Functioning In Humility

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 


Text :Proverb 22:4

4 By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour. and life.

It definitely pays to be humble. Riches, honour and longevity of life are the crowning glory of a humble person.

As a Child of God, humility is one of the virtues imparted to our spirit by God's indwelling Spirit, however, it behoves on us to live it out. Humility is a virtue you must never fall short of in attitude as a child of God, because it is a vital principle of success.

It is very important for us to have a perfect knowledge of this priceless virtue of greatness. Humility is not humiliation as most people think. Humility before God is beyond the outward display of false meekness; it is simply the total submission to the will and purpose of God, which in turn affects our relationship with men. When you are humble, it means you see things from the perspective of God and you will definitely treat people with honour because God values people.

Humility as a virtue can only be defined by God. You cannot actually tell a person who is humble from the outward appearance because humility is of the heart. In other words, humility is God's testimony; it is a witness that only God can bear.

Sometimes people think you must bow to them before they can describe you as humble, but that is certainly far from the truth. Otherwise, how would you describe the case of the three Hebrew boys-Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who refused to bow before King Nebuchadnezzar's golden image? They spoke to the King of Babylon without being apologetic.

Text :Daniel 3:16-18

16 Shadrack,Meshach,and Abednego, answered and said to the king,0 Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, 0 King.18 But lf not, be it known unto you thee, 0 King, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou art set up.

Before King Nebuchadnezzar these boys were nothing but proud-arrogant fools, but the truth of the matter is that Nebuchadnezzar was the Proud-arrogant fool, who taught he could be god by making gods for others to serve. True humility is submission to God, and because these three Hebrew boys were humble, they submitted themselves to God and resisted succumbing to the pressure of the King. Submission to God's will is the true test of a humble heart.

"You cannot really tell a person who is humble from the outward appearance because humility is of the heart."

Humility, apart from being measured by total submission to God's will, it is also the attitude of esteeming others in honour better than yourself in regards to God's will. God hates the attitude of putting yourself above others, because this kind of attitude will bring a man down irrespective of his position in life.

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The bible is replete with stories of people who met their doom as a result of this kind of attitude. This is not an assumption, it is a spiritual law. A proud man will certainly meet his fall, this is a principle that God has made to rule and function in the earth, it cannot be broken. Thanks for sharing.

Many individuals miss the point when they don't this mix finish. A few people do have the last two and disregard the first while others have the first and third and blend it with awful companions and make them living their lives in cycles. Yet, trust me that when you get this right, life turns out to be simple for you and you develop in each part of life. The Bible said we should figure out how to confer our ways unto God and He will coordinate our ways.

This is a wonderful message. As a Child of God, humility is one of the virtues imparted to our spirit by God's indwelling Spirit, however, it behoves on us to live it out. Humility is a virtue you must never fall short of in attitude as a child of God, because it is a vital principle of success. t is very important for us to have a perfect knowledge of this priceless virtue of greatness. Humility is not humiliation as most people think. Humility before God is beyond the outward display of false meekness; it is simply the total submission to the will and purpose of God, which in turn affects our relationship with men. When you are humble, it means you see things from the perspective of God and you will definitely treat people with honour because God values people. Thanks for sharing

This is a wonderful and great message. Good books , are the best combination for you to have the best life you can ask for. A lot of people get it wrong when they don't this combination complete. Some people do have the last two and forget about the first one while others have the 1st and 3rd and mix it with bad friends and make them living their lives in cycles. But believe me that when you get this right, life becomes very easy for you and you grow in every aspect of life. The Bible said we should learn to commit our ways unto God and He will direct our paths. This means that we got nothing to be afraid of when we have God with us. This is because nobody can ever be against us so long as God is backing us up. We are Gods children and His only desire is to see us come closer to Him and have a cordial relationship with Him. He never wants to be far from us and we should also consider to be closer to Him because He loves us and it is for our benefit he does whatever He does or makes whatever decision makes . Why don't we give Him the opportunity to take complete charge of our lives??. If you ask me, that's just about the best option we have. However not to be mistaken, good books are prerequisite for a well balanced and successful life. A lot of knowledge is hidden in books that we need to find out about. It only requires of us to sit our ass down and consume those books in the shelf. A lot of people have passed through the road we are currently passing through and they have documented them. You won't find them if you don't study the books. Search for books, build a library in your home and make it an habit to study books using the word of God as your starting point . Thanks for sharing

aamazing post brother God bless you

This means that we got nothing to be afraid of when we have God with us. This is because nobody can ever be against us so long as God is backing us up. We are Gods children and His only desire is to see us come closer to Him and have a cordial relationship with Him. He never wants to be far from us and we should also consider to be closer to Him because He loves us and it is for our benefit he does whatever He does or makes whatever decision makes .