The term grace or favour (Heb., Chen; gr. caris) can be defined as the undeserved favor, that which is granted without any merit on the part of the recipient.
is distinguished from justice and mercy. Justice is to receive what it deserves; Mercy is not to receive what you deserve. The word grace is generally used in Scripture to indicate the free and undeserved favor of God to men, particularly to his redeemed people.
Grace is the great gift provided by Christ and undeservedly appropriate for us. Saving grace rules out all human merit. It is due to God and given by him, because of who he is, and not who we are. (1p 5:10)
Bible studies and Christian preaching teach us that man was created in the image of God, in a state of purity, clean, spotless and in holiness because he had no sin; The man did not ask to be created, but God created him to close his masterpiece of creation to a golden brooch.

It is in verse 15 that it says: "The Lord God took the man he had formed, (whence he had formed him), and put him in the Garden of Eden to carve and keep him;" Note that Adam was put there when he was Adam , it was already created and the Lord took it and gave it the position of administrator of the orchard with the difficult task of naming everything.
This is precisely what we know as the fall of Man, verse 16-17: "And the Lord God commanded the man to say; From every tree in the orchard you can eat; Verse 17 But of the tree of the science of good and evil thou shalt not eat, for the day that thou shalt have of him shall die. This was the time of the Devil's first evil action to counteract God's will for man and to make sin from his beginnings to man. Look at these two verses a little, and ask yourself this question: Why did man fall into sin? The answer is simple, because he disobeyed the warning voice that God gave him.
The order was blunt, do not eat from that tree; Having 20000 species of trees and plants to eat until satiated; He had to go to give a taste to sin, that taste, cost him face because he caused the expulsion of the orchard that was his house; It cost him the separation of God and spiritual death; His relationship with his creator was torn that day. He lost the purity of his own creation, the one with which God had formed it and fell into sin thus transgressing the law of God.
I would like to invite you to take your Bible and read 1 of John 3:4 who says: "Whoever commits sin also infringes the law; For sin is a breach of the law. " For Adam it was not difficult to disobey, as well as disobeyed; Transgressed, and as he transgressed he also fell from the grace of God. From there, man is now born in sin, and this is called innate, adamic or hereditary sin because it comes from Adam.
The psalmist David said; Psalm 51:1-5 – Have mercy on my Oh god according to your mercy, according to the multitude of your piety; Erase my rebellions, wash more and more of my wickedness and wipe of my sin, for I recognize my revolts and my sin is always within me.
On the other hand there in Romans 3:23 the word of God says, "As we all sin, we are dismissed from the glory of God;" What happens is that when there is sin in us, this one moves us away from God by creating an impenetrable barrier between the divine and Human, between God and men, between the holy and the unclean. There is no means of union between God and sin in all creation, but if there is a way to cleanse themselves from sin, and that form is the grace of God.
Ephesians 2:8 says; "For by Grace Ye are saved by faith, this is not of you, for it is a gift of God;" not by works so that no one will boast thinking that because he does, did or will do a good deed, he already has the right or deserves to be saved. Salvation is for man, unique and exclusive mind by the infinite grace of God, there is no other reason to justify the salvation of the human being, more than the grace of God. If it had not been for his grace we would live dead in our crimes and sins.
The value of His grace:
As all Christians know, man cannot buy salvation, but he can get it because God is good only by his grace, for the salvation of sinful man will give God Power Glory honor and praise and honor . That he and only he deserves.
The gift of salvation by grace comes to us from God who loves us and by His Grace forgives us, cleanses us, purifies us, justifies, regenerates, and saves us. Thank you be given to God.
1 John 3; 3 says: And whosoever has this hope in him, is purified as he is also clean. The purity of it gives it to us at the moment of justification. Romans 5:1 says: Justified therefore by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
And why through him? For there is no salvation in any other because there is no other name under heaven in which we can be saved.
The grace of God for us is free. Romans 3:24 says, "being justified freely by his grace for the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Have we paid any money for our salvation? No, for the whole act of cleaning our hearts has been freed by the immeasurable grace of God and his immense love for man, who made him come to die on that tree for us.
The Parable of the Prodigal Son is a great example of the grace of God, and is worthy of reflection. The son is gone, he took the money and wasted it, time after when he had nothing, repented, came to his father and said: Father I have sinned against heaven and against you, I am no longer worthy to call your son, but if you have grace for me , make me one of your day laborers. Forgiveness; For that son who returned repentant; God also forgives us when we come to him repentant.
Grace; the father did not make any claim or reproach to his son for the money badly spent and allowed him to enter again the family bosom. Nor does God claim us when we sin, he warns us of danger, but he forgives us.
Party; Kill the fattest calf and put in it the best dress because this my lost son was and has been found; There is also a feast in heaven when a sinner repents. And this is what symbolizes the grace of God to us, grace that sends us through his Son Jesus Christ who voluntarily surrendered to redeem our sins.
The man: What is man? Dust nothing else, but grace is the means that God uses to give value to man. Ephesians 1:6 says, "for the praise of the glory of His grace with which he made us accepted in the beloved;" This is valued by making us like pearls of great price.

10 aspects of the grace of God:
One: The grace of God is great: acts 4:33. The grace of God was reflected in the Apostles who served him with great joy and grace.
Two: The Grace of God is sovereign. Romans 5:21. If sin reigned in us for death, Grace now reigns in us for eternal life, we have no more reason to sin again because we no longer live by sin but by grace.
Three: The grace of God is rich. Ephesians 1:7 and 2:7. God made us accept in the beloved and gave us redemption for his blood and remission of sins for the riches of His grace, to show in the coming centuries the abundant riches of his grace.
Four: The grace of God is imminent; 2 Corinthians 9:14. We have the ineffable gift of God's eminence acting in our favor when by His grace and love we have been saved.
Five: The grace of God is varied; 1 Peter 4:10. There are a variety of ways in which God manifests himself in us.
Six: The grace of God is sufficient; 2 Corinthians 12:9. Paul went through difficult times of suffering, and perhaps also from pain with a sickness, to which he called a sting. What was the disease? We do not know for sure, but what we certainly say is that the grace of God was with him in his distress. God's answer was, "Bástate my Grace" because with her you don't need anything else. I want you to realize that in your weaknesses is where I perfect myself, and in your weak I make you strong.
Seven: The grace of God is abundant; Romans 5:20 and 5:15. The grace of God abounds in us and when we come out of sin and came to him, the grace of God is greater, if bliss is great, greater is his grace if more are the greater sorrows is his peace.
Eight: The grace of God is true; 1 Peter 5:12. The grace of God is not a mythology or a Chinese tale, it is not an ideology nor an invention of the religions, The grace of God is true, is there present at the disposition of the one who wishes to have only demándela of God and he will give it to him.
Nine: The grace of God is glorious; Ephesians 1:6. He has washed us for praise and his glory. Love)
Ten: The grace of God is not vain. 1 Corinthians 15:10. The grace of God is that which builds our spiritual future and we are no longer ourselves but are new people, full of the grace of God. Paul said, for me living is Christ, and dying is gain because I no longer live, more Christ lives in me, what I now live in the flesh, I live in the glorious faith of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Let's learn to depend on God's grace to any adversity in life, the grace of God will suffice.
Dear reader Friend; If you want the grace of God to reach you and cleanse you of all your sins and want to give your life to him, now is the time. If you can, close your eyes and say:
Lord I know that I have been a sinner, but I also know that your grace is enough to rescue me, now I ask forgiveness, take my life and make me a new man just for your grace for me I ask in the name of Christ Jesus, amen.