2 Timothy 2:15 "seek diligently to introduce you to God approved, as a laborer who has nothing to be ashamed of, who uses the word of truth well."
What is a worker of Christ?
- 1 Someone who works in the Lord's work. Luke 12:37 "Blessed are those servants to whom their lord, when he comes, find himself veiling; Verily I say unto you that he restricted, and shall make them sit at the table, and come to serve them."In this passage the Lord encourages us to work for he calls us blessed.
2 Someone who fulfils his commandments. Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall never be removed from your mouth, but by day and night you will meditate on it, that you may keep and do according to all that is written in it; Because then you will prosper your way, and everything will be fine." in this verse the Lord entrusts one of his servants (Joshua) to keep the word.
3 Someone who is diligent Romans 12:11 "In what requires diligence, not lazy; Fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." here the Lord commands us to be diligent not lazy.
How should he be a laborer of God?
- 1 Pure: 1 Timothy 5:22 "Do not lightly impose your hands on any of them, or participate in other people's sins. Keep it pure." here the Lord commands us to keep ourselves pure.
2 without blemish: Ephesians 1:4 "As he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be saints and without blemish before him." We were chosen to be without blemish.
3 Holy : 1 Peter 1:15 "But, as he who called You is holy, be Ye saints also in all your way of life." here The Lord urges us to be saints as the one who called us.
4 Striving: Joshua 1:6 "Strive and be brave; For you will give this people up to inherit the land from which I swore to their fathers that I would grant it to them." in this passage the Lord exhorts us to strive.
What can a worker of Christ do?
1 Preach the word: 2 Timothy 4:2 "Preach the word; That you urge on time and out of time; Convicts, rebuke, exhort with all patience and doctrine." in this text the Lord commands us to preach.
2 Serve in Praise: 1 Chronicles 16:9 "Sing to him, sing him psalms; Speak of all his wonders." who sings to God speaks of his wonders and this is service.

- 3 Help the needy: Romans 12:20 "So, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; If thirsty, give him a drink; For by doing this, embers of fire heap upon his head. the Lord commands us to help the needy even our enemies.
4 Rewards of the good laborer of God.
5 The Lord makes his feet beautiful: Romans 10:15 "And how will they preach if they are not sent? As it is written:!! How beautiful are the feet of those who announce peace, of those who announce good news!" here tells us that beautiful are the feet of those who proclaim the gospel.
6 Inherit the Kingdom.
7 will be blessed: Luke 12:37 "Blessed are those servants to whom their lord, when he comes, find himself veiling; Verily I say unto you, restricted, and make them sit at the table, and come to serve them." here the Lord promises us that we shall be blessed (blissful).
Serves by teaching:
While not all believers have the gift of teaching, we must all teach to some degree, teaching comes from pointing, showing the signal, so it is necessary for each server to learn to guide others in Discipleship, a good server is not one that made much Services but the one who formed many servers, the impact of our work is not shown by the things we do but by those in which we influence. The Lord Jesus was master not only by the many teachings he gave, but by the way he reproduced himself in his disciples.
Now as far as teaching is concerned today we face a great challenge all those who communicate the word of God, we live in a modernized world that requires more than just a sermon, we need to bring our messages to a more updated language, today more That before are being reached characters of high level social, political, and educational, already so that they can be touched by the Lord we need to put ourselves at a high level but in the spiritual.
Serves by releasing:
**There is no doubt that today one the call to liberation is much stronger, the church as it progresses, and strengthens, it is doing it every day with more authority, the struggle to remove the devil control is more intense, we are called to liberate from the life of a Person to the territory of a city through spiritual warfare. In this verse Paul refers mainly to the unconverted because it is necessary to bring it to repentance and knowledge of the truth, which a believer already knows, one of the ways in which evangelism is giving results is through the battle to liberate The lives of the blindness they have, "In which the god of this century blinded the understanding of the disbelievers, that they should not shine the light of the Gospel of the Glory of Christ, which is the image of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4 " and only with meekness can we make people escape the snare of the devil in which they are captive.
What kind of followers of Christ are we?
Those who receive all teaching without questioning, without worrying about its content or perhaps those who only receive that portion of the scripture that favors them and discarded those parts that do not fit very well with their lifestyle or will be that we are those Courageous, those who are not conformed and are jealous of sound doctrine and truth.
The approved worker flees from the bad passions, and rather strives to follow justice, faith, love and peace, because what is it worth to a servant of the Lord to proclaim his name if his testimony is of injustice or intolerance? Or what good is it to live with the Bible under your arm as an amulet of what you call your faith, without noticing how much damage you do to your neighbor with your mouth, fighting and irritándose with those who cross your path? No, this is not the way of behavior of a son of God and we cannot deceive him, nor deceive us.
So let us always seek to come before the presence of the Lord with humility of heart, presenting our body as a living and pleasing sacrifice to him (Romans 12:1). If we have committed any sin, asking for forgiveness and requesting its cleanliness and restoration (1 John 1:9), to take new air and continue along the path drawn by distilling the soft fragrance of Christ in us, without there being anything we have to be ashamed of.
We are of the Christians who know who we serve and what we have been taught. That we scrutinize every verse of the word and cry out by the Lord's direction to receive a fresh revelation. We are the ones who want to discover the treasures hidden in the scriptures. We are of the children of God who love the word because we understand that there is life and health for our bones through it.
We are Christians who are not satisfied with just reading the word, we seek to live it and to be testimony to others.
Salt of the heap! His word is alive and effective!