

As a Christian when we have opportunity to attack our enemies we must not but instead of doing that we should help them because the God we serve is bigger