Steemchurch:Give It To Jesus For Use

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Hello steemians,it's another glorious day the Lord has made, am blessed to be a part of this noble work of advocating Jesus introduced by @sirknight.

Quotation : Luke 5:1-3

One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gannesaret, the people were crowding around Him and listening to the word of God. He saw two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then He sat down and taught the people from the boat.

Give it to me


One major problem of many Christians is that we don't acknowledge Jesus in everything we possess or have acquired being physical and spiritual,if that happens then we have lost the meaning of life, and relevance of things as #God made them to be and their bearing on our relationship with Him. This is a food for thought for us, who seek to worship God in truth and in spirit.
The truth is that, before God every thing is sacred, and every thing is spiritual, and therefore are important to Him. For all things have their source and relevance in God. That makes life meaningful and things relevant and useful in our relationship with and worship of God.

To God, eating is meaningful because it's worship to Him. Dressing is as sacred as it's secular, because it is worship to Him. Work is as sacred as it's secular, because it's worship to Him. So all that we have, do and use, from bathing, to sex, from rearing children to teaching them, from farming to clerical jobs, from chemistry to mathematics, from buying to selling, from cleaning our teeth to paying our bills, from going to toilet to giving money to people to help them, from singing to play football, from sleeping to waking up, from walking to driving, they are all spiritual, they are all sacred and are all relevant and meaningful, because they are all worship to God. And that makes our life meaningful and things we do or don't do relevant in our walk and relationship with God and with other human beings as Christians.


The Lord Jesus demonstrated this to us when He worked as a carpenter, and as a rabbi in Israel.

He even turned a fishing boat that was used in a secular work of fishing and a physical activity into a pulpit - which we consider as a sacred and spiritual work.


He turned and multiplied a few loaves of bread to feed multitudes of people to bring out the significance of things and their relevance to God. This understanding will help us in our lives as a parents ,Christians,and leaders,and we have to try our best to bring our churches and everyone we come into contact with to this understanding. To help you more to appreciate this, it is the sole reason #God will bring you to stand before His Judgment seat and will require accounts of your life. There is therefore the need to give all to Jesus for use. Don't use it for yourself and on yourself, thinking it's your life, your money, your car, your body, or whatever. Remember, life on earth is bigger than you, and the meaning and purpose of life far bigger than your small head can know and understand.

So as you go through the day and live life, give every thing to Jesus, for He alone can use it in a more meaningful and relevant way that worship and honour God.

May you from today come to understanding of life, and may you see things and life differently now. May life and things take on a new meaning and relevance for you.

And may the God of all purpose and all grace grand you His wisdom, discernment and grace to bless you and make your life a blessing in Jesus name. Amen

Shalom, life and grace to you

Moving people unto God's purposes
@johnsonkoranteng #teamghana

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Be blessed bro for blessing us with this powerful message

A well written one