Uneven yokes and their consequences

in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)


It is not a whim of God who demands our children, that we take care to make alliances with those who are not. He knows our nature and vulnerability and the influence that results from the agreements. Let us learn to take authority over the circumstances and to discern the machinations that could be stalking, so subtly, that they are scarcely perceived, unless we are in harmony with the One who knows everything and who is willing to help those who want it. The Bible is full of examples of consequences that many children of God have had to face for disobeying him in this particular. Be these alerting us so that we do not fall into the same ... God does not change, and the devil does not either. The one who made Samson fall, Solomon and so many others, is the one that stalks you today. Apercíbete and take care and "if you lack wisdom, ask God, who gives abundantly and without reproach ... and it will be given." James 1: 5.


yoke. (From the Latin iugum).

  1. m. Instrument of wood to which, forming yoke, the mules are joined by the neck, or by the head or the neck, the oxen, and in which the spear or pole of the car, the rudder of the plow, etc., is held. unequal.

  2. adj. That is not the same

So before this we can say that Yugo Desigual is:

• The union of thoughts, people, life forms, beliefs, etc. that are not the same.

• The union of two people who do not share the same way of thinking.

• Unequal yoke: It refers both to the participation of Christians in idolatrous practices, as well as to joining very closely (in any kind of relationship) with unbelievers in a way that compromises their faith. This allusion is taken from Dt 22.10. A warning against marriage to an unbeliever is an obvious application of this advice.


Perhaps one of the most common unequal yokes is:

The Unequal Yoke in sentimental: Today many marriages end in failure and all for not having made a good decision. The Bible tells us not to unite in uneven Yugo since there is no comparison, but in terms of the sentimental there are several dependencies that can be attributed as "Unequal Yoke" such as: 1. That one of the two people Do not be a Christian 2. That one of the two people has longings for service and the other does not.

A Unequal Yoke in our friendships: If a friendship instead of blessing your life is affecting you, to the point that you are neglecting your relationship with God, then such friendship is a Unequal Yoke. When we talk about friends we do not only talk about non-Christian friends, but in our own churches and "friends" who discourage us instead of encouraging us. There are friendships that we know are alliances with the world and the Word of God is clear in saying that one who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God. With this we do not say that we can not have friendships that are not Christian, but rather not allow them to negatively influence our lives, but we are the ones who influence them to seek God.

A Uneven Yoke in Business: There are certain people who claim to be Christians and who make alliances in businesses that are not of God, causing the name of God to be abused.


  1. We must pray and maintain an intimate relationship with God so that he directs us in our daily life.

  2. If we have already fallen into an unequal yoke, try wisely to break that yoke, because otherwise the consequences can be painful.

  3. On the other hand if it is a difficult yoke to break (like a marriage) then we have to pray and submit ourselves completely to God so that he may order the yoke of marriage.

  4. And the most important way to avoid falling into an unequal yoke is: LIVE EVERY DAY NEXT TO JESUS ​​ALLOWING HE TO BE THE TOTAL LORD OF OUR LIFE.


Jesus invites us to take his yoke upon us and learn from him, that is to abandon our own will and submit ourselves to his will, in this way we will find rest for our soul (Matthew 11: 29, 30).

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The believers of today, we are also the chosen people of God and even more, we are adult children in the family of God. God is our heavenly Father. As such, the children of God also have clear commandments regarding unequal yoke with unbelievers. 2 Corinthians 6:14 says: "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers; because what fellowship does justice have with injustice? And what communion light with darkness? "

Disobeying this command and uniting in marriage with an unbeliever is equivalent to desecrating the word of God and is also equivalent to being disloyal to other believers. Unfair in that by uniting in unequal yoke with an unbeliever, a believer is weakening the body of Christ that is the church. Thank you for sharing.

Excellent topic @jeenifer brito, the word of God says it and there must always be something of equality to maintain good relations

This is an amazing post.

A Unequal Yoke in our friendships: If a friendship instead of blessing your life is affecting you, to the point that you are neglecting your relationship with God

At a point in our life we all have Unequal yoke but as a true believer we must keep praying to Break every York in our life

So true! God left us established routes to follow, so that we can live confidently when we adjust our lives to the principles he offers us.

In the case of any type of formation, there must be similarity of some common characters and projects

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The word of God advises us not to unite in an unequal yoke, because what communion can have light with darkness, because harmony is the indispensable requirement for every human relationship to prosper in harmony and respect which favor good health of relationships, but when they are replaced by tolerance and ambiguity the results can be less than favorable. Thanks for this topic @jeniferbrito. Blessings.