The correct motivation in what you do

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Blessings to all the brothers of Steemchurch, there are always many reasons to feel the love of God in the Church. Sharing with love is the best way and our motivation should be to glorify God.

In the middle of the economic crisis that crosses my Country Venezuela, the faith in Jesus and the love between the brothers, has allowed us to live moments of great blessing. God provides.

But what is the motivation?

All work has the motivation to please God.

All your things be done with Love. I Corinthians 16:14.


I believe that this advice from Paul is important: for a good family atmosphere, testimony and credibility of the Christian who wants to assume responsibilities. Repair well, he says all the work and not just a job that we like.

I know people who when they are invited to do a job, initially, are always willing to make the commitment.

They showed the greatest interest. But when they become aware of the importance of the responsibility that awaits them, because they did not count, they give up. An example: accept Jesus as your Lord and then turn your back, because you were not able to deny yourself.

Let's not forget that, whatever the work or action, (to please God), become an act of worship, to the condition that when we do it, it reflects the love we dedicate to Jesus. This love can also be expressed: with colleagues, employers and in general with the people involved in this same context.

A woman, known for her acts of benevolence, Teresa of Calcutta, left this exemplary advice:

"It is not the work that is the most important thing, but the love and dedication that is invested through it."

I think it is undoubtedly a great truth. Therefore, friends, in everything that is done, there must be a motivation linked by a genuine love.

Another historian wrote:

"When love and talent meet, a great work manager can be expected from there."

All these illustrations can help us: in our daily behavior and attitudes. As Christians, let us have the zeal to enjoy the grace of God, giving in all good witness.

I leave a tip to the readers for this week: in a gesture of gratitude, pray, promising God to hear it and, if necessary, change your lifestyle: for love and to please.

Be when you get up, before leaving for your job. Whether at home, at school, in the field, at the office or elsewhere, tell God:

"Father, I want to adore you on this day, whatever the activity". I want to put into practice the gifts with which you have trained me.

No matter what I do, help me to do it with dedication, as if it were for the Lord.

Let us listen carefully to the advice of the Apostle:

Well, brothers, by the compassion of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, which is your rational worship. Romans 12: 1. Amen.


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It is amazing everything they do in that Church, a crisis no matter how difficult it was when there is unity in the Church, everything is going well. Thanks for sharing K.



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